Geelong supporters under duress.

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Nov 7, 2000
Melbourne, Vic.
What's going on in Catland these days? You don't seem too excited on here, do you?

You are all at home, polaxed on the coach, beer and pie stains on your singlets, with the only non-gas-emitting noise being that of an occasional "blah".

It's not good enough. No it's not!

You've got to get out there and get a hold on to yourselves. The lot of you. You need to be rehabilitated.

Look, I know the 90's were a stressful period for you all. What with Andrew Wills and Neville Bruns and all, but now you have good things to look forward too. Nice things.

Look! You even have David Clarke on your side! No there's something to laugh about! Why is it that he wears short-shorts all the time? Ponder this carefully, catfans.

[This message has been edited by Olmy (edited 05 March 2001).]

i find Olmy amusing

especially the pie and the drink in one

keep those gags flowing Olmy (like a Beaumonts pie)

i don't know why Geelong fans are moderate users of the internet

maybe they have better things to do than type sentence fragments into a computer

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Originally posted by JUBJUB:
What the heck are you on about ?

Aren't you a Brisbane supporter ?

Listen here, I am a Fitzroy supporter. I also support the Brisbane Lions. I also like Geelong. Apart from the pies and that funny looking cat (who isn't that bad - just leave him be though), I think Geelong are a pretty good lot.

I went down to Geelong for that R.16 encounter against the Lions last year. It was a top day.

That was my first experience with Geelong pies however. I bought one, and it went everywhere. I was everywhere. It covered the entirity of the Reg Hickey Stand from memory. At first I was a bit worried that someone might kick up a stink. But then some little kid went and stood next to the whole bloody mess and he got told off for it instead.

Actually, I think that kid was David Mensch. You Geelong people like to have a go at David Mensch, don't you? I've noticed that. So has Red Rover who also posts on this site. Even that funny looking cat from the emblem has had a go at him in the past.

Just leave that cat be ok. He's had a rough time of it lately, and disturbing him, drinking problem or not, is not a good idea. Just leave him be.

Anyone know where the name 'cats' came from? What's the history surrounding that one, eh?

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