Drugs and Chiildren

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Jun 17, 2001
what are al l your views on drugs and children today?

there are kids and young teens taking drugs today, some as young as 10. i find this disgusting and worng. surely there ios someway to stop this before it destroys many young, innocent minds.

i understand drugs don't screw everyone up but i firmly believe that noone should start taking them until they are mature enough (18 i spose). how has this probelm eventuated? and how can it be fixed?

this truly is a problem. ask most young teens today and chances are they would have tried some sort of drug.

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Trust me - I won't use it. When it comes to something such as cocaine, I can handle the peer pressure (due to my brother being associated with it at one stage) although she respects me for not using it.

How does she afford it? Well the first time she tried it, she got it for free so she thought why not. I think she is going to do it for the second time - at a cost of $50. I will try my hardest to get her out of this, you can guarantee.

P.S Not that it makes a single difference, but she's 15 ;).
Originally posted by Richmondfan#1
Trust me - I won't use it. When it comes to something such as cocaine, I can handle the peer pressure (due to my brother being associated with it at one stage) although she respects me for not using it.

How does she afford it? Well the first time she tried it, she got it for free so she thought why not. I think she is going to do it for the second time - at a cost of $50. I will try my hardest to get her out of this, you can guarantee.

P.S Not that it makes a single difference, but she's 15 ;).

OK sorry 15 still a real worry that is what worries me at $50 a pop if she gets into it how will she pay for it the worry is that she will do what a lot of girls that get addicted to it do & sell herself or steal for the money try to explain to her that is the only way she will be able to afford it when she gets addicted.
Originally posted by redback

OK sorry 15 still a real worry that is what worries me at $50 a pop if she gets into it how will she pay for it the worry is that she will do what a lot of girls that get addicted to it do & sell herself or steal for the money try to explain to her that is the only way she will be able to afford it when she gets addicted.

Sorry the delay in replying, I've been down south with the friend we're talking about actually. I have a feeling everything is ok with this friend. She has expressed no need for more use of this drug, just her cigarette's. I will be watching her closely of course but I think it should be ok. She hasn't use the drug since.
Pot in my opinion should be legal as ultimately its not as bad as alcohol.
Estacy when its a decent batch is PRETTY safe, I know allot of people that use it and enjoy it imensely.

Speed again like Estacy if you have some idea where it comes from can be normally fine if you know how to use it.

Heroin bad bad bad stuff

Trips in my opinion worse than herion as you loose control of yourself see things, very frightening and I would say this and Herion should NEVER be tried.

Note: I dont recommend drugs and I havent used all of these drugs. I am just saying that from someone that knows people that uses some of these, if you really want to experiement try the safer ones avoid the bad ones.
The people that get the most ****ed up by drugs are the ones that are already ****ed up before drugs, I find.

Banning them hasn't worked. Legalizing them will probably make things worse. I can't see an easy solution - drugs have been a real problem since industrialization.....its just a part of life - all you can do personally is make sure that kids know whats happening.

Trainspotting makes a great drug education film.
Originally posted by Richmondfan#1
How does she afford it? Well the first time she tried it, she got it for free so she thought why not. I think she is going to do it for the second time - at a cost of $50.

$50 is dirt cheap for Cocaine...altho i guess it depends on the amount. Even so...she should make sure she actually knows what it is before doing it because $50 for C just doesnt sound right.

redback: it is possible to take drugs without becoming addicted.
Originally posted by Macca19

$50 is dirt cheap for Cocaine...altho i guess it depends on the amount. Even so...she should make sure she actually knows what it is before doing it because $50 for C just doesnt sound right.

redback: it is possible to take drugs without becoming addicted.

Im thinking her friend was buying wizz....

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Originally posted by sabre_ac

Im thinking her friend was buying wizz....

i reckon your right.

Cocaine generally costs $200+
depends what type of drug it is. i have a smoke every now and then (not for about 7 or 8 months now though) and i first had one when i was 16. never done anything harder than that and dont plan on it although i have a lot of friends who do e's, coke, speed, acid etc,.

btw, i agree with Sabre re: sandie putting words into sabre's mouth. That was a pretty ordinary attempt to persuade an argument one way sandie.
Originally posted by hourn
depends what type of drug it is. i have a smoke every now and then (not for about 7 or 8 months now though) and i first had one when i was 16. never done anything harder than that and dont plan on it although i have a lot of friends who do e's, coke, speed, acid etc,.

btw, i agree with Sabre re: mantis putting words into sabre's mouth. That was a pretty ordinary attempt to persuade an argument one way mantis.

Really, he knows enough to call it Wizz, he wouldn't know that unless he was involved with drugs.

I bet he thinks it is OK to take recreational drugs.
Originally posted by sabre_ac
Pot in my opinion should be legal as ultimately its not as bad as alcohol.
Estacy when its a decent batch is PRETTY safe, I know allot of people that use it and enjoy it imensely.

Speed again like Estacy if you have some idea where it comes from can be normally fine if you know how to use it.

Gee this sounds like someone saying taking drugs is OK.
Originally posted by sabre_ac
Pot in my opinion should be legal as ultimately its not as bad as alcohol.
Riiight.. try living with someone who has it morning, noon and night.
Estacy when its a decent batch is PRETTY safe, I know allot of people that use it and enjoy it imensely.
NO drug is safe, shame taking ecstacy buggers up the neurons in your brain, I guess having your brain rewired is "pretty safe" :rolleyes:. Of course people enjoy it immensely, who would take it if it made them feel like crap? It looks like great fun. It's the after effects and permanent brain damage that are a hassle.
Speed again like Estacy if you have some idea where it comes from can be normally fine if you know how to use it.
OK Dr. Sabre, what is the prescribe safe dosage of methamphetamine and MDMA? Agreed with the fact that you don't know where it comes from, it's the main reason I haven't sampled either, not touching something that might've come out of some bikies shed. Ending up with Special K instead of Eccy wouldn't be too trippy IMO.
Heroin bad bad bad stuff
Trips in my opinion worse than herion as you loose control of yourself see things, very frightening
I'd say you'd feel very loose indeed.
and I would say this and Herion should NEVER be tried.
Thanks for the advice.
Note: I dont recommend drugs and I havent used all of these drugs.
Shame you don't use them all, at least you'd have an excuse.
I am just saying that from someone that knows people that uses some of these, if you really want to experiement try the safer ones avoid the bad ones.
Again, thanks for the advice, dad.
Originally posted by mantis

Really, he knows enough to call it Wizz, he wouldn't know that unless he was involved with drugs.

You dont have to be 'involved with drugs' to know that wizz is just a slang word for speed. Same reason you dont have to be 'involved with drugs' to know what Pot or Dope is.


back on topic. Even the thoguht of 10 year olds doing recreational drugs is quite disturbing.

I dont recommend that people try any recreational drug. Its a personal choice and one they should take a while to think about. If youre gonna do it, then do it properly.
Research the drug as much as possible - what it does to you, how it effects your mind and body, the after effects, the possible dangers involved etc etc.
There are ways to test some drugs (like pill testers) which tell you what is in it so if you get a K bomb you can get rid of it.
Make sure you obtain it from a reliable source (ie. dont just go ask around in a club because its highly possible of getting something dodgy).
Make sure you do it around friends, or people you know that have also tried it, so if something may go wrong then they know what to do (which is the main reason why Anna Wood died).
Altho no drug is safe, and each one carries a risk, there are ways to minimise the harm involved by taking pre-loaders and/or post-loaders. Take it from a position of knowledge instead of just throwing yourself in the deep end and the harm will be lessened and the experience more enjoyable.
Originally posted by mantis

Really, he knows enough to call it Wizz, he wouldn't know that unless he was involved with drugs.

I bet he thinks it is OK to take recreational drugs.

ALL people my age know that Wizz is slang for speed just as you know that Pot is slang for marajuana.
So do you deal to children mantis?
Originally posted by Docker_Brat

Riiight.. try living with someone who has it morning, noon and night.

Thats an addiction thats not recreational use of drugs...

Originally posted by Docker_Brat

NO drug is safe, shame taking ecstacy buggers up the neurons in your brain, I guess having your brain rewired is "pretty safe" :rolleyes:. Of course people enjoy it immensely, who would take it if it made them feel like crap? It looks like great fun. It's the after effects and permanent brain damage that are a hassle.

No alcohol is safe
No cigarette is safe
No penecilen is safe
No pain killers are safe
Even cough medicine isnt safe
I say what is rather safe in comparison to the legal drugs and other drugs.
Ultimately you use them too much anything becomes unsafe

Once again for people like mantis looking to take a cheap shot...What I am saying applys to consenting adults.

Originally posted by Docker_Brat

OK Dr. Sabre, what is the prescribe safe dosage of methamphetamine and MDMA? Agreed with the fact that you don't know where it comes from, it's the main reason I haven't sampled either, not touching something that might've come out of some bikies shed. Ending up with Special K instead of Eccy wouldn't be too trippy IMO.

Your an adult so its your choice..

Originally posted by Docker_Brat

Again, thanks for the advice, dad.

Ask yourself what kind of internet site this is and what people do here...
Thing is Sabre, an addiction starts with the recreational use of drugs.

Kids and drugs are a terrible combination. It is one thing I am very worried about for my son.

Do you attempt to educate the child about drugs? Possibly, but it runs the risk of them thinking they know enough to know what they are doing with them.

Do you attempt to disuade them thru fear tactics? Or the simple 'no do don't do it'? Then run the risk that they will simply do that as part of a rebellion phase that alot of teenagers go thru.

I think once again I think it comes back to parenting. Know your child, know their friends, open communication, and always know where they are.

Active parenting is probably the best chance of keeping your kids safe from drugs.

I hope I have that sort of relationship with my child when he is teenager.

My son is about 9 and a half, close enough to the '10' mark for me to relate to stories of 10yo kids doing drugs, even just trying drugs. He is still just a kid, a young kid, how the hell does a kid that age end up in a situation where they have access to drugs?

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Drugs and Chiildren

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