Exam experiences

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Might as well add my 2 cents to the thread.

The first exam experience came in a year 11 mid year in 2005. A guy at the front of the class farted and instantly handballed the blame to the guy next to him. Had us all pissing with laughter and if it wasnt for the fact this was the first exam we ever done then we would have all failed.

The other one was from last years TEE, in particular the TEE English exam. The very first question was about a comparison of Barbie dolls compared to Bratz dolls. Looking at our star school ruckmen scratching his head about Bratz dolls still cracks me up 2day.

Had the topic been about footy or V8s the girls in the class would have all failed

Curiously the result i got for that exam overall (70%) was the best I ever got in a english exam (others were 50, 45, 51, 49):eek:

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I have 4 exams next week with 3 of them in less than 24 hours :thumbsdown:.

Contract Law
Business Information Systems (Worst unit ever)
Sports Adminastration

Going alright this semester but so it takes the pressure off but still exams are exams.
I have Contract, Sports Admin, Marketing and Management on 4 consecutive days.

SA should be piss easy though. After my mate managed to use the words "the missus wasnt happy" in a speech the class couldnt be that hard.

Worried bout Contract though, only got 17/40 in the m/c test (had a massive hangover) missed most the lectures and some tutes as well.
I hell liked this unit ey. Want to get into it when i finish Uni.

The good lecturer/tutor helped as well made the subject better as well.

Bad exam to have last for me because when i only have the one exam left, that time gets used on a subject i know the best.

Should get a distinction
I go to Curtin.

I've got exams coming up on Marketing, Economics, Business Stats, and System Analysis and Design.

Marketing, Econ, and Bus Stats are pretty good. System Analysis is the first time the subject has be run at the uni, gayest subject (don't take it if you have a choice). Crappy Lecturer. Crappy Tutor. We still haven't got our first assessment back from the start of the semester.

Exams should be okay, but I'm worried about System Analysis.

I remember in the TEE exams last year I made up some bullshit story about myself and it paid off. I got 78% (was expecting just a pass). Mind you, it got scaled down to 67.
I have 4 exams next week with 3 of them in less than 24 hours :thumbsdown:.

Contract Law
Business Information Systems (Worst unit ever)
Sports Adminastration

Going alright this semester but so it takes the pressure off but still exams are exams.
If you hate BIS, don't even think about doing System Analysis and Design 150. Biggest waste of time. You get zero knowledge from it.

I'm assuming you're a first year at Curtin like me? The Marketing lecturer is probably the best lecturer I've had so far. Did you have Neil Robinson as your Tutor?
Archaeology tomorrow (UWA). seriously, gonna have to cheat (write stuff under my shorts)
Linguistics is a bit of a write off. Luckily Im on about 80 for the year. I'll end up about 63 overall after the exam i reckon.

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If you hate BIS, don't even think about doing System Analysis and Design 150. Biggest waste of time. You get zero knowledge from it.

I'm assuming you're a first year at Curtin like me? The Marketing lecturer is probably the best lecturer I've had so far. Did you have Neil Robinson as your Tutor?

Nah i have some chick called Jenny something. She's been pretty good. The marketing lecture comes into the bottleo i work at he's a really good bloke and obviously loves what he is doing.

Yeah i am first year enjoying it to. What you studying?
BIS is a crap subject.

Did it, got a pass, and still dont know what the subject was supposed to teach me

Seriously who needs to know how what the **** is inside a computer. As long as you can use it, who gives a shit!

For those of you doin Sports Admin, is it anygood? Is any one doing it as a major. Im considering changing my course...
Nah i have some chick called Jenny something. She's been pretty good. The marketing lecture comes into the bottleo i work at he's a really good bloke and obviously loves what he is doing.

Yeah i am first year enjoying it to. What you studying?

That would be Jennifer Cornwell. I had her as a tutor on Monday mornings at 10am. Didnt pay a super lot of attention to the subject but she seemed a good teacher.

The best Tutor ever was a guy in BIS. He WAS the subject. Fanatical Liverpool supporter and into his music. One conversation with him about a short assignment. (worth 2 marks for the year.

Him: Have you done your analyse yet?
Student: No
Him: Yes you have, one mark out of 2

That would be Jennifer Cornwell. I had her as a tutor on Monday mornings at 10am. Didnt pay a super lot of attention to the subject but she seemed a good teacher.

The best Tutor ever was a guy in BIS. He WAS the subject. Fanatical Liverpool supporter and into his music. One conversation with him about a short assignment. (worth 2 marks for the year.

Him: Have you done your analyse yet?
Student: No
Him: Yes you have, one mark out of 2

HA! I had him as well for BIS last semester. Tony Mullin is his name. Great bloke. Love the hair :D. I used to get into arguments with him coz I'm an Arsenal supporter. :thumbsu:

He's in the Perth band called Lemon something.

If you are in his class, you are almost guaranteed to pass.

West Coast Premiers 2006 - I'm majoring in Finance/Info Systems
Ah yeah thats right, it was Loads. Dunno where I got Lemon from lol.

I would rock up 20 mins late almost every lesson and he still gave me 75% for tute marks.

He would let us hand in assignments late all the time.

Every Tutor should be like him, then maybe people would want to come to class.
Ah yeah thats right, it was Loads. Dunno where I got Lemon from lol.

I would rock up 20 mins late almost every lesson and he still gave me 75% for tute marks.

He would let us hand in assignments late all the time.

Every Tutor should be like him, then maybe people would want to come to class.

Dont worry he only got in 2 minutes before you more often then not.

I had him at 11am in the Wednesday which was his first class, parking issues meant he was always late.:D
Dont worry he only got in 2 minutes before you more often then not.

I had him at 11am in the Wednesday which was his first class, parking issues meant he was always late.:D
Yeah I was in the same 11am Wednesday class last semester and couldnt get up early in the morning, and yeah parking is a bitch.

I remember in the first tute we were discussing sports teams and half the class went for Eagles and the other half Dockers. Everyone was saying they loved the Eagles when they're not all in jail. Haha - fun times.
Hmm...exams are generally not my fondest of memories...I suffer from a stress-related anxiety disorder, so you can guess what exams did to me.

Probably the worst one was in Qualitative Methods (basically math), a subject I was extremely strong in. A few weeks into the unit the 2nd tutor quit, and I ended up taking the two or three tutorials for the remainder of the subject. I had 98% internally, and only one kid (out of 40-odd) failing internally.

Come the exam, we had our last minute coffees and chat, then into the room. Sit down, start reading the questions...blank. complete blank.

I walked out after the 3 hours (longest I had EVER sat in an exam), knowing perfectly well I had bombed. I got 7% on the exam. Yep. Seven %. Luckily it got me to 50.2% overall, and the lecturer talked me into a pass.

Every single one of the kids in my tutorial passed the exam. Except me. And I was the one that bloody taught them!
Yeah I was in the same 11am Wednesday class last semester and couldnt get up early in the morning, and yeah parking is a bitch.

I remember in the first tute we were discussing sports teams and half the class went for Eagles and the other half Dockers. Everyone was saying they loved the Eagles when they're not all in jail. Haha - fun times.

I just remember him bullying one of the kids into admitting that Gerrard was better then Cesc Fabregas.

Probably the best tute I will ever have just for the first 20 minutes of the tute.
That would be Jennifer Cornwell. I had her as a tutor on Monday mornings at 10am. Didnt pay a super lot of attention to the subject but she seemed a good teacher.

The best Tutor ever was a guy in BIS. He WAS the subject. Fanatical Liverpool supporter and into his music. One conversation with him about a short assignment. (worth 2 marks for the year.

Him: Have you done your analyse yet?
Student: No
Him: Yes you have, one mark out of 2


Yeah Tony i have him this semester. He's a ****en legend. Gave me full marks for participation and i only rocked up to half the tuts

I have only started sports admin but its the best subject i have done in all of uni or school. Then again i am averaging about 78%.

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Exam experiences

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