ever had something stolen

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Originally posted by Asgardian
Robyn was most upset at the fact they had been through all of her underwear, she threw the whole lot out, she said she felt dirty, so that cost a bit, no matter

Women's underwear is expensive, isn't it...

Aunty Shell had all of her sexy underwear stolen off the clothes line one year. They left all her daggy stuff, and her other clothers, and didn't touch anything of mine.

The crook bit is that this happened overnight on the eve of Valentine's Day :eek: I figure some bugger was walking home, thinking "Jeez I'm in trouble, I forgot to buy the missus a Valentine's Day present". Then he saw Shell's lacy knickers swinging in the breeze, thought "aha, problem solved!" and hopped the fence...
Originally posted by Asgardian
Robyn was most upset at the fact they had been through all of her underwear, she threw the whole lot out, she said she felt dirty, so that cost a bit, no matter

Originally posted by Uncle Steve
Women's underwear is expensive, isn't it...

It is damn expensive Steve, but it's a damn lot easier to cope with the expense, than having an angry wife who's wearing uncomfortable knickers.

We couldn't claim any of that stuff on the insurance claim either, coz it was our choice to dispose of the clothing, but what we could do was get a quote on the cleaning of all the articles, claim that amount and put that towards the replacement cost.
We made the Insurance company aware of what our plans were, they had no problems with it.

It certainly helped being in the insurance game, I knew the little quirks that were open to a claimant.

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Had my legendary '67 Falcon stolen (known as "The Shark") and it was used as a getaway car.

Original thieves modified it, removing the air cleaner for a throaty roar and killing the interior light. Had house breaking tools, broken ignition locks and people's wallets all over the back seat.

The original thieves? Well, some poor bastard just out of Long Bay Gaol and knicked the Shark from the original villains. Cops caught him down a lane way levering open the boot.

He only had one day of freedom, but a great drive.
I lent out my new pen to some girl I dont know, and after I returned she had already left... with it

I thought people would put it back on my table, but sadly that is not the case :(
Originally posted by jerry springer
i wish someone would steal my car.if i sold it i would only get $14,000 for it.if it gets stolen i would get $21,000:D

What type of car? First I'll organise a buyer, then we'll "steal" it, I get my $14,000 for the car, you get your $21,000, everyones happy. :D
Originally posted by marcuz
Leave it at a train station car park...Thats where they usually dissapear from....My cousin was just unlucky his car was so crap..even common car theives have standards unfortunately

Sadly it doesn't work with pieces of junk. I tried for 18 months to have my car stolen from a train station. In the end I just sold it.

However I can confirm the glovebox was raided some 20 odd times over that time as the stuff out of it was always all over the seat.
Here is my incrediblely sad story. I was going to curtin uni in the early 90's. Anyone from perth knows this establishment to be the largest car theft place in the metro area. Anyway, I was crook in bed with a mother of all flu's for about 10 days.

When I got better I drove out to uni in my much loved HJ kingswood to see lecturers about my abscense. I'd just spent 400 bucks on new tyres, and had a rather large uni assignment sitting on the front seat.

Coming back from seeing an assortment of lecturers, I noticed that my ****IN car was not ****IN where i'd left it. Some lowlife cutn had taken it upon themselves to steal my completely paid for , un-insured kingswood which I loved dearly. I'd probably spent a years worth of friday and sunday nights working in a pub to pay for it.

Suffice to say I never got it back. Some bunch of bottom feeding crims had probably used it in a smash and grab. To make it worse, the cops didnt wanna know about it.
Originally posted by Au_Blue#24
Here is my incrediblely sad story. I was going to curtin uni in the early 90's. Anyone from perth knows this establishment to be the largest car theft place in the metro area. Anyway, I was crook in bed with a mother of all flu's for about 10 days.

When I got better I drove out to uni in my much loved HJ kingswood to see lecturers about my abscense. I'd just spent 400 bucks on new tyres, and had a rather large uni assignment sitting on the front seat.

Coming back from seeing an assortment of lecturers, I noticed that my ****IN car was not ****IN where i'd left it. Some lowlife cutn had taken it upon themselves to steal my completely paid for , un-insured kingswood which I loved dearly. I'd probably spent a years worth of friday and sunday nights working in a pub to pay for it.

Suffice to say I never got it back. Some bunch of bottom feeding crims had probably used it in a smash and grab. To make it worse, the cops didnt wanna know about it.

Know the feeling well. Had a Kingswood that I spent thousands on, although I got it back the insurance company ripped me off majorly. Would have been better off not seeing it again.

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Originally posted by Au_Blue#24

I'd just spent 400 bucks on new tyres

when my car got pinched i spent 600 bucks on the brakes about 5 days b4. they stole it in the middle of the night. i didnt know until the cops were at the door at 3.30 in the morning telling me theyd found it burnt out in the middle of an intersection!

our house got broken into, (through my bedroom window!) and they took the VCR and a few other things.

i dont think i've had anything else pinched.

oh, actually i have, some little bastids broke into my car (the one b4 the one that got pinched) and raided the glove box, the only thing worth taking was my car charger :rolleyes:

and about a million FOUR PENS when i was in highschool, lol everyone had the problem, when you get a new one youre lucky to still have it by the end of the day.
I have a solution to all your problems, we raid lawrence angwins house, i bet half your stuff would turn up there

also wanna get your car stolen, park it out the front of his house after stuffing around with is girlfriend!
Technically, nothing personal of mine was taken (unless a sense of safety counts?), but I had the fun of an armed hold up at work a couple of months back.

I work in a pharmacy, and we're always taught at uni and at work that with the nature of what we sell, holdups and nutters are always a risk, but we also have pretty substantial safety features & procedures in place. Still shakes you up when it happens though.

What happened in this case, was two guys wearing those white hockey masks (ala Eminem) smashed through our locked front reinforced glass doors with a crowbar, prised them open and barricaded the three of us staff (3 girls aged 21, 22 & 24, all small) with one middle aged lady customer in the office. They had these flipping great big shiny knives, that they prised open the office doors with as we all tried to hold them closed. Tell ya what, putting all your strength onto holding a sliding door shut then having a 20-30cm blade come through right next to you is an eye opener alright.

Anyway, then one of the guys dragged the pharmacist at knifepoint (poor girl was really shaken) to the main safe, and cleaned it out completely as the second guy stood watch over us on the floor of the office. One of the most frightening aspects of hold ups is that you just dont know what their state of mind is, particularly when theres drugs involved, but luckily the second guy was quite calm and reasoned, actually trying to calm us down while we waited for the 2 at the safe. "Don't worry, calm down, I'm not going to hurt you, that's not why we're here" were his exact words, that seemed to almost make him seem not as bas as the first guy, Stokholm syndrome perhaps? The first guy though was a nutter, screaming at the pharmacist to go faster when she couldnt. He left her out the back, on the floor crying, too frightened to move, cleaned out our change draw and smaller drug supply, then they took off.

Turns out they got a couple of days takings, a stack of change, 3000+ dexamphetamine, and a huge amount of other controlled drugs. (We do enormous quanities for some reason, so on a weekend theres a fair bit in stock). But we weren't hurt, which I guess is the most important thing. While they've apparently found people with some of the drugs taken from us, they guys havent been caught and theres no real leads (Perth people - look for me on Crimestoppers! ;))

We've since further increased our security, but to be honest I don't think anything wouldve stopped our two guys. They knew what they wanted and how to get it, and did so at what is normally one of our busiest times, while it was still just light outside. They were that quick that even if we'd been able to contact the police, they'd have gotten away before the police arrived, and wore hats, masks, nondescript clothing and gloves, so the security footage and forensics turned up nothing. It's a little unnerving to come to the realisation that there's nothing you can really do to stop it happening again.

Anyway, that was my excitement for a little while at least, I just hope the animals took too much.

Oh, the only time I did have something of mine stolen was when they broke into my old car, and stole a screwdriver to use to break into the newer cars in the carpark! Goes to show what a heap of cr@p the car was :p
Originally posted by myee8
:eek: All at once or over time?
Well.. my clothes (yes, including my underwear :eek:), diary (had alot of person things in there) and jewellery (very expensive stuff) and money (wasn't much) went missing at the same time an ex-friend of mine stole it, i was absolutely devastated when i found it, i never got 'em back either because she moved over to NZ :mad:. I've had my sony walkman (cost me a fortune) stolen from my bag and a few months ago i had my phone pinched from my bag. :rolleyes: :eek: :(
Had a house broken into, stole some jewellery and my video camera. Got a better camera on insurance as the model was no longer stocked.

Worst one was my Silver VK Commodore being stolen from a train station several years ago. Got off the train and walked to where I left the car, wasn't there, thought I must have been thinking about where I left it the previous day, went over the fast emptying car park and even looked up and down the street as though I had amnesia and might have parked it anywhere.

Reported it stolen that night and claimed it on insurance the next day. On the way home I went down the street where my partners ex husband was living and saw ... a silver VK Commodore with no plates and it had been partially disassembled. Phoned the cops and told them, they went out and it turned out to be a massive coincidence.

Insurance paid out in a week (amazingly), got a new car (not as good in hindsight). Three months later, got a call from Redcliffe Police Station way North of Brisbane miles away from me, saying my car had been found in NSW two days after it was stolen. The cops had written the engine number down wrong (plates were gone of course) and the file had been sent all over Queensland before someone thought to recheck. I was majorly annoyed because I would rather have kept the car.

Phoned the insurance company to tell them and they didn't know what I was talking about. Had to tell them that they paid out the claim, the car was found, they now own the car. They were confused and said okay we will pick it up, bye. I had to yell into the phone 'Wait!!', do you want to know where it is? Amazing, don't think they would have bothered with it, probably auctioned by the local cops in NSW, Liverpool I think it was.

Considered going to reclaim it but decided that insurance fraud wouldn't have looked good on my resume.
My friends and I were staying at a beach house in Portsea for the summer. Anyway one night we had my friends boy cousins come over. I walked in the room were every one was sitting and I put my purse on the fridge and walked out of the room. Ten minutes later I walked back in the room and got my purse. I looked in my purse and my money was gone. I just took out $150 from the and someone just stole it. I went back and asked if anyone took the money and everyone denied it. So no one ever owned up and I never got my money back.

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ever had something stolen

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