Everybody's random stuff

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Brown got hit by unregistered, unlicensed driver. Didn’t ride in to anybody.

Here I've been thinking all these years he rode into a lady on a round-about.
No matter, you get my drift. Be careful, there's a lot of dangerous people driving around in cars and on cycles.:thumbsu:
Thunder Force - and I'm going to go out on a limb here - is the worst fillum ever made.

Unfortunately for every The Godfather, Citizen Kane and BASEketball, there are also complete stinkers.

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I think lockdown must be getting to me;)

I have spent the day watching the house over our back fence get demolished. This morning there was a house now its gone...been fascinating watching this great big claw thingy just destroy it.

...there's a bit of a story to it too. About 10 mnths ago i was on the decking having a cuppa, happened to look up and saw a hand holding a camera taking photos over our fence....after a very heated discussion as to the why's of them doing that without asking, we were told they were going to be doing extentions and wanted to see where to put windows etc.....never heard anymore until today.

They must've decided to build a whole new house. Hopefully not units!

My apologies if this story is blah, but that is what our life has come too during lockdowns, its sad really:grinv1:
Feel empty a lot these days. Youd think I'll be doing fairly well if you look from the outside. Got a very interesting job working in a central agency at federal level heck I got a significant promotion a few months ago to boot, I have a bucket load of value in share market to the point where I probably will never have to work full time again, have an amazing partner and dog, strong friendships, I feel settled in those areas...

Ive speculated I feel likr shit as I literally have no relationship with my family. My family are firmly in the poverty trap. All the stereotypes... I have 4 siblings (mother was 16 when she had me) alcoholic father, gambling mother who stole sizeable amount of money from myself (in a sense time as well) and rest of family, mental and physical abuse, and this extends out up to grandparents (with exception to paternal grandmother). I essentially ran away a few years ago to canberra. But I miss them. I miss my family a lot. I wish so much it was different, I wish I could just ring them up and have a chat to see how they are or for them to ask me how I am. I'm so confused. 2018 to late 2020 were the best years of my life. Felt freedom. But this emptiness hasn't been filled.

I've seen specialists, I've spoken to my partner and I've raised it with my one family member who I can talk to. It's bs. I ****ing hate it. I know it's not that bad in the grand scheme of things but thought I'd share.

Not looking for sympathy but I hope it goes a way to explaining my shit behaviour and lack of posting effort on here over past few years. I guess bigfooty was an escape from my shitty life for the most part. I apologise.

Feel it's best for another break. Feel free to hit me up on socials. Peace friends.
Feel empty a lot these days. Youd think I'll be doing fairly well if you look from the outside. Got a very interesting job working in a central agency at federal level heck I got a significant promotion a few months ago to boot, I have a bucket load of value in share market to the point where I probably will never have to work full time again, have an amazing partner and dog, strong friendships, I feel settled in those areas...

Ive speculated I feel likr sh*t as I literally have no relationship with my family. My family are firmly in the poverty trap. All the stereotypes... I have 4 siblings (mother was 16 when she had me) alcoholic father, gambling mother who stole sizeable amount of money from myself (in a sense time as well) and rest of family, mental and physical abuse, and this extends out up to grandparents (with exception to paternal grandmother). I essentially ran away a few years ago to canberra. But I miss them. I miss my family a lot. I wish so much it was different, I wish I could just ring them up and have a chat to see how they are or for them to ask me how I am. I'm so confused. 2018 to late 2020 were the best years of my life. Felt freedom. But this emptiness hasn't been filled.

I've seen specialists, I've spoken to my partner and I've raised it with my one family member who I can talk to. It's bs. I ******* hate it. I know it's not that bad in the grand scheme of things but thought I'd share.

Not looking for sympathy but I hope it goes a way to explaining my sh*t behaviour and lack of posting effort on here over past few years. I guess bigfooty was an escape from my shitty life for the most part. I apologise.

Feel it's best for another break. Feel free to hit me up on socials. Peace friends.
We never know what is going on deep down in real life with our fellow posters here on big footy, thanks for sharing with us, I have no problem with your posting style, back and forth and banter is all good.

I hope you get a relationship back with your family in the near future, and don't forget to look after yourself and seek out help if needed please, all the best SM.
Feel empty a lot these days. Youd think I'll be doing fairly well if you look from the outside. Got a very interesting job working in a central agency at federal level heck I got a significant promotion a few months ago to boot, I have a bucket load of value in share market to the point where I probably will never have to work full time again, have an amazing partner and dog, strong friendships, I feel settled in those areas...

Ive speculated I feel likr sh*t as I literally have no relationship with my family. My family are firmly in the poverty trap. All the stereotypes... I have 4 siblings (mother was 16 when she had me) alcoholic father, gambling mother who stole sizeable amount of money from myself (in a sense time as well) and rest of family, mental and physical abuse, and this extends out up to grandparents (with exception to paternal grandmother). I essentially ran away a few years ago to canberra. But I miss them. I miss my family a lot. I wish so much it was different, I wish I could just ring them up and have a chat to see how they are or for them to ask me how I am. I'm so confused. 2018 to late 2020 were the best years of my life. Felt freedom. But this emptiness hasn't been filled.

I've seen specialists, I've spoken to my partner and I've raised it with my one family member who I can talk to. It's bs. I ******* hate it. I know it's not that bad in the grand scheme of things but thought I'd share.

Not looking for sympathy but I hope it goes a way to explaining my sh*t behaviour and lack of posting effort on here over past few years. I guess bigfooty was an escape from my shitty life for the most part. I apologise.

Feel it's best for another break. Feel free to hit me up on socials. Peace friends.
Feel for you mate, take care.
Hey briztoon , I know you're right into your bikes, just a comment on what is happening with me at the moment.

My brother and his wife left on an 18 month around Australia trip last week and he said I could use his bike while they were away(he said it'll need a service), gee it's expensive to set up even without the need to purchase the bike, eg. servicing, car rack, shoes, repair kit, locks, appropriate clothing. I'm also going to take my 2 youngest grandchildren on some rides on the many bike paths around Brisbane so am getting their bikes serviced as well.

I haven't ridden a bike since I cycled to work for many years in the late 80s early 90s:eek:, any tips for a novice on accessories that would be good to have or good bike paths/tracks for me(61 year old in good health and fit) and 11 & 14 year old kids?

Edit- The brothers bike is a mountain bike(3/8 geared he said, what ever that means), looks sturdy, he paid around $1500 for it about 10 years ago, the kids bikes are your standard few hundred dollars bike for Christmas editions.. look like a cross between a mountain/BMX bike.
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Hey briztoon , I know you're right into your bikes, just a comment on what is happening with me at the moment.

My brother and his wife left on an 18 month around Australia trip last week and he said I could use his bike while they were away(he said it'll need a service), gee it's expensive to set up even without the need to purchase the bike, eg. servicing, car rack, shoes, repair kit, locks, appropriate clothing. I'm also going to take my 2 youngest grandchildren on some rides on the many bike paths around Brisbane so am getting their bikes serviced as well.

I haven't ridden a bike since I cycled to work for many years in the late 80s early 90s:eek:, any tips for a novice on accessories that would be good to have or good bike paths/tracks for me(61 year old in good health and fit) and 11 & 14 year old kids?

Edit- The brothers bike is a mountain bike(3/8 geared he said, what ever that means), looks sturdy, he paid around $1500 for it about 10 years ago, the kids bikes are your standard few hundred dollars bike for Christmas editions.. look like a cross between a mountain/BMX bike.
What brand of mountain bike?

I’m not really a mountain bike person, but with what you outlined;

If you’re just riding the local paths with the kids, I wouldn’t bother with cycling specific clothes. Maybe a pair of shy shorts if you find the saddle uncomfortable.

Yeah, bicycle servicing can be expensive. I’d find a reputable, dedicated cycling store to do the service. Generally I stay away from 99 Bikes stores, at it can be really hit and miss in finding a store with a good owner and mechanic.

In your situation, I’d just have a basic repair kit, spare tube and a floor pump at home. I’d be surprised if you suffered a puncture on MTB tyres on local bike paths. If you did have a puncture, I’d just walk the bike home, while the kids rode, and change the inner tube at home. (personally I’m lazy, if I get a puncture while I’m out, and I’m close to a bike store, I just walk the bike in to the store to change the inner tube).

Car rack. I put my bike in the boot of my SUV if I’m driving it to the bike store. If you’re buying a bike rack, it’s very much comes down to what’s currently available locally, unless you’re prepared to wait weeks to months for new stock to arrive.

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