Everything comes from a different perspective. What you're thinking of as a house deposit, is different to the next persons idea of a house deposit. Many factors influence this, basic factors can be number of children, location and property value and considering a 20% deposit.I'm gonna call bullshit on that one Brizzy. Sorry. My mate with two girls at Mentone Girls Grammar was paying $20k per kid per year.
Can't be much cheaper in Qld.
Also, keep in mind that wasn't just high school.
Edit: and even one house deposit is enough reason not to do it in my opinion. If your kid is a hard working switched on well raised individual they could even go to Nerang high & achieve academic honours. I get the benefits of private schooling if your child is a bit of an under achiever tho lol. At least they'd have a decent network to get by you'd hope.
Those were my initial parameters.
We only have one daughter. $20k per kid from year 7 to year 12 is $120k, not factoring yearly tuition rises.
As with every other state, QLD house prices rose by 30%-40% during covid.