Filming people in public - when will the law catch up?

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I've long held a theory that a lot of boomer men had fractious relationships with their fathers who could actually tell them how much harder they had it at their age and mean it and they in turn spend the rest of their lives trying, usually in vain to prove something to their dad to get his approval.

I don't understand? It's not an issue if who had or has it harder or winning approval, it's more about being a participant in life vs being an observer; I think the latter is a bit sad. It probably contributes to the increase in mental illness via unreasonable comparisons, greener grass effect, FOMO, etc.
You’re right things always change

But the modern lifestyle is a health risk and that’s hard to dismiss with “the back in my day” argument

Bit of a tangent but funny you mention the word risk in this context: just today on the radio they were talking about how kids' playgrounds are made too safe now, and as such they are not adequately developing skills in assessing and dealing with risk.

Pretty interesting.

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I've long held a theory that a lot of boomer men had fractious relationships with their fathers who could actually tell them how much harder they had it at their age and mean it and they in turn spend the rest of their lives trying, usually in vain to prove something to their dad to get his approval.

This can really drive people to do great things. Roy Jones Jr, greatest boxer of his generation basically was estranged from his Dad, and this made him want to be a better boxer than him. He kept the Jr as a **** you to his old man.

(Of course the exception not the rule)
This can really drive people to do great things. Roy Jones Jr, greatest boxer of his generation basically was estranged from his Dad, and this made him want to be a better boxer than him. He kept the Jr as a * you to his old man.

(Of course the exception not the rule)
My old man and I just sulk after we've had a fight and not talk to each other for a while.

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