Fraud bookmakers

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Good Betr story for me!
Withdrew $500 dollars the other day and they paid me twice!
Was waiting for them to ask for $$ back but they emailed me saying it was an error on their end and won’t be purchasing the $$.
wrestler bug eyes GIF
vanilla books that offer no point of difference and when they only attract marginal custom from a profitability perspective hide behind rubbish

why cant they just be honest and say thanks but no thanks , mbl's only for you

90% of books online these days are basically meant to be marketing companies but are shit at that. how many betmaker books look/do exactly the same.

there will be lots more like this example moving forward with betting t/o down , taxes going up.

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Finally got stung by one of the Betcloud services (Viking Bet) trying to make about my fifth withdrawal for only $100 lol. Stay away.

Dear [redacted],

We hope this message finds you well.We take account security very seriously. During a recent review by our Compliance team, it was determined that additional verification is needed for your account to remain active.To facilitate this, we kindly request the following documents:
  1. Bank Statement with Recent Deposit: A document showing the most recent deposit made to us with your name clearly visible on the same statement.
  2. Bank Statement Showing any Linked Withdrawal Methods: A document showing any linked withdrawal methods and your name attached to the document.
  3. Evidence of Source of Funds: Proof of the source of funds used for the recent deposit, such as your most recent salary payment into your bank account
  4. Selfie with Photo ID: A clear selfie of you holding your photo ID, ensuring that it's evident you are the ID holder.
  5. Card Images: Images of the front and back of any cards you've used to make deposits with us.
Please note that if we do not receive the requested documents within 72 hours, we will be obligated to suspend your account temporarily. Once we have the necessary verification, we will promptly proceed with your withdrawal and any subsequent ones. We understand that this might be an inconvenience, but these measures are in place to ensure the security and integrity of all transactions. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Who has had to make a complaint on a bookmaker in NSW?

How did you do and it who was the complaint issued to?

PM me if you want to discuss privately.
Who has had to make a complaint on a bookmaker in NSW?

How did you do and it who was the complaint issued to?

PM me if you want to discuss privately.

Not NSW, but I logged an MBL complaint with Racing Victoria a few years ago after Sportsbet suddenly cut me off.

Not just MBL or promo banned, I couldn't get on to win more than about $50 at any time with them.

IIRC I had had a couple of decent four figure wins the previous weekend, but I am/was far from a very profitable punter and doubt I would have even been in front with them.

When I asked them why, they refused to provide a written response and said to call if I wanted to discuss it. When they continued to refuse a written response (I wanted them to put in writing that they weren't honouring MBL), I lodged the complaint.

Racing Victoria then forwarded my complaint to Sportsbet, who responded in writing to Racing Victoria. Racing Victoria just copied and pasted the response to me with no input.

Sportsbet claimed that they had been monitoring my betting and as it mirrored their 'smart' punters, they had decided that I either worked for a betting agency or knew someone who worked for a betting agency. Neither of which were true. I don't work for a betting agency. I don't know anyone who has ever worked for a betting agency. At the time, I actually didn't have any job after taking a redundancy package from my old job.

I responded to Racing Victoria with the same and asked them what the next steps were. They never responded. And I eventually just gave up and now other agencies take my money.

Long story short, unless a betting agency has your money and you are trying to get it back, I really wouldn't bother making a complaint. No one in the industry actually cares about punters. They are all in it together.

This would be where to go if you did want to put in a complaint.
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Long story short, unless a betting agency has your money and you are trying to get it back, I really wouldn't bother making a complaint. No one in the industry actually cares about punters. They are all in it together.
Yeah I figured...

So it seems they can make up any old BS to cut you off but as long as they pay you out it's 'happy days'.

Has to be the most one sided industry out there.
Yeah I figured...

So it seems they can make up any old BS to cut you off but as long as they pay you out it's 'happy days'.

Has to be the most one sided industry out there.

It seems that way.

I am sure if you really want to push and pursue things you can probably get outcomes, but I couldn't be bothered pursuing mine.
would like to add Walsh J, Walsh J, O’Toole M and Jones P trading as Wishbet are all fraudsters. They have other recently opened brands trying to scam their old users who have excluded from them.

Jonno walsh is known to be a huge prick at the races as well.

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would like to add Walsh J, Walsh J, O’Toole M and Jones P trading as Wishbet are all fraudsters. They have other recently opened brands trying to scam their old users who have excluded from them.

Jonno walsh is known to be a huge prick at the races as well.
Absolute campaigner he is
Hey guys,

I didn’t know who to contact about this so I figured this might be the right place. I am new to betting and made an account with a betting app because they had good promotion.

I deposited $100, and eventually got my account balance up to over $500 because I got lucky with a horse race.
The other day I got an email from them saying “We are writing to inform you that we have reason to believe your account has been operated in breach of the Terms & Conditions, which are displayed on the Bet Nation website and app. Your account is being investigated and has been suspended pending completion of our investigation.” The email goes on to say they need A LOT of private information like unredacted bank statements? Pay slips? And even a statutory declaration which I didn’t even know was a thing?! It seems very serious and intimidating.

They state that I need to provide all of the documentation within 10 days. “On receipt of the above information, we will finalise our investigation and advise you of our final determination within a further 5 business days.”

This is the part where I felt like this just seems like they’re trying to make me jump through hoops to get my money. “Alternatively, if you do not wish to provide the above information, you may request that your deposit(s) less withdrawal(s) be refunded. We will consider such request on a case-by-case basis. If approved, relevant bets will be void and the adjusted balance of your account will be refunded in full and final settlement of your account, which would be permanently closed. You may seek legal advice if you wish to do so. We await your response.”

I just want to check if this is normal? Has this happened to you guys? Do I really have to give them such private information?! Is this a way that betting companies try and scare people off and give up on getting their money? Do they get in contact with my employer when I provide payslips etc? I don’t really want a betting company getting in contact with my phone provider, my employer, etc. Or is it more of a scenario where if you provide all the required proof, that’s enough?

Thanks in advance for your help/guidance
If you are genuinely new to betting then stick to the major bookies - TAB, Sportsbet, Bet365 etc and avoid all the small outlets like the plague.

I just want to check if this is normal? Has this happened to you guys?

Based upon stories from here and wider social media this has become a common practice of the small bookies

Is this a way that betting companies try and scare people off and give up on getting their money?

Yes it is definitely a tactic to slow pay you

Do I really have to give them such private information?!

Most probably they had something in their T&C's that you agreed to when you signed up.

Personally anyone that asks for an unredacted bank statement or payslips can **** right off in my opinion.

I think the most invasive thing I have ever been asked for by a bookie was the front page of a utility bill to confirm my address under 100 points of ID. That's reasonably standard for AML for banks etc so no real issue with that.

Income documents, I would never provide as it is not relevant in the slightest, especially if you have only turned over a few hundred dollars as you don't exactly profile as a master criminal laundering tens of thousands of dollars through them.

Do they get in contact with my employer when I provide payslips etc? I don’t really want a betting company getting in contact with my phone provider, my employer, etc. Or is it more of a scenario where if you provide all the required proof, that’s enough?

Any employer worth their salt would tell them where to go if they did or they are opening themselves up to all sorts of trouble under privacy laws. If they tried and my employer followed up and asked about it I would just tell them that you have had issues with scammers or something.

End of the day your choices are probably to either try and get your deposit back as per their email without providing that stuff and wear the financial loss or give them what they want to get all your cash. Rock and hard place. You could try with a regulator but based upon accounts from here they are not all that interested in protecting the customer.
Don't just take your deposit back. That's the worst case scenario as they have to do that, it's not just a case by case basis of they might not steal your money if they feel like being nice. That's just fear mongering to get you to accept their bull shit.

I'd just tell them they are being far too invasive with no good reason and you will be filing a complaint to recover your money.

Even if those terms and conditions are in what you agreed to when you joined they still need realistic probable reason to use them. It can't just be a get out clause for random punters who win a few dollars
Hey guys,

I didn’t know who to contact about this so I figured this might be the right place. I am new to betting and made an account with a betting app because they had good promotion.

I deposited $100, and eventually got my account balance up to over $500 because I got lucky with a horse race.
The other day I got an email from them saying “We are writing to inform you that we have reason to believe your account has been operated in breach of the Terms & Conditions, which are displayed on the Bet Nation website and app. Your account is being investigated and has been suspended pending completion of our investigation.” The email goes on to say they need A LOT of private information like unredacted bank statements? Pay slips? And even a statutory declaration which I didn’t even know was a thing?! It seems very serious and intimidating.

They state that I need to provide all of the documentation within 10 days. “On receipt of the above information, we will finalise our investigation and advise you of our final determination within a further 5 business days.”

This is the part where I felt like this just seems like they’re trying to make me jump through hoops to get my money. “Alternatively, if you do not wish to provide the above information, you may request that your deposit(s) less withdrawal(s) be refunded. We will consider such request on a case-by-case basis. If approved, relevant bets will be void and the adjusted balance of your account will be refunded in full and final settlement of your account, which would be permanently closed. You may seek legal advice if you wish to do so. We await your response.”

I just want to check if this is normal? Has this happened to you guys? Do I really have to give them such private information?! Is this a way that betting companies try and scare people off and give up on getting their money? Do they get in contact with my employer when I provide payslips etc? I don’t really want a betting company getting in contact with my phone provider, my employer, etc. Or is it more of a scenario where if you provide all the required proof, that’s enough?

Thanks in advance for your help/guidance
It's very common and is a reach but they use they Anti Money Laundering clause in their T&Cs to enforce it. BetNation's parent company is Amused and this is the relevant T&C


Oddly they only ever have AML concerns with winning customers....
Richard Irvine

Jan 21

Pleased to see Liquor & Gaming NSW send this to bookies warning them they are looking into their conduct. If you feel you have been bullied by a bookie you should send them this media release and tell them you're reporting them to Liquor & Gaming NSW. We need all the states to…
Show more

Richard Irvine reposted

John Fairs


A massive thankyou to you Richard for this post. Z Bet last January refused to pay out close to $900 saying I had multiple accounts under the same IP address which was rubbish. Anyway sent them this post and warned them I would go to NSW L&G and they paid up.

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Fraud bookmakers

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