Brownlow Medallist
As I said earlier, I'm not privy to what the club's timetable was and in fact I was not aware of its tabling date. I was simply quoting the media in stating that it was leaked before its intended release date. As such, I'm not claiming definitive evidence. I can't disagree that the club has had a reasonable time to prepare a more considered response and the reasons why it had not is a mystery to me. I refuse to believe that the way Eddie's "pride" comments were interpreted represent the message he would have preferred to send although most people have railed at the inappropriateness of his words.
Nobody is going to suggest that the response that Eddie made was acceptable, and he has admitted that. In terms of why I believe the commissioning of the report was courageous, I can simply state that I believe the club could potentially have made some statements and put some practices in place which may or may not have addressed the core of the problem purely as a way to shut down the discussion. The fact that it chose to lay itself bare for the world to see suggests to me an element of courage especially when I believe that the problem exists in many sporting clubs and not just Collingwood.
I'm certainly not looking to defend the club's handling of every aspect of this issue, I simply think that the report is a good first step and I think we all hope that it leads to real tangible change. That Eddie can be utterly inept at times is not something new or in dispute.
I think we’ve gone well past the first bolded part of your post being a remotely credible option. It’s that sort of behaviour that lead to the outcomes we’ve seen. Look no further than the way Buckley addressed Lumumba’s comments from June last year. On face value his intent was pure, but by angling to keep it in house it made things that much worse.
Although we don’t agree I appreciate that you’ve provided me a better understanding of why you chose to label it courageous. Do you think we would have taken the action of calling for this review without Lumumba’s complaints? That to me is where I would note that it takes courage to proactively self reflect, understand that we have issues and need outside help to address them.
For instance this report has nudged me toward self reflection and one of the things that irks me about my prejudice is not having the confidence to call out my father in law on his racism. I don’t in any way expect people to do that it’s just that I can hardly sit in judgement of the club if I’m not contributing positively to change.