Eades contract!

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The Boy From Brasil

Norm Smith Medallist
Jul 28, 2007
Noosa, Brasil
AFL Club
Western Bulldogs
With Eade going into his last year of his contract, is it an automatic given that the club will re-sign him during the year?

If not, what does he or the team have to do for you to want him re-signed?

Personally, I think he is relatively safe on the back of last year and would expect the club to re-sign him if we are tracking well half way into the season. I do hope though that we get off to a reasonable start, because with the list of coaches coming out of contract this year, the media is going to put the blowtorch on coaches and clubs who start poorly.
if we finish bottom 4 which is unlkely there would be a big question mark
but look where he has taken us...along way
yer he will re-sign for 3 three years IMO

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Eade is an innovator, and top echelon "match day" coaches. Barring any unforseeable failure, I think he has the gig. Nobody would be more deserving to be our Premiership Coach. Sh*t, if he did that he can coach us for longer than Sheeds stayed at Esendon.

Eade is an innovator, and top echelon "match day" coaches. Barring any unforseeable failure, I think he has the gig. Nobody would be more deserving to be our Premiership Coach. Sh*t, if he did that he can coach us for longer than Sheeds stayed at Esendon.


If he does take another contract I think maybe a Rodney Eade to Leon Cameron transition must be considered in it.

Definitely not a John Howard to Peter Costello type one, nor a Bob Hawke to Paul Keating type one.
West Sydney job is still available if he was looking to move.

But why would you leave the Doggies. Finished Third last year, almost forced our way into the Grand Final, have a reasonably young and highly talented list. Facilities are brand new and world class. Fantasias role means he only has to coach now. No reason for him to leave bar financial reasons, which the doggies are starting to get under control.

After last years performance missing the eight and you would have to start asking questions, having said that if he is offered a new contract I believe it will be during year and not at the end of it. So that takes out the finals equation.

IMO he will resign for another 3 years.
IMO he will resign for another 3 years.

Eade has stated publicly he loves it here, and sees it as a long term role, so I don't think Eade will be looking elsewhere. How things have changed eh? We ARE actually an attractive package to potential coaches, for reasons other than out List!

We will re-sign him, I have no doubts!!

hooroo.....9 days until Lift Off!!!!
it's essential that they resign him for 2 or 3 more years. who's out there to replace hm? would that replacement be a better strategist or match day coach than rocket? if the answer's no (which i reckon it is) then you've gotta bring him back for a few more years.
If he does take another contract I think maybe a Rodney Eade to Leon Cameron transition must be considered in it.

Definitely not a John Howard to Peter Costello type one, nor a Bob Hawke to Paul Keating type one.

Thank god for that Acker...we'd end up with the wooden spoon we had to have !!!:D

The coaches are pushing for the June 30 cut off to sacking I think but I reckon we'll sign Eade without a doubt, unless we had an asbolute stinker, which I don't think will happen. Unless you are St Kilda, you don't sack coaches the year after you play off in a Prelim...bad luck Grant Thomas...Karma bites Bulldog haters !!!:D
Surely he doesn't deserve to get sacked regardless of how we go this season. Look at what he had when he first came here and now look at were he has brought us. In fact he may bring us sustained success with some of the younger blokes coming and pushing through the ranks.
Surely he doesn't deserve to get sacked regardless of how we go this season. Look at what he had when he first came here and now look at were he has brought us. In fact he may bring us sustained success with some of the younger blokes coming and pushing through the ranks.

As previously stated, I am an Eade fan. However, after the excitement and promise of 06, the dismal 07, back to excitement in 08, if, and thats a huge if imho, we fall down and miss finals with no reasonable excuse/reasons, like any coach, he will be under the pump. I think we will all know his future by R12.

As previously stated, I am an Eade fan. However, after the excitement and promise of 06, the dismal 07, back to excitement in 08, if, and thats a huge if imho, we fall down and miss finals with no reasonable excuse/reasons, like any coach, he will be under the pump. I think we will all know his future by R12.


I agree with what you say. I think most of us agree that if he makes the finals he is re signed but if he misses, he will be under major pressure. There is no doubt that the performance of the team this year will decide Eades future, otherwise they would have re signed him during the off season or late last year.

The practical dilemma I see, is that like you said, a decision would be made by the half way mark of the season(otherwise it becomes a media circus and it is an unwanted distraction). So, if we are 8-3 or 3-8 then the decision either way is clear cut. But what about if we are 5-6 at the half way mark of the year, what happens then? Wait until seasons end?
If he does take another contract I think maybe a Rodney Eade to Leon Cameron transition must be considered in it.

Definitely not a John Howard to Peter Costello type one, nor a Bob Hawke to Paul Keating type one.

Hey acker, weren't you opposed to succession planning when it came to the club presidency, if so, how is this situation any different? Why wouldn't we just appoint the best person available at the time should we part ways with Eade?

I'd be OK with another formal review at the end of the season irrespective of where we finish on the ladder. By that time it will be two years since we had the last one, and I think these things are healthy for football clubs and a great means of staving off complacency.

So, I'd prefer if we leave the decision on whether to re-sign him until then. If we finish fourth to eighth, with a few games in the finals where it was perceived Eade was outcoached then his position could be seriously looked at, but it would be highly unlikely for him to go.

If we finish out of the eight, and don't have any significant injury issues to mitigate that result then he could find himself in trouble.

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I can be sillier. Two years in a row we have had prolonged losing sequences leading up to finals, why did this happen twice; what caused this and what has been done to make sure that it doesnt happen again? flopped into top four on the back of a north melbourne melt-down after the start we had. If we dont win a final..time to move on.
We have to give him at least a 2 year contract so we get to see how he he uses J.Grant/Everitt. They are his draftee's and he should have the chance to see them blooded.

Actually that's just one of many reason I think we should extend his contract. I don't think it should be a 5 year contract though. That's way to long for any coach, especially on their second term.
One of the silliest things I have ever seen posted on this forum.

I know it sounds silly but it is exactly the same deal that was on the table last year.

They start well but finish poorly with big loosing runs at the end of the season. An honourable loss to Geelong is still a loss!

By extension, on the back of those loosing runs, if we start with a long loosing run then he is in trouble.

Say we lost the first three that would be one win from about ten games. Everyone reckons our list is super (at least most bigfooty members) so he must be the reason why we lose! Not that far fetched!

Just an opinion. Sorry to upset all the people that believe only long term members are entitled to one!
When do posters think that the decision should be made, mid season or end of season?

I also wonder whether the board has any clear cut targets that he has to achieve for him to receive a new contract, or if it is just a fait accompli that will occur during the season. I get the impression for Wallace that it is finals or bust for him, and that it is clear cut. Not sure if Eade is the same or if he has more credits in the bank because of our last season.
I get the impression for Wallace that it is finals or bust for him, and that it is clear cut. Not sure if Eade is the same or if he has more credits in the bank because of our last season.

Also things don't have to be so black and white. A team 'failing' doesn't have to be %100 on the leaders head. The leader doesn't always have to go down with the ship. If that was the case Pavlich would have been traded/sacked as Fremantle's captain, Eddie Maguire would have been booted from Collingwood for creating over a million dollar lose and Kevin Rudd's term as prime minister would already have been terminated. Just because the dogs have a down year doesn't mean Eade isn't the right man for the job. If it happens repeatedly (see Wallace at Richmond) then you have to reconsider.

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Eades contract!

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