FTA-TV Dwayne Russell- open letter to foxtel

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thanks dmccc, emailed foxtel.

Despite making a point of avoiding Dwayne Russell's commentary now, ABC news just used foxtel's footage and audio for its summary of this weekends games. I heard something incredibly foolish from our man which I won't repeat.

I am a pretty calm person but something about Dwayne Russell's rubbish cuts me so deep and I just rage. If I'd ever been hit by Gamma radiation the Hulk would be rampaging through melbourne's southeastern suburbs right now.

Please foxtel. Mercy.

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I am always disappointed when I turn the footy on and realize that Dwayne Russel is the commentator. There is no doubt that whether he is on next year will influence my decision on whether I subscribe or not.
I too have problems with Dwaynes commentating but most people on here whining that tried to do what he does would be 100 times worst.

He played the game at the highest level and thats good enuff for me.
Would much prefer him than a few others Walls, Frawley, Shaw and Healy quickly come to mind. But hey i couldn't give a rats, im too focused
on the game too be put off too much.

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I too have problems with Dwaynes commentating but most people on here whining that tried to do what he does would be 100 times worst.

He played the game at the highest level and thats good enuff for me.

That's some airtight logic right there.

I mentioned in my opening post that I don't purport to be able to do his job any better, the difference is that it is not my field. When a shitty cardiologist stuffs up your open heart surgery, the fact that he's still a better cardiologist than yourself does not absolve him of anything or excuse incompetence.

I'm glad you're able to tolerate and even enjoy Russell's commentary. I wish I could.
Just emailed foxsports pleading with them to get him off the TV.

What hasn't been mentioned is his show The Winners. It's possibly more rage-incuding than listening to him commentate.
I too have problems with Dwaynes commentating but most people on here whining that tried to do what he does would be 100 times worst.

I dunno about anyone else here, but I have no aspirations to be a commentator. However, I do aspire to watch a game without having an egomaniac arseclown blabbering on like a tool and making it all about him.
Hi all,

I rarely post on bigfooty, but regularly read it. Although footy is my passion and bigfooty makes something I love even better by bringing me more lulz and stimulating and insightful commentary than mainstream media, I rarely feel the need to post. I assume there are others like me reading this. I say this to emphasise how I feel about this issue.

As I said above, I love footy. It is one of my few passions and brings me great joy. I'm not normally prone to expressing myself in such sentimental language, but those are the facts. I work a fairly stressful job and it is important to me to relax by watching footy. I've spent the last few years in remote parts of the Northern Territory, but when I am in Melbourne I go to most Melbourne Collingwood games, and as a MCC member often attend neutral games also. It is for this reason that I actually get really angry, and feel deeply aggrieved when someone interferes with that passion, or diminishes it in some way. It is not a small thing.

Delayed footy on TV is something that does this, which is why when next year's foxtel deal was announced involving live footy I was thrilled. I refuse to watch delayed footy and I know I'm not the only one. This would have cost those networks and their advertisers my attention but I assume they've done the calculations and decided it is still worth delaying footy and padding it with ads.

I have never had foxtel as besides footy I don't watch much TV and the cost wasn't worth it. This new deal would have gotten me over the line. I am 27 years old, work a relatively high paying job for my age and I have no children. I have a disposable income and I consider myself an advertiser's dream. I can easily afford a foxtel subscription but I won't subscribe to something that insults my intelligence or poisons something I love.

I'll admit to finding many commentators annoying or obnoxious in some way but this isn't about them. It's a difficult job in its own way to talk nonsense and not grate on people. I couldn't do it, which is why foxtel should not offer me a job on its commentary panel either.

I recently joined a new gym and have started watching lots of foxtel's footy coverage, usually games replayed from the previous round. I've watched a lot of Dwayne Russell's commentary and I cannot believe he's employed to do what it is he does.

Dwayne Russell ruins footy. His commentary adds nothing, and in fact it often confuses more than it clarifies. Whatever his job description is and the selection criterea was at the time he applied, surely he is failing on enough measures to be sacked or not have his contract renewed.

It's not enough to say "just switch off". I don't want to switch off- I just want to enjoy footy. I'm obviously not the only one who can't stand Russell - (http://bigfooty.com/forum/showthread.php?p=21951035#post21951035)

I don't often call for people to be sacked, but if my performance in my job was the equivalent to his, I would be sacked for negligence and I'd deserve it.

It brings me no pleasure to say it but I have decided that if Dwayne Russell is a prominent part of foxtel next year (or unless Foxtel adds some way to select different commentary options), I won't be subscribing. I know I'm not the only one. I could tolerate him as a boundary rider.

I will also not subscribe if Andrew Maher is a prominent part of Foxtel, although judging from reading bigfooty I might be in a minority on this. Dwayne Russell seems more universally disliked, and from a commercial perspective I can't see why foxtel would stick with him.

Thanks bigfooty! Go pies.
I sent my letter to foxtel in mid last year. No response beyond acknowledgement of receipt.

I had really really hoped that Dwayne Russell would be axed, but apparently competence isn't a requirement at foxtel.

I'm a man of my word. No fox footy for me.

I live in hope - Foxtel, the day you finally sack Dwayne Russell is the day I subscribe.
I can sympathise with the OP. Two or three years ago, I felt exactly the same way. Derwayne-O was ruining my football-watching experience. For my own sanity, I made a conscious effort to tune him out and just ignore his bullshit. I also did the same thing with the umpires. I decided I would not let them ruin my hobby. So I made a personal vow and adjusted my attitude towards them. My life has been better as a result.

I laugh at all the anti-Derwayne vitriol because I remember how irritated I used to get from listening to the prick. I laugh at the various catch-phrases that people make fun of, but I honestly couldn't tell you what those catchphrases of his are.

He is like a ghost in the corner of my living room. It appears as though he is here to stay and so I pay him no heed.

If Foxtel offered another footy channel without any commentary whatsoever, I would gladly take it.

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FTA-TV Dwayne Russell- open letter to foxtel

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