Footy Is The Win's Top 50 All Time Scumbags

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3. Hilary Clinton


^Mrs. Rape Enabler^

This fly attracting devil worshipping cobweb covered old hag defended a child rapist in court, then laughed about it when he got off. Left soldiers to die in Benghazi, then bleached her phone and hard drive to cover it up. Promotes the #metoo movement whilst being married to a bloke impeached for getting sucked off by his young secretary in the Whitehouse. Same guy who boarded 26 flights on the Lolita Express.
Started a foundation and charges $100,000 to listen to her talk s**t. Claimed the 2016 election was interfered with by Russians because she lost, but called Trump a conspiracy theorist when he question the 2020 results. I could go on.

Rating: I'm not suicidal.

Not even the worst Clinton


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3. Hilary Clinton


^Mrs. Rape Enabler^

This fly attracting devil worshipping cobweb covered old hag defended a child rapist in court, then laughed about it when he got off. Left soldiers to die in Benghazi, then bleached her phone and hard drive to cover it up. Promotes the #metoo movement whilst being married to a bloke impeached for getting sucked off by his young secretary in the Whitehouse. Same guy who boarded 26 flights on the Lolita Express.
Started a foundation and charges $100,000 to listen to her talk s**t. Claimed the 2016 election was interfered with by Russians because she lost, but called Trump a conspiracy theorist when he question the 2020 results. I could go on.

Rating: I'm not suicidal.
you will be if Hilary reads this...
2. Dan Andrews


^The hunchback of Sorrento^

This is the dog faced pony soldier that locked the state in their homes for 2 years, and sent small businesses to the wall. Had pregnant women arrested for facebook posts against his policies, had elderly women peppered sprayed and bashed for protesting, all while mandating experimental drugs that did more harm than good. Somebody has already thrown him down a flight of stairs, he's banned from the golf courses down the peninsula and now needs bodyguards to do his grocery shopping. The sort of bloke Aristotle Pickett would look up too.

War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength
Staying apart keeps us together

Rating: 2 girls 1 cup is easier to stomach.
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2. Dan Andrews


^The hunchback of Sorrento^

This is the dog faced pony soldier that locked the state in their homes for 2 years, and sent small businesses to the wall. Had pregnant women arrested for facebook posts against his policies, had elderly women peppered sprayed and bashed for protesting, all while mandating experimental drugs that did more harm than good. Somebody has already thrown him down a flight of stairs, he's banned from the golf courses down the peninsula and now needs bodyguards to do his grocery shopping. The sort of bloke Aristotle Pickett would look up too.

War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength
Staying apart keeps us together

Rating: 2 girls 1 cup is easier to stomach.

Give me a spell..That pregnant woman he had arrested was a town bicycle who had no idea who the father was.

You are an idiot and a hater against democracy flogbucket.


Anti Vax scum and pissants got exactly what they deserved.

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Footy Is The Win's Top 50 All Time Scumbags

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