First goal, banner etc v Swans R 18

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One point for best weekly banner in the BRWB Banner Award section. *
One point each for correct first Bulldogs goal kicker and nearest to margin.
One point for best name for the fixture / 'Cup'. *
One point for best next day's Herald Sun back page headline. *
One point for nearest to crowd number
One bonus point tipping for exact margin.

26 pt Bulldog Rick,
24 pt Libba39
23pt Grassman,
21pt BoydohBoyd,
14pt Dogwatch,
8 pt Jeff1975,
7 pt Mike,
6pt Chicago, Randomthoughts,
4pt 54Bulldog16, MKS, Fossie 32
3pt Doggies13, Darklake
2 pt NBates, wholetthedogsout, BallaratBulldog
1 pt Geoff Jennings, Struggle, synchrodogcal, dullhighahoy, VL3OJ
Nostradamus Award

30 pt Chicago,
29 pt Libba39,
28 pt Grassman,
25 pt Doggies13,
23pt Random Thoughts,
21 pt Fossie 32
18 pt Bulldog rick,
16 pt MKS,
15 pt Mike,
12 pt Jeff, BoydohBoyd
9 pt Darklake
8 pt Struggle, BallaratBulldog,
7 pt 54Bulldog16, Dogwatch
6 pt Sharkey,
5 pt CarnThe Scray, wholetthedogsout,
2 pt DognBones
1 pt ... Floridog, Selim, synchrodogcal, Ballarat Bulldog 100, VL3OJ
The 'You're Living in the Past, John. Quit Living in the Past!' Cup
Headline: Swans Sink, Dogs Don't
Crowd 20,673
First goal Weightman
Dogs by 33

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Umpire appreciation match. Guest speaker after the match John longmuir. Sponsored by Red white and blue foundation (no links to us)

First goal: naughton
Crowd: 27435
Dogs win by 28 pts

Banner: 300 games for horse
Get ready for plenty of remorse
Just like 2016 of course.

Headline (Sydney morning herald)
Free kick bulldogs beat swans. Horse demands royal commission.
Dogs by 15

F: 2016 GF rematch - new and improved, now with extra salt

H: Swan Dive - 300 ugly ducklings


2016, the season that was
Is it really that long since Buddy v Moz?
October 2nd the Western Suburbs did erupt
Yet in 23 they still think the Umps were corrupt
  • Thread starter
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  • #13
Libba - Struggle
26221 - Struggle 26145 :)
minus 2 RG16
Banner Bulldog rick Grassman
Fixture BoydOhBoyd Bulldog rick Grassman
HL BoydOhBoyd Bulldog rick Grassman

Mike minus 28

RG16 9 5pt
Random 11 4pt
Grassman 15 3pt
Fossie, Chicago 16 2pt
MKS 23 1pt

Doggies13 26
Bulldog rick 28
BoydOhBoyd 33
Struggle 53

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  • Thread starter
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  • #14
32 pt Bulldog Rick,
26pt Grassman,
24 pt Libba39
23 pt BoydohBoyd,
14pt Dogwatch,
8 pt Jeff1975,
7 pt Mike,
6pt Chicago, Randomthoughts,
4pt 54Bulldog16, MKS, Fossie 32
3pt Doggies13, Darklake
2 pt NBates, Struggle, wholetthedogsout, BallaratBulldog
1 pt Geoff Jennings, synchrodogcal, dullhighahoy, VL3OJ, RG16
Nostradamus Award

32 pt Chicago,
31 pt Grassman,
29 pt Libba39,
27 pt Random Thoughts,
25 pt Doggies13,
23 pt Fossie 32
18 pt Bulldog rick,
17 pt MKS,
15 pt Mike,
12 pt Jeff, BoydohBoyd
9 pt Darklake
8 pt Struggle, BallaratBulldog,
7 pt 54Bulldog16, Dogwatch
6 pt Sharkey,
5 pt CarnThe Scray, wholetthedogsout, RG16
2 pt DognBones
1 pt ... Floridog, Selim, synchrodogcal, Ballarat Bulldog 100, VL3OJ
I am backing Chicago1 to run away with Nostradamus award. He is an ex teacher, ex CIA and a master of torture. All perfect disciplines to predict future events.
And he’s been jinxing us with his meals for weeks

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First goal, banner etc v Swans R 18

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