Media From Ocean to Oval: A New Team, A New Era.

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Every Story Starts Somewhere New
Thanks to The Filth Wizard, akkaps and cats2rise, we now have a cricket competition to replace State-of-Origin as our summer break competition now that SoO is the winter break competition. Not that those competitions are less important, it's a good idea to have something to do over the breaks.

However comma, a new Qricket league needs Qricket teams. One of the teams is being led by me because the Qricket administrators listed above are terrible judges of human character. This means I have the pleasure of announcing what this team is. Time to see what I've learned from watching a bunch of lore videos.

~~~Every Story Starts Somewhere~~~​

The city of Sweet is much like the many cities that you and others reading this have been to. The people who live in Sweet wake up, get dressed and go about their day-to-day business like anyone else. They have their jobs that keep the city running, they have their gathering places that look just like ours, it is by those measures a normal city.

Where Sweet differs from a truly normal city is what the city of Sweet is based on. Some cities are created from a rush to get precious minerals or cheap land, other cities are formed out of necessity or a dispute between cities, and most cities come by because it's the correct location along the river. Sweet, on the other hand, is based on the sport of Qooty.

For years, the city of Sweet has revolved around Qooty and has had plenty of joy and pain because of the sport. Entire suburbs have been created to house the sports teams and the fans that come along with them. The working-class suburb of Docklands, the mountainous and snowy area of Mount Buller, and even the island of Beldribben off the east coast of the city has an oval and a team to call their own. While not every Qooty Oval in Sweet sees action nowadays, grounds like the Outback Arena and Dark Park are still well looked after by loyal groundskeepers.

Despite all the teams that have come and gone and stayed in Sweet, there is one suburb that no team has ever called home. You see, back before the world became suspicious of what ingredients made up the dish of Bat Soup, there used to be a Qooty competition in the next town over. To reach this town, citizens of Sweet would have to travel south through Rasasidge and Waverley and along a dirt highway to enjoy the festivities this town had to offer. It wasn't until recently though that the Sweet populous realised that they were turning off the main road to reach the next town over...​

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Media From Ocean to Oval: A New Team, A New Era.

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