No Oppo Supporters General AFL discussion and other club news

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So the commentators are crap
The camera work is crap

& a lot of the time our players are crap (according to some in our game day threads)
You know, those who say it’s “game over” 10 mins in. You know the 1.

Everything okay? You're uncharacteristically grumpy today.

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It wasn't all that long ago (prior to 2012) when there wasn't any live streaming available. If you weren't able to attend a game and it wasn't on FTA then you either forked out a disgusting premium for Foxtel, listened on the radio or otherwise found a pub/bar where the game was on. And if you wanted to watch VFL? Good luck. Even when Telstra offered the AFL Live Pass it was a pain to get it up on the TV using adapters.

It's literally never been a better time to be a footy supporter in terms of the variety of options. Every AFL, AFLW and VFL game can be streamed from your TV or mobile device. Fox now providing alternate commentary for 7 broadcasts, and SEN providing a way to sync their commentary to the TV. Not to mention bespoke commentary offerings like Hawks Radio which will become more regular in time.

Could things be better? Things can always get better, and that is the way they have been tracking for years. We should all appreciate that and enjoy it.
It wasn't all that long ago (prior to 2012) when there wasn't any live streaming available. If you weren't able to attend a game and it wasn't on FTA then you either forked out a disgusting premium for Foxtel, listened on the radio or otherwise found a pub/bar where the game was on. And if you wanted to watch VFL? Good luck. Even when Telstra offered the AFL Live Pass it was a pain to get it up on the TV using adapters.

It's literally never been a better time to be a footy supporter in terms of the variety of options. Every AFL, AFLW and VFL game can be streamed from your TV or mobile device. Fox now providing alternate commentary for 7 broadcasts, and SEN providing a way to sync their commentary to the TV. Not to mention bespoke commentary offerings like Hawks Radio which will become more regular in time.

Could things be better? Things can always get better, and that is the way they have been tracking for years. We should all appreciate that and enjoy it.
When I was a boy ………
It wasn't all that long ago (prior to 2012) when there wasn't any live streaming available. If you weren't able to attend a game and it wasn't on FTA then you either forked out a disgusting premium for Foxtel, listened on the radio or otherwise found a pub/bar where the game was on. And if you wanted to watch VFL? Good luck. Even when Telstra offered the AFL Live Pass it was a pain to get it up on the TV using adapters.

It's literally never been a better time to be a footy supporter in terms of the variety of options. Every AFL, AFLW and VFL game can be streamed from your TV or mobile device. Fox now providing alternate commentary for 7 broadcasts, and SEN providing a way to sync their commentary to the TV. Not to mention bespoke commentary offerings like Hawks Radio which will become more regular in time.

Could things be better? Things can always get better, and that is the way they have been tracking for years. We should all appreciate that and enjoy it.
Great post /
People love to whinge but shit we've got it good as footy fans
Fox leaning into Dusty having nothing to say was smart stuff. Will be interesting to see who they unearth in the search for analysts from outside of the current group of ex-players.

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Not interested in selling the farm for this bloke if this is the level of professionalism we can come to expect.
I checked out the video at the time. It’s no where near as bad as this carefully selected single frame suggests.
I checked out the video at the time. It’s no where near as bad as this carefully selected single frame suggests.

It was clearly noticeable in the first video from their first day of pre-season a week ago.

I'm sure he'll learn from this, regardless.

Probably just not great timing, because I'd hate seeing this as a West Coast supporter in need of some hope.
It was clearly noticeable in the first video from their first day of pre-season a week ago.

I'm sure he'll learn from this, regardless.

Probably just not great timing, because I'd hate seeing this as a West Coast supporter in need of some hope.
Looks good in the photo I shared above that WCE posted today. If it was all fat he wouldn’t have lost it in one week.

He’s effectively still a growing kid and the body goes through periods of bloating and water retention.

This type of over analyzing of player bodies from photos and single frames of video on social media is why player weights aren’t shared any more. It’s weaponized against them and leads to mental health issues.

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No Oppo Supporters General AFL discussion and other club news

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