Dustin Martin tells Richmunt to GAGF

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Dustin isn't even in the conversation for the GOAT.
Apart from 1 legit Normie and 2 monumental F*&^% ups by the fanboi panel he was just a very good footballer most weeks, and often he was below average.
He's the AFL version of Taylor Swift, her teenage fans think she's the greatest musician ever too.

I did a quick search and then ran a search engine over the results and Dustin isn't even mentioned once.

But if Xtreme BS says he's the goat who are we to argue?

dusty will be replaced by… tim taranto as the modern day GOAT by tuggers fans

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You can't find it because it doesn't exist.

There has in fact been talk about you potentially getting 2 first rounders from Suns for Rioli. A good deal if you get it mind you, but nothing to do with Dusty.
Why would I lie to you? I'm serious I saw it on a website article somewhere but I can't remember which one it was. Anyway I don't agree he's not worth two first rounders either, two second rounders maybe just maybe.
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Don't get too invested, TyreBoyz. Carltankers are still reeling from their embarrassing loss to GWS.

ronald mcdonald wink GIF

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