Competition Exciting SFA Media Opportunity Awaits

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About Me

I was kindly given the opportunity to sit in the grandstand for the last 2 weeks and not play qooty, thank you SFA committee.

In that time I pondered about the Under Turbos Torch podcast, the 67,000 views and its future.


I have been doing hot seat interviews for a few seasons now and like all things shiny in the SFA they start to dull with age and lose their appeal.

The SFA audience is always looking for the next new thing to jump onto, so I want to give it to you.

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Whats on Offer?

I will not divulge what I have concocted, but have started this thread in search for a partner in crime to co-host with me on these very special media events - for whats left of S31.

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How to Apply

If you are interested, I would love to hear from you;

please PM Tigerturbulance explaining why you are the perfect addition to our team.


If I actually get more than 1 person interested I will audition them on the couch and make a final decision.

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About Me

I was kindly given the opportunity to sit in the grandstand for the last 2 weeks and not play qooty, thank you SFA committee.

In that time I pondered about the Under Turbos Torch podcast, the 67,000 views and its future.

I have been doing hot seat interviews for a few seasons now and like all things shiny in the SFA they start to dull with age and lose their appeal.

The SFA audience is always looking for the next new thing to jump onto, so I want to give it to you.

Whats on Offer?

I will not divulge what I have concocted, but have started this thread in search for a partner in crime to co-host with me on these very special media events - for whats left of S31.

How to Apply

If you are interested, I would love to hear from you;

please PM Tigerturbulance explaining why you are the perfect addition to our team.

If I actually get more than 1 person interested I will audition them on the couch and make a final decision.


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