Eastern Conference - 2011

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Nice pisstake ABH, pretty funny stuff!

What can I say boys but true, true, true.

Had a chat to Belconnen about assistant coach, but it was not they who refused it was me after they said that they would axe the coach half way thru 2012 and I could have the full time job!

I was not to keen on this but would consider it only if Bubba was my assistant.

Fortunately one of the two parties have morals.

As for Pav and the Tiger job, absolutely true again. Its common knowledge that Pav and I cant stand each other and being as influential as I am out Tigerland got him rissoled and then had him hired as the reserves coach.

The reason the club refused my 1st Grade application was because they would only take me on as coach if I played also. No matter how many times I told them I had retired they just would not budge!

I have already covered the Belco application and as for Narrandera they were offering less than I get for posting on Big Footy!

And as for that trap of mine I may need some help to close it if your available and the hatred for Belconnen, well they just make it way to easy!

Keep it coming boys!
What can I say boys but true, true, true.

Had a chat to Belconnen about assistant coach, but it was not they who refused it was me after they said that they would axe the coach half way thru 2012 and I could have the full time job!

I was not to keen on this but would consider it only if Bubba was my assistant.

Fortunately one of the two parties have morals.

As for Pav and the Tiger job, absolutely true again. Its common knowledge that Pav and I cant stand each other and being as influential as I am out Tigerland got him rissoled and then had him hired as the reserves coach.

The reason the club refused my 1st Grade application was because they would only take me on as coach if I played also. No matter how many times I told them I had retired they just would not budge!

I have already covered the Belco application and as for Narrandera they were offering less than I get for posting on Big Footy!

And as for that trap of mine I may need some help to close it if your available and the hatred for Belconnen, well they just make it way to easy!

Keep it coming boys!

You seem to have a bit of info from out there at belco. Don't expect you to give away sources but do they let you in their establishment out there to get this goss? Or can we assume you will soon be reporting on eastlake goings on now that they have named their assistants?
Not sure what you mean about either topic Goss, I don't have anything to do with the club other than commentate their matches.

Could you could be more specific.

So what is Klemke's direction Goss?

Considering the Tigers were out of the 4 last season one would think his aim is to be more competitive and make the 4. Doubt any past players would have concerns on that direction. All we/they would care about is the club being a success.

Interesting you say there are concerns over Klemke considering the club will have their first training session tomorrow.

Given that your last post was amateurish at best, my guess is your full of crap!

Your a novice at this aren't you?

A bit high I am just an interested by stander however I am interested in your honest opinion regards over looking a proven coach of men in favor of a 21year old that can obviously play the game but is unproven at the level. Do you have an opinion on Pav? And how he remains at the club that obviously doesn't rate something about him, because seriously there must be something holding him back? And what that is?

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AFC2 - Honestly, I wont say that he did not raise my eyebrows with his age. But I will add that the Tigers are coming from a fair way back and if he can close the gap gradually then he has justified the clubs faith. He has full support of all at Tigerland including Pav.

As for the 2nd part of your question I can't honestly answer it, I am not close enough to the hub out DFP way. All I can say is Pav is hugely popular throughout the entire organisation and he will be an enormous benefit to Klemke during the season.

As I mentioned in an earlier post. I just commentate Tiger games.

I don't go out to watch training, I am not on the board, I don't go to the club after games, I have no involvement with anything that is to do with on the park matters so any questions that are asked regarding inner sanctum I can only provide an outsiders point of view.

Wont help but you did ask for honesty!
You seem to have a bit of info from out there at belco. Don't expect you to give away sources but do they let you in their establishment out there to get this goss? Or can we assume you will soon be reporting on eastlake goings on now that they have named their assistants?

Again as I have mentioned in the past, there are many people in the footballing community who provide me with information about all things football. I don't go and ask for it but if it is forth coming I will post it. The fact that I have never hidden my identity has alot to do with it.

What I will state is that nothing I post has been made up by myself. It has either been given to me by another source, a rumour I have heard on a grapevine or its a fact that I can confirm.

The fact that I have not received anything legal suggests that the majority of what I say might well be true!
Have spoke to interstate players who have been offered amounts of cash by belco exceeding the 40g mark. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Regardless of whether they snagged a few players an uphill battle is ahead for the baby magpies
Has Morningside's new coach Rogers,past player at Eastlake, recruited any of his past team mates?
I heard jason duce and ben maiden are making their way up north with rogers.
both decent loses maidens lack of presence will be more felt on the end of season trip as from what ive heard that guy is an animal
I don't think the term "no funds" came from me... but even considering an apparent jump in recruitment spending this year I'd still be willing to say we're not quite outlaying the same money as some others out there. Although I don't think anyone could say that digging a bit deeper into the pockets this year for us is a bad idea.

Interesting news on Bubba, ABH... I haven't heard anything of the kind. Bubba has always been a bit of a key with recruitment and keeping guys on board at the club so I would think getting him involved with the 18s would be a benefit. Our 18s have been so successful over the past few years it's definately of high importance to keep them around.

is bubba the guy that is coaching the cats under 18's team?
Wow... Alot of catching up to do.

Main thing I want to comment on is big recruits taking spots of upcoming players. We've generally had a good mix of local juniors and recruits in our first grade sides over the past years. It has always been a priority for the club to look after the younger upcoming players and develop them into senior footballers.

We have got a few new faces on board for season 2012 which should provide some excitement. There is no sense of feeling through the playing group that the club is turning it's back on them in favour of big recruits. The players know where we're at after last season and I don't think any of them would disagree that some new talent will only help us.

There'll be no shortage of 2011 first and second graders as well as a number of our talented 18s running out in our 1s team next year. Adding a few new players won't jeopardise this...

On Bubba coaching the 18s... well keep your ears to the ground. We've recently announced new coaches for our 3s, 4s and womens teams so other announcements won't be too far off.
Wow... Alot of catching up to do.

Main thing I want to comment on is big recruits taking spots of upcoming players. We've generally had a good mix of local juniors and recruits in our first grade sides over the past years. It has always been a priority for the club to look after the younger upcoming players and develop them into senior footballers.

We have got a few new faces on board for season 2012 which should provide some excitement. There is no sense of feeling through the playing group that the club is turning it's back on them in favour of big recruits. The players know where we're at after last season and I don't think any of them would disagree that some new talent will only help us.

There'll be no shortage of 2011 first and second graders as well as a number of our talented 18s running out in our 1s team next year. Adding a few new players won't jeopardise this...

On Bubba coaching the 18s... well keep your ears to the ground. We've recently announced new coaches for our 3s, 4s and womens teams so other announcements won't be too far off.

You guys are a sure thing for the spoon again next year. Enjoy that.
Not quite sure what this means?

Care to share some facts on the "baggage" SH?

i was just observing the situation ABH. i may be a bigfooty newbie but i read back through the old posts and it seems that you have an axe to grind. my concern is only for my adopted club and the people that operate inside it. if loose lips sink ships then Eastlake may have issues.

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No axe to grind at all SH...

Just posting issues that are in Canberra footy, hardly my problem most of them are out North and caused by themselves.

Without them this site would be as boring as bat sh*t!

What issues might EFC have?

If they do nothing wrong, then no issues I would have thought!

Man up and say what you really mean instead of dancing around what is really on your mind.
Duce played well in games against us last season , not sure he would be out of his depth up north. Belco will face an uphill battle next year will be interesting to see what influence lokan, harris and haggarty have. lokan by all accounts may give the pies a target to kick to up forward (which they clearly lacked in season 2011). Not sure Horne will be involved down at Manuka next season. Maybe he would be more useful at tigerland as a bomber thompson type figure for their young and may I say very ambitious coach. Maybe Horne could help to change Klemke's nappies for him as I believe his mum will not be making the move into struggle town.
ABH might be able to fill this forum in on how Duce went against the Tigers? I remember Duce, number 2 if I remember rightly, kicking a bag a couple of times against QBN.

Spoke to a good mate at Eastlake too and it seems that everyone except the Eastlake boys know about Horne being appointed as an assistant at the club. Would anyone care to ellaborate further on this.

Ainslie starting to panic and offering big, big coin to Northen Conference players and players who are average at best getting big dollar offers.

What is going on with the NEAFL website? Or any clubs website for that matter? The only ones with anything on them are Belco and Eastlake. I can't find any reading from any others.

Belco will come last........
NorWest you might want to speak to people around your club on the following, but I suspect your aware of these events anyways.

- Hire a coach
- Give him limited tools to be successful
- Acknowledge you understand and agree with the direction he is looking at taking the club forward with
- Team sits rock bottom due to lack of talent provided although improvement has occurred
- Look at recruiting a replacement behind his back
- He finds out
- Club looks for dirt on the coach
- Coach quits before he is replaced.


One of the stories of the season![/QUOTE]
So I guess that your source from out our way must be on our board as you seem to know everything about our club. You would think the way you carry on our club was the first organisation to have parted ways with a coach mid season, regardless of how it happened. As a supporter I have moved on and it appears that the club has as well and are looking forward to next season, not dwelling on the past. Maybe the person who is giving you information is doing it on purpose to keep winding you up, if so it is working. So keep doing your best to stir the pot because out our way we have moved on.
Moved on?

Keep telling yourself that bolton.

As for not being the first club, please name another in Canberra that did what you guys did? And then searched for compensation!

As for winding me up, hardly when all the info is FACT!

You guys dont have a clue where its coming from and its driving you nuts.
Who would have thought a sacked coach from Glenelg and myself shared a mutual friend and we would all be at the same function together and head out for a drink afterwards.

And the pleasure on my face when he asked me my thoughts on a few of your people was dare I say it Gold!

Even more so when I asked him why he was asking...Pure Big Footy Gold that!!

And please don't pretend if it was another club you would not have enjoyed the ride, jump on as you know that the saga continues!
Saw a draft draw today. I'm not going to type it all on here but I will just post some interesting things I have noticed.

1. Hills Eagles (aka East Coast) and Sydney Uni play each other in Round 1.

2. Ainslie play Labrador in Round 2 at Ainslie Oval in the first cross conference match in Canberra.

3. Eastlake are the first team to travel north and will take on Mt Gravatt in round 5.

4. If I have read correctly, all the non AFL Eastern Conference teams will only play the Swans and GWS once.

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Eastern Conference - 2011

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