Sim Feature Requests, Suggestions & Bug Reports

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Anyone can add their own suggestions here.


Qooty Feature Requests / Suggestions:

These are implemented
These are reliant on Qooty64 being finished and will then be attempted
These are unlikely to be implemented
These are not being considered yet but might be in the future

2. Player "attributes" affect performance.
Function is sort of operable now, but :
- Its voluntary, the Simmer can choose to have the Sim either respect attributes or ignore them.
- I need to make it config-oriented, meaning once you've locked a league in for play, you can't toggle that setting anymore.
- Accuracy and Marking works, Tackling does not (yet).
- The attributes are currently randomly set when a team is created. They can be edited via a slow process that is not very wieldy yet.
- A slightly more wieldy approach is partly done, but only REDISTRIBUTES attributes, meaning if you increase an attribute for a player, the other attributes are reduced accordingly, retaining a standard total.
- As attributes are randomly applied, this is kind of unfair. I suggest not using them until I improve the system.

3. Past performances by Players should be able to affect their current attributes. For example if they start kicking accurately, they should have their accuracy attribute increase a little.
- Backburner.

6. More interchange.
- I understand your pain, but it will be one of the hardest things to change!

7. Explain the Voting allocations.
- See here

8. Choosable Season number.
- Realised quite difficult as it's used for two things - season specification AND fixturing (datewise when using diary system).

11. Posting affects performance.
- I hate this concept, but as it has some support, the sim could possibly be adjusted to allow overall attributes to be affected by simmer input. It already can be done manually, but there is also the concept of a "form sheet" being entered by a simmer that could be used by the sim to adjust attributes.

12. Defensive stats (spoils, etc)
- Tricky but possible, once Qooty64 is up.

13. Add fights. Link suspensions/injuries to play incidents instead of having them random and unrelated.
- Want to do this, requires some work, needs more coding space hence needs Qooty64.

14. Player numbers
- Hmm in hindsight I can't see the purpose. What would be the purpose?

15. Home ground advantage
- Yes great idea, as a function you could switch on or off depending on your wish for that league (Config locked though - shouldn't be able to change it match by match)

16. Wind advantage.
- Tarks was joking, but this is actually a great idea.

18. Load to youtube.
- Listed not because its possible, but because it would be brilliant.

19. Quarter's end summary - leading goalscorers, possession-winners etc.
- Good idea, requires more codespace hence Qooty64.

20. Running hot/cold comments.
- Really hard to do.

21. Ability to transfer an entire team from one league to another.
- Will look at this after Qooty64 is up. Not urgently though as huge work.

22. Enable forcing some elements of fixture creation.
- Eg: telling sim to get two teams to meet each other in Rd 1 (cip prev season's Grand Finallists). Will look at this after Qooty64 is up.

23. Background crowd noise when playing a match.
- Should be possible with Qooty64.

24. Batch Transfer.
- I intend to add a batch transfer function, where a team can be typed into a list, and all the transfers are done at once to put them into their positions.

25. "Setup" settings revamp.
- When Round # is selected, a check of setup and config should be made and the appropriate setup suggested, then it can be accepted or denied.
- There should be hardcoded setup files for each of the three main game styles : Season, Preseason and Practice.
- Investigate possibility of individual default setups for individual leagues.
- Even the saving/default settin of Setup screen is all stupid.

26. Screen aesthetics.
- Highests screen
- Match stats screen

27. Viewing archived seasons.
- I intend to check whether we have the ability to successfully view archived data.

28. Last play carryover anomaly.
- Player sometimes has a kick at the end of one quarter and the result of the kick coming up at the start of the next.
- Players kicking at goal at 24.55 in Q4 - needs dealing with.

29. Match stat toggle options
- Enable alternate match stat view with disposals instead of kicks and marks.
- Also, insert toggle in View Match Statistics screen to enable lining players up against their opponents.

30. Retirement suggestion
- The game could have an option to suggest that a player retires.

32. Assign each team a colour.
So that when teams and things are put up it's not just pink and green or whatever it is currently. This would probably be much harder.

33. Bounces and throw-ins around the ground.
This is probably the most notably different thing between the structure of the real game and qooty. This, I'd imagine, would require a heap of work.

34. Possibly make it more user firendly by generating the forum-friendly stats automatically?

36. Backmen to have more possessions?

37. Crowd attendance\membership stat based on current ladder position or previous seasons.
Just to add more detail and link it to real life. It would be a good banter target.

38. add J. Blow as random name option.

40. Ladder positions.
Add to display and commentary.

41. Make rotations more realistic.
(don't swap rovers with ruckmen, for example)

42. Make it work on Linux and Mac

43. A Dreamteam tracker function

44. Make Transfer be first option in Setup Menu

45. Forum-friendly stats to have commentary file included.


1. Make it work on Vista, W7
4. The Sim should take account of player v player matchup performance.
5. Career stats etc.
9. Slow down the Ruckmen's vote accumulation.
10. Allow the CHF to pick up more prominence.
17. Team stats.
31. A forum friendly commentary file.
35. Advise first player selected for transfer.
39. show round number in match play and commentary.

Bugs & Glitches:

Bugs :
- Prevent 1- or 2- character team abbreviations.
- Exclamation mark is a reserved character for goals kicked, in comments. This is a bad choice, as exclamation marks are handy for multi-sentence comments. Should change the reserved character to, say, string ($).
- Decreasing Game Pace works, increasing it seems to make no difference.
- Display Commentary File - All the speeds are kind of similar except 10, at which point it races.
- When revoking a game, number of matches played is reduced by one, even if the stats setting for counting the match played, was off.
- When revoking a game, HIGHEST files cannot be located.
- Setup - Accept v New Default is just all crap. Suggest do 1. New Default then 2. Accept each time a change is made.
- Live Updater - Many tweaks: 1) gifs get cut off, 2) need to enforce user's own shoutbox etc
- SetConfig - Reassess years on offer (much tougher than seems, Season is used TWICE : 1. Season number, 2. Date fixturing - these clash)
- Make a manual positional change (A. Does make the change, B. Doesn't add commentary, B. If done too late, match ends)
- Manually drag a player (A. Doesn't make the change, B. Doesn't add commentary, B. If done too late, match ends)

Done :
- Paths with spaces bug - fixed for V10.1
- Autoplay needs adjusts in Form display (2) screens so it moves on automatically
- New files need to be added to the "do not purge" list.
- Autoplay fixture that should be playing 6 rounds is playing, seemingly, 12.
- Friendly fixture only shows last score
- Have it warn that you would want setup to be correct when putting on autoplay
- have reminder be garish in menu to be obvious
- File League - check for already if folder that name
- Autoplay should be off with initial installation, regardless of reminder
- Shouldn't be able to go to Set Config screen if no leagues
- Slightly increase transactions across the board.
- Correct fixturing issues with too many home games in a row for some teams. <-- unable to see an issue, maybe people were manually changing fixtures
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Re: (sim development) Things people would like to see

Posting affects performance?
That's the major one I'd like to see.

Other than that, just more realistic. Less jumbledness...

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Re: (sim development) Things people would like to see

Yes I could release a "Qooty for Tykes" version :p

Umm yeah, in general, it wouldn't be "posting affects performance", but a kind of "weighting" input by the simmer. He/she would create a text file of players and an attribute of their own (eg posting quality), and then tell the sim to import it, where the Sim would apply the gradings against the existing attributes.

It would be banned from any competitions I ran though.
Re: (sim development) Things people would like to see

Defensive stats (spoils, goals conceded etc)

Most of what you've said is what I was thinking about including if I ever bother making a sim.

Obviously, there are a few features I was hoping to develop that were RFFL specific (for any hypothetical sim that I would make, was planning on learning to program but have not got around to it yet), but I don't know how much value/satisfaction you'd get out of adding them compared to the time it'd probably take to implement them.

Yes I could release a "Qooty for Tarks" version :p

Edited for accuracy. :p
Re: (sim development) Things people would like to see

There's also a change in the works to enable you to CHOOSE the season number. Currently it gives you the year as the season number, which is problematic if you run multiple seasons in a year.
Re: (sim development) Things people would like to see

I stopped reading after 1.... mainly cause I can't count really...
Re: (sim development) Things people would like to see

Can you somehow integrate a "Bryce Gibbs Option" where a player looks really good but has no substance and is extremely soft.

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Re: (sim development) Things people would like to see

Can you somehow integrate a "Bryce Gibbs Option" where a player looks really good but has no substance and is extremely soft.
Yeah that's the Fred tweak.
Re: (sim development) Things people would like to see

Can you put it down so when someone kicks an unbelievable awesome goal the commentary reads, "And he's done a boncer34! Amazing!"
Re: (sim development) Things people would like to see

Can you put it down so when someone kicks an unbelievable awesome goal the commentary reads, "And he's done a boncer34! Amazing!"
I put it in the commentary, but the comment somehow ended up much akin to a Kane Cornes-esque diving attempt
Re: (sim development) Things people would like to see

1. A bit more biffo, with a few reports and odd suspension.
2. Results of the 3/4 time meat tray raffle draw
Re: (sim development) Things people would like to see

Home ground advantage? Could be there already.

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