Geelong rorting the system

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Still not sure what Elixuh is implying. Nowhere is it stated a coach cannot earn income from other sources. Hell, all 18 Clubs are now allowed to pay 20% of the coaches salaries outside the soft cap.

Did we hear Elixuh lauding Scott for taking a massive pay cut during Covid so others within the club could keep their jobs? Of course not.

And what about Ross Lyon appearing on an Uber Food advertisement? Didn't see any post from you on that. Or Scott and other coaches appearing on Fox Footy on a regular basis as panel members?


What is the point of having pay caps if everyone can just get jobs with the sponsors?

Get rid of caps altogether ?
What is the point of having pay caps if everyone can just get jobs with the sponsors?

Get rid of caps altogether ?
Probably a restriction of trade legal requirement.
Just because it is professional sport doesn't mean you'd be allowed to prevent people earning money from a 2nd job.

Hence why 3rd party player deals are also included, but have to represent fair value for the work they do.

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Probably a restriction of trade legal requirement.
Just because it is professional sport doesn't mean you'd be allowed to prevent people earning money from a 2nd job.

Hence why 3rd party player deals are also included, but have to represent fair value for the work they do.

They can have a 2nd job. But if its related to the club then it counts towards the cap.

Is Geelong paying less of Scott's salary now?

Who decides "fair value"? If Jai Newcombe gives a speech at a major sponsor can it be factored at Bill Clinton level fees if the sponsor sees Newcombe at that level of importance? Does Laura overrule and drop it to Al Gore level ?
Was there this much of a fuss when John Longmire sold his house at more than a million dollar profit after just 9 days on the market through - one of Sydney’s major sponsors? I bet he paid a huge agency fee for that.

If you look hard enough you will find whatever you want to find.
Very clear? How so? I bet you subscribe to the "guilty before being proven innocent" mantra.

Do you honestly think Scott and the Club would allow the media release of his appointment to be so public if it was not above board? Just think about that for five seconds...

Not sure why you've included that link that says clubs are allowed to pay senior coaches up to 20% of their salary outside of the soft cap. That's got absolutely nothing to do with club sponsors paying the senior coach to do a C-suite role that they just created while also acknowledging that their senior coaching role will remain their primary responsibility.

And I said it's very clear why people think this stinks of cap rorting. Not that it's very clear that this is cap rorting.

I also said this could be legitimate. But we won't know until it is investigated.
Was there this much of a fuss when John Longmire sold his house at more than a million dollar profit after just 9 days on the market through - one of Sydney’s major sponsors? I bet he paid a huge agency fee for that.

If you look hard enough you will find whatever you want to find.

This is the problem. The AFL doeant look hard. They dont want to know.

Yet another issue swept under the bulging rug.
Not sure why you've included that link that says clubs are allowed to pay senior coaches up to 20% of their salary outside of the soft cap. That's got absolutely nothing to do with club sponsors paying the senior coach to do a C-suite role that they just created while also acknowledging that their senior coaching role will remain their primary responsibility.

And I said it's very clear why people think this stinks of cap rorting. Not that it's very clear that this is cap rorting.

I also said this could be legitimate. But we won't know until it is investigated.
You haven't responded to my actual post. How is it rorting? Rorting implies fraudulent behaviour.

As I posted earlier your view clearly is that Scott and GFC are rorting the system until it is proven otherwise.
You haven't responded to my actual post. How is it rorting? Rorting implies fraudulent behaviour.

As I posted earlier your view clearly is that Scott and GFC are rorting the system until it is proven otherwise.
I already explained why the arrangement could be viewed as cap rorting. It's on this page. You laugh reacted and quoted the last line of the post. Presumably the only line you actually read.
You don’t realise they’re essentially exactly the same thing? A company paying someone - or persons plural - to be an ambassador or billboard for their company via a sponsorship or in one case, a token role?
Be very interesting to know the amounts that are getting paid.

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Get rid of the soft cap and let Geelong employ all of its players as player / coaches. You know it's good for the game.

Pretty sure West Coast have by far the most money so could give 20 players $1m a year, pay each assistant coach $1m a year with the main coach on Clarko money, and they'd never lose.

This is why we have caps. So that it creates as level a playing field as possible.

If the AFL says nothing, you can be sure all the rich clubs are going to do it just as brazenly.
Pretty sure West Coast have by far the most money so could give 20 players $1m a year, pay each assistant coach $1m a year with the main coach on Clarko money, and they'd never lose.

This is why we have caps. So that it creates as level a playing field as possible.

If the AFL says nothing, you can be sure all the rich clubs are going to do it just as brazenly.
WC have too much integrity to do that. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote funny Toffee Lion how the last 12-24 months watching you melt about BL falling short, a poor start to the season and especially Everton's all round ineptitude made me somewhat sympathetic. Wanting to pack it in is a position no fan enjoys.

Yet now you've seen some success you've gone down the suck-hole path. Elixuh is top 3 worst contributors site wide.

As for this thread. 10 pages of jealous losers.
We're clean. Deal with it.
That's an incredible personal post in response to a tongue in-cheek comment that targeted nobody, apologies if I upset you.

I'm not sure if I ever melted about the Lions falling apart though, I've been openly critical of Fagan (Proved me wrong) but that's it. Everton's ineptitude is spot on though, feel free to stay sympatheic in that department, a flag in the AFL doesn't wash away the blue stain.

Elixuh is an excellent contributor on this site though.
Quote funny Toffee Lion how the last 12-24 months watching you melt about BL falling short, a poor start to the season and especially Everton's all round ineptitude made me somewhat sympathetic. Wanting to pack it in is a position no fan enjoys.

Yet now you've seen some success you've gone down the suck-hole path. Elixuh is top 3 worst contributors site wide.

As for this thread. 10 pages of jealous losers.
We're clean. Deal with it.

Disappointing, what do I have to do to get to no.1?

Lol having a go at someone like Toffee for having an opinion on an internet forum is low. I don't have time to go back through your 107,000 posts to see if you've ever been critical of anything the Cats have ever done and shared an opinion.
Reverse rorting?

No, it would be actual rorting if he was paid via sponsors instead of the club. Those payments wouldn't come under the soft cap and hence why someone working for free or a pay cut while getting side deals should be looked at with a fine tooth comb.

Geelong have been doing it so successfully for so long I think they can't even be bothered trying to hide it anymore. The AFL seem to be asleep at the wheel and no one gets busted for any breeches, at least publicly. I did wonder if something happened at Carlton this year the way they public shed best 22 players early like a Collingwood fire sale.
Still waiting for you tell us what's "happening again"? What is happening again? Why have you avoided answering that question?
I think you're quoting the wrong person. I haven't used the phrase "happening again" before in this thread. I don't have a clue what you're talking about.
Disappointing, what do I have to do to get to no.1?

Lol having a go at someone like Toffee for having an opinion on an internet forum is low. I don't have time to go back through your 107,000 posts to see if you've ever been critical of anything the Cats have ever done and shared an opinion.
Not having a go at all.

As for you, try some in depth analysis.
Lame trolling isn't for you.

Bumping a thread already filled with so much erroneous shit with more falsehoods is hardly worth the effort.

That's an incredible personal post in response to a tongue in-cheek comment that targeted nobody, apologies if I upset you.

I'm not sure if I ever melted about the Lions falling apart though, I've been openly critical of Fagan (Proved me wrong) but that's it. Everton's ineptitude is spot on though, feel free to stay sympatheic in that department, a flag in the AFL doesn't wash away the blue stain.
More so that for someone whose sporting journey of late seemed so grim and brought little enjoyment to win a flag and now revel in the misery of others seems a sharp about face.
Elixuh is an excellent contributor on this site though.
Maybe talking all things BL. Not here however.
I think you're quoting the wrong person. I haven't used the phrase "happening again" before in this thread. I don't have a clue what you're talking about.
Apologies. You're right
Haters going to hate
It’s not about haters, sport or any competition only works within clearly defined rules, as to make that competition fair and competitive. This is such an obvious breach and probably is cheating. How much were cotton on paying Tom Hawkins wife😂? How did a major sponsor poach a star from another club. Nothing Geelong ‘achieves’ means anything. They have no respect or admiration from the football public that can see this happening.

Nothing to see here, Chris Scott just prepping for a career change
It’s not about haters, sport or any competition only works within clearly defined rules, as to make that competition fair and competitive. This is such an obvious breach and probably is cheating. How much were cotton on paying Tom Hawkins wife😂? How did a major sponsor poach a star from another club. Nothing Geelong ‘achieves’ means anything. They have no respect or admiration from the football public that can see this happening.
What is the obvious breach?
What is the cheating?
How did Cotton On poach Smith?
Why did WB let him have an association with Cotton On if he was at risk of being poached?

Have WB been derelict in their responsibility to its players? Why did they treat Smith like shit after he did his ACL. He was ostracised. Why did they marginalise the likes of Caleb Daniels and Jack McCrae, and then cry foul when they wanted out?
Why do WB supporters even care about Smith. From posts I have read he wasn't liked,so we've done the club a favour

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Geelong rorting the system

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