Movies & TV Everything Star Wars

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Got to see it this morning. Wasn’t too surprised about anything. I had reasonably low expectations and I’d say they were met. Some of it was good, some was pretty cringey. I wouldn’t rush back to see it but I wouldn’t avoid it if I was to rewatch the entire saga (which I usually do once a year).
Got to see it this morning. Wasn’t too surprised about anything. I had reasonably low expectations and I’d say they were met. Some of it was good, some was pretty cringey. I wouldn’t rush back to see it but I wouldn’t avoid it if I was to rewatch the entire saga (which I usually do once a year).
this is the perfect review!

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I quite enjoyed it. It felt a bit too rushed because they tried to pack to much in and wrap everything up, but for the most part it was fun, there were lots of cool shots and it was nice to see some old characters while also seeing development of the new ones. It worked as a movie, and for the most part as the end part of a trilogy that was never quite mapped out properly.

Both kids loved it, especially the 12 year old Star Wars nerd. He thought it was the best of the new trilogy
Well....just got back from seeing it. A lot of plot points closed off and a lot left open.
Mark Hamill seemed happy to be playing Luke as he should’ve been portrayed so that was nice a big **** you to The Last Jedi.
Interesting new characters and loved seeing smooth Lando back. Chewie got two brilliant moments. Lots harking back to the original films.

Enjoyable but imo the last film really hurt a lot of fans. The interest just wasn't there for me with this one, unlike the previous two. Box office will say a lot.
Glad the 'professional' critics hated this one. That actually makes me happy.
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Was as it should have been. Enjoyed Lando. Do love the fact Fin is a chick magnet. And the fact Merry (LOTR) got a run, I was constantly thinking "Who is this guy? I know him from somewhere," throughout the entire film.

Honestly, I think the sequels are better than the prequels. The prequels were a steaming pile of shit except for dual lightsaber guy.
I felt weird watching this film.

It's odd, for a franchise we have all invested so much emotional time into, you end up being a bystander watching the last episode. You just can't invest, they don't give you any breathing space or time to invest into any moment, be them good or bad!

I came in with good Intentions, I tried to follow and feel but 15 mins in after the 5th or 6th momentous happening on the bounce I gave up. Just sat there and watched it all go by.

It was all too convenient. Oh we have a problem! no matter po knows somebody in another system they can help! We are Introduced to another new world for mere moments with zero setup or context, then a new character (spinoff ahoy) and off we go again to the next moment. Even the iconic fade offs were fast and jolting.

Of course there was much fan service, lots of box ticking, I had 'a moment' when Kylo saw an old familiar face, I felt a little emotional.... My son grabbed my hand and that very moment I thought hey, I'm watching star wars with my son! I felt the baton passing, I cared about the person he didn't and vice versa.. but it made me think maybe that's the issue, I cared about the older character cause I was given time to grow an attachment.

In these new films I'm not sure it's possible to grow an affinity for anybody, the pacing is too quick.

Gotta say i loved the exploration of the old death star. Loved the jarjar style marginalisation of rose.

Short of that, where are we on spoilers in here?

But I actually came away thinking maybe the thing with star wars is, actually viewing the film isn't where it's at it's most enjoyable. Each film has been fairly clunky/flawed and incomplete in whatever way, it's all the chat and dialog and Internal thoughts and exploration of lore that comes with it that makes starwars epic. No matter what film they serve up, it will never match our imaginstion or volume's of chatroom fodder.

Here more than any other pop culture franchise the baby has outgrown it's parent and needs to move out to be free to stretch it's wings.
It was all too convenient. Oh we have a problem! no matter po knows somebody in another system they can help!
As opposed to other movies where convenient solutions to problems don't exist?

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