Fight Night (Jazny has a hot flush, FISTO hitting the KFC)

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As fun as this has been flogs I have friends coming over so will leave you to your fake internet fighting :$

Oh I’m sorry how rude of me. “Friends” - a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection
As fun as this has been flogs I have friends coming over so will leave you to your fake internet fighting :$

Oh I’m sorry how rude of me. “Friends” - a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection

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Suddenly they forget about their stomach aches, and begin to push and shove and jumper punch, and the fight is back on again.

The police have arrived at 7.20pm, and they have been shocked by the scene. They have seen the cars, and the weapons. They have seen the blood, and the bodies. They have seen the ring, and the fighters and the feathers and chicken shit everywhere. They have realized that they had stumbled upon an illegal and dangerous event. They have called for backup, and they have tried to stop the fight.
Unbelievable scenes here at Moorabbin. Nobody knows what's going on. The fight is supposed to start at 7.30pm. The fighters looks confused. STPer18 is standing around with a stupid look on his face, zackah is seen is talking with officials.
A group of police officers have turned up to watch the fight, and they have allowed it to continue. These police officers have a passion for gambling and thrill. They've heard about the shit fight, and they have decided to check it out. They have driven their patrol cars to the carpark, and they have parked them near the ring. They have also brought their own weapons, such as guns, tasers, and batons. They have no intention of stopping the fight, or enforcing the law. They just want to have some fun, and make some money.

Let's see what they have got!
zackah is in the red corner, wearing red shorts and gloves. His weight is still undetermined, but he looks bigger and stronger than his opponent. He opens his box, and finds a chainsaw. He looks surprised, but also excited. He revs up the chainsaw, and smiles wickedly. STPer18 is in the blue corner, wearing blue shorts and gloves. He weighs 52 kg, and he looks fast and agile. He opens his box, and finds a pair of scissors. He looks shocked, but also determined. He holds the scissors in his hand, and frowns.
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The bell rings and the first round begins. zackah and STPer18 approach each other cautiously, holding their weapons in their hands. zackah swings his chainsaw at STPer18, but STPer18 dodges it and stabs zackah in the arm with his scissors. zackah screams, and drops his chainsaw. STPer18 picks up the chainsaw, and turns it on. He swings it at zackah, who blocks it with his gloves. The chainsaw cuts through the gloves, and injures zackah's fingers. zackah grabs the scissors, and slashes STPer18's face with them. The chainsaw spills loose. zackah picks up the chainsaw, and turns it off. He throws it out of the ring, and says he doesn't need it. He now holds the scissors in his hand, and challenges STPer18 to a fist fight.

The action continues, and zackah throws a stab jab, followed by a right cross. STPer18 blocks them, and counters with a left hook to the body. zackah winces, and backs up. STPer18 presses forward, and lands a right uppercut to the chin of zackah. zackah's head snaps back, and he clinches. The referee breaks them up, and warns zackah for holding.

STPer18 asks for a ciggy break, ref tells him to wait 'til the end of the round.

They resume the action, and zackah tries to surprise STPer18 again with the scissors. But STPer18 sees it coming, and ducks under it. He then delivers a left hook to the temple of zackah. zackah's legs buckle, but he remains on his feet.

STPer18 turns to crowd and beats his chest and announces his groin. zackah says **** this campaigner and delievers a haymaker STPer18 doesn't see coming. STPer18 is spread eagle,

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4...

STPer18 jumps up laughing proclaiming 'didn't hurt'.

The bell rings to the end the round.
The second round begins

The second round is more intense, as Zackah decides to go on the offensive and pressure STPer18. He corners him and unleashes a barrage of punches, hoping to knock him out. STPer18 covers up and absorbs some shots, but also manages to slip out and land some counterpunches. He also taunts Zackah, saying that he is a triggerer of the year wannabe and that he should stick to footy, and throws his scissors into the crowd, and points to his chin and tells zackah 'right here campaigner'

The third round is a turning point, as STPer18 makes a mistake and gets caught by a powerful right hook from Zackah. He staggers and falls to the canvas, barely beating the count. Zackah smells blood and goes for the kill, but STPer18 recovers and clinches. He survives the round, but he is clearly hurt and shaken.

The fourth round is a surprise, as STPer18 shows his resilience and comes back strong. He uses his speed and footwork to avoid Zackah's punches and lands some crisp shots of his own. He also targets Zackah's body, hoping to wear him down. Zackah is frustrated and tries to catch STPer18, but he is too slow and predictable.

The fifth round is a close one, as both fighters exchange blows and trade insults. Zackah and STPer18 are both tired and bruised, but they refuse to give up. They both land some solid hits, but none of them are able to finish the other. The crowd is on the edge of their seats, wondering who will win this epic battle.

The sixth round begins, and the two fighters go hammer and tongs when suddenly STPer18 absolutely actually lands one.
The referee starts the count, as zackah struggles to get up. He reaches the count of eight, and zackah is on his feet. He looks wobbly, and his eyes are glazed. The referee asks him if he can continue, and zackah says yes. The referee lets the fight resume, but he is watching zackah closely.

They resume the action, and somebody throws the scissors back in the ring and zackah picks up STPer18s scissors and tries to stab STPer18. But STPer18 is faster, and once again dodges and counters with his fists and feet. He lands several blows on zackah, who is bleeding and bruised. zackah is getting frustrated, and he throws his wig at STPer18. STPer18 catches it, and throws it back at zackah. The wig hits zackah in the face, andhe drops again..

STPer18 smells victory, and he goes for the finish. He throws a barrage of punches at zackah, who is on the ropes and barely defending himself. zackah is taking a lot of punishment, and he is not fighting back.
zackah is in trouble. He is down on the scorecards, and he has been battered and bruised by STPer18, who has been using his weapon, a pair of scissors, to cut and stab zackah. zackah, who threw his chainsaw away, has been unable to land any significant blows on STPer18, who has been dodging and countering with his fists and feet.

zackah knows that he needs to do something drastic to turn the tide of the fight. He decides to abandon all hope, and use his bare hands instead. He hopes that his size and strength will give him an advantage over STPer18, who is smaller and lighter.
The 7th round begins and..

zackah bursts out swinging at STPer18. STPer18 desperately tries to defend but is completely overwhelmed, and attempts some kind of defence, but zackah is too triggered. STPer18 knows he can't stop him, and shoots a dart at zackah. The dart hits zackah in the shoulder, but it still doesn't stop him. zackah reaches STPer18, and wraps his arms around him. He lifts him up, and slams him down. STPer18 lands hard on the canvas, and drops his scissors. zackah follows him, and mounts him. He starts to punch STPer18 in the face, with all his force.

STPer18 tries to defend himself, and block zackah's punches. He also tries to buck zackah off, and escape from his position. But zackah is too heavy, and too strong. He pins STPer18 down, and continues to punch him. STPer18 is bleeding, and swelling. He is in pain, and in danger.

The referee is watching closely, and he is ready to stop the fight. He asks STPer18 if he can continue, and STPer18 says yes. He still has some fight left in him, and he doesn't want to give up. He looks for an opening, and a chance to turn the tables.

He finds it, when zackah makes a mistake. zackah gets overconfident, and lowers his guard. He tries to finish STPer18 off, with a big right hand. But STPer18 sees it coming, and moves his head. He then bites zackah's ear, hard. zackah screams, and lets go of STPer18. He covers his ear, and backs up. STPer18 gets up, and grabs his scissors. He runs at zackah, and slashes his throat. zackah falls to the ground, clutching his neck. He is bleeding profusely, and he is not moving

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Fight Night (Jazny has a hot flush, FISTO hitting the KFC)

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