Religion Folau

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But it's true, every time an inconsistency in the text is pointed out someone will say that it's not meant to be read that way or that we aren't meant to take a literal interpretation of it, it's laughable. At least give ISIS some credit for their literal interpretation of their chosen fairytale rather than the hypocritical pick and mix version that most christians seem to adopt.

Ready for the derailment?

I would agree the modern Church in the main is hypocritical in many lesser issues. In this instance however it's the core belief of Christianity that the whole purpose for Christ coming was to do away with the OT law and put in place a new covenant. He paid the penalty for sin. The law was supposed to show us that no one can justify themselves, over hundreds of years many tried (including the Pharisees who thought they had it nailed). It's impossible for us to be good enough.

I would agree that hypocrisy in the Church exists though. I stopped going when 3 different churches couldn't give me an answer to the following questions I sent them by e-mail.

I noticed in your denominational statement that you regard tithes as God's method to support the work of the church today.

I have some questions;

(1) Did Christ not say that tithing was a lesser part of the LAW, (the weightier matters being justice, mercy and faith). Matthew 23:23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.

(2) Didn't Paul say in his letter to the Galatians that if any man wanted to trust in the LAW he is cursed? (He used circumcision as an example). Wasn't the law our teacher to bring us to Christ?

(3) Isn't it clear from reading Malachi chapters 1 & 2 that the book of Malachi (including verse 3:10 which you have quoted) was directed towards the priests? Malachi 1:6b O priests, that despise my name. And ye say, Wherein have we despised thy name? - Malachi 2:1 And now, O ye priests, this commandment is for you.

(4) Isn't it true that Paul could not have collected any TITHES because the law specifically stated that the TITHE was to be directed to the STOREHOUSE which was situated in the temple at Jerusalem, and the temple was still around whilst he was alive.

(5) Isn't it true that under the New Covenant, if we should be directed by anyone other than ourselves in how much we should give, that direction should come from the Holy Spirit?

(6) Isn't it true that Paul said the Holy Spirit had directed that no other burden should be placed on the Gentile converts than that of fleeing fornication and idolatry etc. and tithing was not one of the items mentioned? If they were going to be subject to the 'devourer' mentioned in Malachi if they didn't tithe (as is so often taught in churches today), then why didn't Paul add tithing to his list of things that the gentile converts should observe?

(7) Isn't it true that Christ told His followers just before He returned to Heaven, that they should teach all nations to observe whatsoever he had commanded THEM to observe? Can we find one instance in all of scripture where He commanded them to tithe or to teach the tithe as a New Covenant principle of giving? Admittedly in Matthew 23 He stated that the Pharisees should still tithe, but wasn't this before he fulfilled the LAW by dying on the cross? (i.e. the Pharisees were still under the law and obligated to tithe, circumcise etc whilst the law was still in operation). Notice also that Jesus used the past tense in Matthew 23:23 these ought ye to have done.

(8) Isn't it true that ancient Israel's tithing system was a precursor to our current system of taxation, which amongst other things, provides a means of support to the poor?

(9) If we are under a new and better covenant, why do so many want to resurrect particular aspects of the old covenant which was made with ISRAEL, and not with the rest of mankind? The Mormons and Seventh Day Adventists command tithing also. If people give as they are directed by the Holy Spirit, then error would be so much harder to propagate.

(10) If in the future I pastor a church and I never ask the congregation to tithe, but instead ask the Holy Spirit to guide them in how to give, will I be breaking any New Testament or New Covenant principle? If so, did Paul break same said principle when he didn't ask the Corinthian church for financial support but relied on tent-making and other means of support instead?

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Can't wait to hear Izzy wail about how persecuted he is, even though his campaign clearly violated GoFundMe's policy.
This part?

campaigns we deem, in our sole discretion, to be in support of, or for the legal defense of alleged crimes associated with hate, violence, harassment, bullying, discrimination, terrorism, or intolerance of any kind relating to race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, sex, gender or gender identity, or serious disabilities or diseases;
No he didn't how many times do I have to say this RA has no authority over private religious folau. The only reason most are happy to spin this line is because different lefty rules apply to rich/wierd Christian/ tattoo black person(take your pick)

If he was a union rep dealing drugs on union time out of a union car he'd keep his job. If he was a devout Muslim at a big employers saying something unsavoury on Facebook he'd keep his job.

He signed a contract saying he wouldn’t do something. He went and did it.

He promised not to do it again.

He did it again.

The contract terms were broken and the other party exercised their rights.

So Folau decided to claw back some cash with an online con.
We are respite foster carers for a 15 year old girl who has recently come out as gay.

She is immensely conflicted by this as her principal carer for the last 8 years is religious and she attends church.

if you think the cherry picked ******** folau comes out with doesnt hurt people id suggest you know less than john snow on his worst day.

Her girlfriend is in a teenagers home run by a christian establishment and since she has come out as gay she is no longer allowed to visit. Another of the kids we had on and off for 2 years is in there and his gf can and does visit all the time.

F-you and the horse you rode in on and f-all of you bigoted clueless, conscienceless hate spreading mfers.

Fn sunday christians

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A completely different issue. Please stick to the Folau one and refrain from moments of over the top outrage.
He's having a few issues with terms and conditions and code of conduct...

Was first mooted on Friday. Took them three days to find something in the fine print.

Another illustration of the influence of the far left's unholiest forces after they sunk the national women's soccer team.

Cue the HS's headline story about Sport Australia's decree that boys should be allowed to play sport against girls under the age of 12 if they identify as a girl.

Say no to the madness and support Folau.

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Was first mooted on Friday. Took them three days to find something in the fine print.

An illustration of the influence of the far left's unholiest forces.

Another can be seen in the HS's headline story about Sport Australia's decree that boys should be allowed to play sport against girls under the age of 12 if they identify as a girl.

Say no to the madness and support Folau.
Should the government intervene? Because that would be kind of communist.
The head of the Australian Christian Lobby seemed to almost squirm uncomfortably as the question – posed by Lisa Wilkinson – hung in the air on The Sunday Project last night.

"“HELL [is gods plan]” he wrote. “Unless they repent for their sins and turn to God.”

Tonight, when pressed about the comments, Iles seemingly supports in his campaign to aid Folau, the staunch Christian said that the “mainstream Christian belief on this is that all of us are born going to hell”.

He continued; “We’re all sinners and I don’t think it’s helpful to say that Israel Folau’s post targeted homosexuals — it didn’t,” he said.

“I was on the list. I think each of us were on the list. We’re all sinners. We will be judged by God and we will be found wanting. I think that’s something that some Australians find offensive.""

Kind of funny that the Bible verse Folau posted does not even mention homosexuality. The image he posted is in regards to a different verse (in some cases from Corinthians) and in once instance was paraded outside of a Texas Freethought convention with reference to Corinthians... and magically, even though Corinthians makes no mention of Atheism... Bam! Atheists appear in the list by Crom! Why didn't he include a comprehensive list of all sinners...?

Look how far this cannon went (courtesy Crankitup)

Suicide can be a complex issue but it isnt helped by advocating a ban on open discussion
When free speech is shut down on these issues, who are the LGBTQIA people and supporters going to blame if and when suicide rates don’t go down? It won’t change this but watch out next for the thought police.
Was first mooted on Friday. Took them three days to find something in the fine print.

Another illustration of the influence of the far left's unholiest forces after they sunk the national women's soccer team.

Cue the HS's headline story about Sport Australia's decree that boys should be allowed to play sport against girls under the age of 12 if they identify as a girl.

Say no to the madness and support Folau.

Did the lefties refund your donation?
When free speech is shut down on these issues, who are the LGBTQIA people and supporters going to blame if and when suicide rates don’t go down? It won’t change this but watch out next for the thought police.
Nobodies free speech has been shut down, Folau will still get his day in court and a chance to argue his case. He's just going to have to do it on his own coin, that's all.
It's not irrelevant if he's stating he's just expressing his religious belief, as the image misrepresents his religious belief. Was he ignorant of this, or did he post this knowingly*? Either way...

Well as I've already pointed out repeatedly we don't know because we can't read his mind.

Either way.......... he's an idiot to believe in religion or he's a hate filled bigot (again I've already pointed that out). What do you want me say?

It's perplexing how you persist with whether not the post was an excerpt from the actual bible or copied from it - it makes no difference we know the sentiment of religions.
Well as I've already pointed out repeatedly we don't know because we can't read his mind.

Either way.......... he's an idiot to believe in religion or he's a hate filled bigot (again I've already pointed that out). What do you want me say?

It's perplexing how you persist with whether not the post was an excerpt from the actual bible or copied from it - it makes no difference we know the sentiment of religions.

You can read people's "minds" due to having a "theory of mind", as I have pointed out. A person can know another's intents based on, for example, their actions. I have just recently posted this but...

Exhibit A - The dude with the "repent" sign, religious belief or vilification (based on personal bias and hatred)?


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Religion Folau

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