European Championships

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Now BSE, I think you are being a touch too harsh here.

I can see your point of view in making the sweeping judgement you did solely based on video, but as someone who was there by the field I can tell you the intensity and skills from all sides in general were much better than your "exceedingly low standard" grade.

Particularly as all were playing their 4th almost full length game in 7 days; in warm, sultry conditions.

Granted there is a long, long way to go; but atleast the foundations are coming together and the ship is heading in the right direction.

I have to agree here . What are people doing putting value judgements from afar. These guys aren't playing to see how much they've improved in the opinion of some w***er in Australia .They're playing for their club and country a game that they obviously love and is played under considerably different conditions and preparations.

Ultimately it's just another game in the world and we don't own it any more especially since Australia doesn't do much to nurture it .

Ultimately it's just another game in the world and we don't own it any more especially since Australia doesn't do much to nurture it .


That's an interesting threshold question.

There is a quid pro quo that comes with the game being in the public domain, rather than an anonymous kick around in the local park, and that is that it comes under scrutiny, there's no getting around that.
That's an interesting threshold question.

There is a quid pro quo that comes with the game being in the public domain, rather than an anonymous kick around in the local park, and that is that it comes under scrutiny, there's no getting around that.

The AFL nurture the RSA, PNG and NZ to provide a pathway to the AFL.
The USA,Canada and UK may still be heavily influenced by expats
but when you have this level of organisation in this type of circumstance we don't own it any more .

They play and umpire the games what fits best for them.
That means some very heavy tackling and some very tough umpiring decisions.
Now if we (AFL or similar) have some input we can make recommendations .
If not we have to stand back .

Does the AFL have laws for 9-a-side ? I don't think so .
The european members formulated that themselves.

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Some massive blow outs in the first day of the European championships, suggesting a huge gulf between the top four nations, and the next four.

A decent crowd of 700 turned up for the first day of the championships.

Denmark 19.16:130 def Iceland 2.1:13
Iceland actually grabbed the first goal of the game, but were quickly run over by their more experienced opponents.

Ireland 18.10:118 def Germany 0.0:0
This one went according to script, but I suspect the Germans would have given themselves at least a chance of getting on the scoreboard.

Great Britain 11.16:82 def Finland 1.2:8
Finland were only 3 goals down at 3/4 time, but clearly ran out of gas in the final term.

Sweden 16.17:113 def Croatia 2.5:17
This was Croatia's first ever attempt playing the full version of the game, so the scoreline is not unexpected. They managed to score 1.5 in the final term to Swedens 3 goals, suggesting they had no trouble running out the game.

Hopefully there will be some closer scorelines when teams at the same level next meet, but it does show one problem with aussie rules, you will suffer absolute humiliation if you are a bit off the pace, something that is not as evident in a game of soccer, for example, where it's far easier to limit the damage against stronger opponents.

The whole GB squad fly into Copenhagen that morning... thats why they were a little rusty..
Ireland 11.2:68 def Denmark 8.3:51
The host nation has done themselves proud by sticking with the tournament favourites for the whole game. Denmark got out of the blocks first with a 3 goal lead at quarter time, wittled down to 1 goal at half time, as Ireland gradually got on top. No doubt their better ball skills came to the fore as both sides tired

3rd Place Play-off
Sweden 5.9:39 def Great Britain 3.11:29
Sweden got an early 2 goal jump and effectively kept that break the whole way through. A terrific result by Sweden given that England has had a comp for much longer. Just heard that this result got a 10 minute spot on Sweden’s ESPN.

Croatia 19.11:125 def Iceland 12.11:83
A good result by both teams. Both are relative new comers to the game, especially the full version. Croatia has already shown a bit in the 9-a-side version, while Iceland have a few experienced players playing overseas, but otherwise, their league is relatively new.

Germany 5.9:39 def Finland 0.5:5
Germany were never threatened in this game, but overall they would be a bit disappointed that this was their only win for the tournament. LIkewise, the Finns would have had the expectation of making hte 5th/6th play off, and now realise they have a fair bit of work ahead of them to reach the standard being set by their Scandinavian neighbours.

Source: World Footy News

GB play a lot of fringe players to give them a game...
Something noticeable about Ireland v Denmark is that there wasn't a huge difference in terms of the around the ground kicking. A few Irish players looked a bit more natural, but most weren't all that distinguishable from their counterparts. I'd say the biggest difference is the quickness of decision-making, and following familiar patterns of ball movement, giving the Irish that slight edge over the Danes.

Amazing what you can glean from a 10 minute video.....:rolleyes:,

Just to put a couple of things in perspective about the tournament .

The highlights shown (which are fantastic!) are predominantly the goals of the final and not the general play that was full of skill and determination that was befitting of any grand final – that comes with nerves, angst, and 4 full games in 6 days!

Sure a few of the guys have different kicking styles, but they were all slotting goals from all angles and hitting targets which is surely the point! Actually different kicking styles have been enhancing rugby and American football – note the traditional Aussie rules drop punt in other codes – maybe the Irish and Danes have it right?!?

It is a little difficult to judge the individual skills based on the video given the difference of the background of the players - one of the great Danish goals in the first quarter was from an 18year old playing his 6th game! Another goal was from a 36 year old playing his 200 and something, and another from a 17 year old fresh back from the World 18 game! A 3 goal spree of the Irish chap was as good as Stevie Milne could do in regards to pace and reading the play. You are only seeing the goals - there were another 80 minutes of nail biting football. Not really fussy if this is country seconds or upper Kumducker under 13’s standard – this was this tournament. All of the players have been training, sacrificing, and giving their all for their respective teams –is that not what team sport is about?!?! All I can say the game was a cracker - full of tension and excitement and "arguably" the best side won on the day.;)

The umpiring in the final was fantastic and was based on the interpretation of the rules that was agreed before the tournament started (in an umpire’s clinic) with a view to let the game flow and be played – all games and rules were consistent.

I believe the goal of running of this tournament is not challenge Australian Rule standards in Australia but to (a) have fun and (b) to legitimise the sport. In both areas this tournament exceeded all expectations.

There were over 200 players and at least the same number of officials and volunteers and double that in supporters every day spread over 7 days totally dedicated the sport of Australian Rules Football in Europe – with a wide level of media coverage including live television coverage and printed media.

Every single game was played in a fantastic spirit (extremely physical but fair). The entire organisation of the tournament was incredibly well executed - not one game started a minute late and all games had full officials and packed with spectators and support.

Hope the AFL can organise and put on as good a show next year!!!
I'm sick of people picking out one or two negative comments out of what were lengthy posts with a wide range of observations.

I had already mentioned the incredible goal kicking - twice.

The point about comparing the Irish to Denmark kicking is that not too long ago, the Irish could have relied on familiarity with the kicking process (albeit with a different shaped football), but that natural advantage is perhaps being whittled down - that was the key point I was trying to make.

It might be wrong, it might be right, but it wasn't intended as a negative comment in the least.

As I said, once you have legitimate games with media coverage, and you put up some 15 minutes of video for public consumption, it's no longer an anonymous kick around, it's a sporting event about which observers are entitled to post opinions on what they see in front of them.

I'm a big supporter of these events, and respect the efforts of everyone to make these games the event it was, and I hope to see the standard improving with each successive one held.
It might be wrong, it might be right, but it wasn't intended as a negative comment in the least.

I did not take your comment as negative - just a comment.

As I said, once you have legitimate games with media coverage, and you put up some 15 minutes of video for public consumption, it's no longer an anonymous kick around, it's a sporting event about which observers are entitled to post opinions on what they see in front of them.

....but others are entitled to comment upon what you say...?

I'm a big supporter of these events, and respect the efforts of everyone to make these games the event it was, and I hope to see the standard improving with each successive one held.

happy to see you are a supporter - rather a comment than totally ignored!:)
No mate.... I was the coach... boys finished 4th... A lot of GB players came from the regional areas.... No London players play because they were playing there finals and the London clubs didnt release any of there players...

I didn't know that.

In fact, I'm sitting here trying to digest that bit of info.

Aussie rules clubs not releasing their players for internationals...

Who could ever have imagined that such a thing was even possible 10 years ago.

AS they say in the classics - there's always next time - here's hoping you get your best possible squad for that.
I'm sick of people picking out one or two negative comments out of what were lengthy posts with a wide range of observations.

I had already mentioned the incredible goal kicking - twice.

The point about comparing the Irish to Denmark kicking is that not too long ago, the Irish could have relied on familiarity with the kicking process (albeit with a different shaped football), but that natural advantage is perhaps being whittled down - that was the key point I was trying to make.

It might be wrong, it might be right, but it wasn't intended as a negative comment in the least.

As I said, once you have legitimate games with media coverage, and you put up some 15 minutes of video for public consumption, it's no longer an anonymous kick around, it's a sporting event about which observers are entitled to post opinions on what they see in front of them.

I'm a big supporter of these events, and respect the efforts of everyone to make these games the event it was, and I hope to see the standard improving with each successive one held.

Were you there??? Im assuming that someone who went to this Competition and saw nearly all the matches would be able to more of a better assumption...
This competition was fantastic and all players played the passion and spirit... This is what happens when you get the chance to represent your country in any chosen sport!!!

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On a related topic, there's a one page spread in the Herald-Sun today about the AFL's plans to support the current growth of the game overseas.

Thats good to know.... AFL in Europe has always been a bit of a back water and the AFL have never invest money before in this regional especially the UK.... With countries like New Zealand, PNG, etc.. closer to OZ it makes more sense for the AFL to intvest more money in those areas...
Were you there??? Im assuming that someone who went to this Competition and saw nearly all the matches would be able to more of a better assumption...
This competition was fantastic and all players played the passion and spirit... This is what happens when you get the chance to represent your country in any chosen sport!!!

I've put the question out there, and people can discuss.

Once upon a time, the Irish would have relied on a natural advantage stemming from a game similar to ours in many respects (when they won the inaugural IC in 2002, it wouldn't have been because they had had a long standing league)

That natural advantage probably doesn't hold them in as much stead as it once did, which is a hint on the progress of a country such as Denmark (PNG, NZ and South Africa have caught them, and probably overtaken them), i.e. they can no longer rely on that natural advantage (as much) at the next and future ICs.

That's my theory - you are free to agree or disagree - I didn't question anyone's passion or spirit - and such a theory is not diminished by whether I was there or not (because to answer the question one way or another means looking over the past 10 years or so).
I've put the question out there, and people can discuss.

Progress is the existance of competitions like this one IMO.

If you are saying the "standard of play" is the measure of progress
or winning against other teams is the measure of progress
then you would need a "standard" team involved the championships
because there are many different styles playing against each other.
I've put the question out there, and people can discuss.

Once upon a time, the Irish would have relied on a natural advantage stemming from a game similar to ours in many respects (when they won the inaugural IC in 2002, it wouldn't have been because they had had a long standing league)

That natural advantage probably doesn't hold them in as much stead as it once did, which is a hint on the progress of a country such as Denmark (PNG, NZ and South Africa have caught them, and probably overtaken them), i.e. they can no longer rely on that natural advantage (as much) at the next and future ICs.

That's my theory - you are free to agree or disagree - I didn't question anyone's passion or spirit - and such a theory is not diminished by whether I was there or not (because to answer the question one way or another means looking over the past 10 years or so).

No worries... Big problem with the Irish is the shape of the ball especially on a hard ground.... it bounces all over the place instead of bouncing straight through..... Kicking is also a problem.... Thats what a lot of the Irish lads who come down and play with us have problems with.... Usually takes them a couple of games to get use to it all...
No mate.... I was the coach... boys finished 4th... A lot of GB players came from the regional areas.... No London players play because they were playing there finals and the London clubs didnt release any of there players...

Is this the same coach that fecked off home to a club game when you're team didn't make the final? That was the only sour note of the entire tournament - felt so sorry for the boys that had the commitment to go to the tournament - pity the coach didn't have the passion!
Is this the same coach that fecked off home to a club game when you're team didn't make the final? That was the only sour note of the entire tournament - felt so sorry for the boys that had the commitment to go to the tournament - pity the coach didn't have the passion!

Had other priories as President and Senior Coach of the Putney Magpies in London. That weekend was the first round of London AFL finals.... The timing of the EU Champs was not ideal for the Great Britain team due to this. AFL London clubs didnt release there British based players for the tournament.... Therefore we were not at full strength.... Be careful watch you say mate!!!!!! You dont want to be red carded for saying crap about not having an PASSION especially on a forum for everyone to see!!!!
Had other priories as President and Senior Coach of the Putney Magpies in London. That weekend was the first round of London AFL finals.... The timing of the EU Champs was not ideal for the Great Britain team due to this. AFL London clubs didnt release there British based players for the tournament.... Therefore we were not at full strength.... Be careful watch you say mate!!!!!! You dont want to be red carded for saying crap about not having an PASSION especially on a forum for everyone to see!!!!

I wonder what your 'priorities' would have been if the Bulldogs had made the final.....

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European Championships

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