Exam experiences

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I had fun in my Crim Law exam on Monday. My answers were probably terrible but the question itself was damn funny.

Don't finish until Thursday week though :(
Well after the CB concert last night i now have an exam at 12.15 and 6.45. Im so screwed seeing im only beginning my study now. Plan is study for the 6.45 one in between the break.

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I had fun in my Crim Law exam on Monday. My answers were probably terrible but the question itself was damn funny.

Don't finish until Thursday week though :(

if you are, pm me and ill send you some notes for torts and contracts..
units you will do in second year
im in my second year of law...
torts exam in 4.5 hours :(
Nice work CK. Do you guys reckon if i fail i can go up to them and say i had an excuse, my grievance at the sorry looking state of my car caused me to underperform in the exams. And then somehow they'll make it all better.
had a shocker of a day. Lit Exam in the morning, geography in the afternoon.
Nailed 2 sections of the Lit, but f***ed up the drama section. Pretty happy with geography today. 5 day weekend now. Woooo!
Well unlike all of you I wasn't really interested in all my school exams and never went to Uni or Tafe so once I finished school I went straight into the railways basically.
I never thought i needed to do another exam untill I had to do my dogmans ticket to keep my job.
I was so nervous that I studied for like 5 straight days and then the night before the exam got a bad case of the Runs, all night ap and down.
About 7 am my old lady gave me some tablets to firm me up a bit and settle my guts.
I got to work early to have a coffee and clean the tubes before the Exam and did so everything was going peachy until the Exam started at 9am when my guts started to rumble, I thought if I slip out a little quiet Fart it might get me through, Unfortunatly when I tried to let a little one out this huge uncontrolable rumble came out like (like a harley starting up) and It stank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everybody turned and looked at me and all I could say was damm that felt good!
The instructor said thats one way to relieve tension and had a chuckle.

I felt heaps better and passed the exam with flying colours, Now I never stress out about taking Tests of that magnitude as i believe in my own abilities and have never really been nervous since. that was 10 odd years ago and I now make sure I drop me guts before I do any tests. :thumbsu:
Well unlike all of you I wasn't really interested in all my school exams and never went to Uni or Tafe so once I finished school I went straight into the railways basically.
I never thought i needed to do another exam untill I had to do my dogmans ticket to keep my job.
I was so nervous that I studied for like 5 straight days and then the night before the exam got a bad case of the Runs, all night ap and down.
About 7 am my old lady gave me some tablets to firm me up a bit and settle my guts.
I got to work early to have a coffee and clean the tubes before the Exam and did so everything was going peachy until the Exam started at 9am when my guts started to rumble, I thought if I slip out a little quiet Fart it might get me through, Unfortunatly when I tried to let a little one out this huge uncontrolable rumble came out like (like a harley starting up) and It stank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everybody turned and looked at me and all I could say was damm that felt good!
The instructor said thats one way to relieve tension and had a chuckle.

I felt heaps better and passed the exam with flying colours, Now I never stress out about taking Tests of that magnitude as i believe in my own abilities and have never really been nervous since. that was 10 odd years ago and I now make sure I drop me guts before I do any tests. :thumbsu:
i now know you are anthony overton and you work on the rails.
You are inviting some identity theft, or a stalker.............

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i now know you are anthony overton and you work on the rails.
You are inviting some identity theft, or a stalker.............
You need to go to the "How old are you thread" and the "What job do you have" thread to find out that info anyway.
Also their are a few Rail companies out there.
WestNet, Sct, Suburban, PacNat, FCL, Toll Rail, John Holland, Westrac, plus heaps more.
Most of my family are in transport and Im not the only Railway worker on here either!!!:cool:
You need to go to the "How old are you thread" and the "What job do you have" thread to find out that info anyway.
Also their are a few Rail companies out there.
WestNet, Sct, Suburban, PacNat, FCL, Toll Rail, John Holland, Westrac, plus heaps more.
Most of my family are in transport and Im not the only Railway worker on here either!!!:cool:
just havin a laugh, don't panic.
Just finished my final TEE exam :thumbsu:
had economics, english, phys ed studies, applicable and accounting in that order.
Economics and Accounting I found the easiest two with applicable being a **** of an exam.

Leavers in 5 days :D
Yay I finished my last bitchy ass exam last week thank ****! Gosh the people who invented such vile crap should have been shot what tripe!
Anyway why am I complaining, the exams themselves were not that hard but still all that time wasting sitting in a horrible bastard chair and desk with those pathetic people that cough every 2mins, gets on ya nerves! feel like throwing the desk at them! :rolleyes:
Well theyre over now for the year so yes I am happy in that aspect, it rocks! :thumbsu:
Oh i wouldnt worry too much about it, everyone does shit and they just scale you up to 50 :)

At least thats what i got last year.
Just finished my last uni exam ever.

Weirdest thing thats happened in an exam. There is an engineering unit at UWA, they give you the solutions as you finish the exam, real cu*ts. Well last year the old ladies handed them out halfway through the exam, everyone had to resit the exam, funny stuff.
Just had the easiest exam in my entire life. Smashed it and left after one hour. Even took a piss during it and still managed to leave incredibly early.
Well, I thought I did ok in 204 at first glance, but checking some of the questions that I was unsure about now Im not so sure...

Had a bit of a LOL moment. Almost gave the exam paper back without my name on it:rolleyes:. Accidently filled out the form we didnt have to use and not the one we did. Also, one question.

Basically they gave us a test exam to practice which was very similar in structure to the actual exam. Main thing though, is if there is only two real questions/areas of accounting they could ask a question about, you can deduce what exact question/area will be in the exam. That was the case with COSO and COBIT internal control yabba yabba yabba etc...

So the COSO control was in the prac, so I knew that COBIT would be in the exam. So I made sure I knew exactly would it stood for, and I was right, so thats a guaranteed 2 marks. Only problem being that I didnt actually have a good think about what COBIT would actually do, and as such probably wiffed the question, thus missing a few marks out of the 6 available...:eek:

Overall meh...

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Exam experiences

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