Politics ghettos

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Surely that is a piss take on the britney fan??
Not real, just can't be.
Yeah, it's a parody of the Chris Crocker video. Extremely lame and unfunny. Not sure why it was posted in this thread.

Here's some better clips that are equally as relevant as the one posted above.



good for a laff, take your fill of ziocaine's anthropomorphism.

[youtube]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/PcwQ5sKUmEY&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/PcwQ5sKUmEY&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/youtube]

Do you think she passed the audition?

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The woman being interviewed @ 2.05 gets my vote for the stupidest person award.

Is the jewish interviewer exposing the stupidity of these people? It's comforting to know there are plenty of jewish people who are against what israel are doing. Even Israelis.

Max Blumenthal, his schtick is an amalgam of Chaser and Safran.

[YOUTUBE]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/zQHxFEId47I&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/zQHxFEId47I&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
Do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds? I'm not anti-semtetic, just anti-jewish countries.
No wrong. It doesn't sound ridiculous at all, I'm not anti jewish I'm anti super nationalistic standover arrogant Isreal thinking the world owes it a country and its sympathy forever, behave like a decent nation and Isreal may survive with its neighbours including the the country of Palestin. OOH shit maybe I'm an Arab terrorist now. Geez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha, just watched the clip and I now remember why I haven't watched 60 minutes in years.

An entire report about the tunnel network between Gaza and Egypt and not a single mention of the blockade (far more severe than Israel's) imposed by Egypt... A tunnel network used to smuggle weapons in order to intentionally inflict harm upon Israeli citizens by an elected terrorist organisation who decrees in its charter to "obliterate" Israel... and yet Israel are the bad guy. Oh dear, 60 minutes taking biased, unprofessional reporting to a whole new level here.
Give me a break .The Isrealis tought every one in the neighbourhood to be good at planting bombs and building tunnels in the late forties. Of course when the Isreali militias were securing their "homeland??????????" then they were freedom fighters, not theiving terrorists hey??. Perhaps I should take the 200 years of the Anglo Australian rebel convict in me, form a small undergroung army get some big powerful friends with lots of weopons of mass destuction and bloody well take over Yorkshire. I'll take it back and demand the bloody locals piss off and give me some room to form my own small powerful nation of 5th /6th generation Aussies , no bleeding soccer, maybe a bit of rugby, tons of AFL footy. And of course we will prove to the world at large, how we have a GOD GIVEN RIGHT to a new homeland because we were all transported out here as convicts and treated nearly as badly as some other downtrodden peoples in the worlds history ,maybe worse in some cases. If the Yorkshirians don't like it and send over a few homemade rockets, we'll blow the goddamned hell out of them women kids who gives a damn. This land is our land.
What do you think of that , just about as crazy as another story we all know about hey?
Err… I was responding to the 60 minutes report which was one-sided hogwash. The report suggested that the tunnels were Gaza’s only source of food. That is bullshit for two reasons. 1. The tunnels are used to smuggle weapons. 2. Go to any Israeli border crossing and you will see dozens of trucks carrying supplies into Gaza.

The crux of the report was these “dangerous” tunnels into Egypt, yet there was no mention of the strict Egyptian blockade, and no attempt was made to interview the Egyptian foreign ministry about why this is the case?

It was a shit report, though I expected nothing less from 60 minutes.

As for your post, well.. life isn't fair. History is full of bullshit borders - Africa, Europe... Everywhere. Israel isn't here to please its enemies, it's here to protect its citizens and for the past 62 it has done so effectively... under extreme duress in many cases.

Even one rocket attack fired into Israel is too many, and Israel have every right to impose its power on those that threaten it. Life isn't fair blackcat, time to accept it and move on.

If the situation still bothers you, maybe look at it differently. You know, Israeli citizens have achieved many great things... things that would not have been achieved had Israel not existed in the state it has for the past 62 years. Things that would not have been possible had the Palestinians not been displaced. So my argument (hear me out) is that these citizens have generated more "happiness" for the rest of the world through these various accomplishments in a range of fields (particularly Science and Technology), than "sadness" for the Palestinians... So Palestinian happiness down, but world happiness up...way up, so overall the world is in a better place. I prefer to think of it this way.
Karbo that sixty minute report actually showed thousands of things comming through the tunnels that weren't weapons.I'd say you didn't really watch it .DID YA!!!!!
C'mon truth now.
Err… I was responding to the 60 minutes report which was one-sided hogwash. The report suggested that the tunnels were Gaza’s only source of food. That is bullshit for two reasons. 1. The tunnels are used to smuggle weapons. 2. Go to any Israeli border crossing and you will see dozens of trucks carrying supplies into Gaza.

The crux of the report was these “dangerous” tunnels into Egypt, yet there was no mention of the strict Egyptian blockade, and no attempt was made to interview the Egyptian foreign ministry about why this is the case?

It was a shit report, though I expected nothing less from 60 minutes.

As for your post, well.. life isn't fair. History is full of bullshit borders - Africa, Europe... Everywhere. Israel isn't here to please its enemies, it's here to protect its citizens and for the past 62 it has done so effectively... under extreme duress in many cases.

Even one rocket attack fired into Israel is too many, and Israel have every right to impose its power on those that threaten it. Life isn't fair blackcat, time to accept it and move on.

If the situation still bothers you, maybe look at it differently. You know, Israeli citizens have achieved many great things... things that would not have been achieved had Israel not existed in the state it has for the past 62 years. Things that would not have been possible had the Palestinians not been displaced. So my argument (hear me out) is that these citizens have generated more "happiness" for the rest of the world through these various accomplishments in a range of fields (particularly Science and Technology), than "sadness" for the Palestinians... So Palestinian happiness down, but world happiness up...way up, so overall the world is in a better place. I prefer to think of it this way.
Palistinian happiness down the rest of the worlds up??????????? Wow where did that logic come from, just because Isreal came into existance 6 decades ago.
Why couldn't the world have given the Jews a homeland in Texas or Western Australia they are both big enough, there would be no vengeful Arabs surrounding them, they could replenish the desert and make a garden out of it like they have where they are now except they wouldn't be causing the hatred they have caused because of theivery of someone elses land. Sounds silly but I'm telling you the worlds problems with the middle east conflicts stem from the fact that the Isrealis reckon that God gave them the land and thats where they were going no matter who they stuffed up.
Imagine a fruitful successful Isreali state inside WA. wWe could trade with them enjoy their scientific inventions and be their ALLIES AS WELL. We wouldn't need to fire homemade rockets because we are friendly here in Aussie land. Does sound far fetched but just think no Arab terrorists, no Osama he'd have no reason. And don't kid yourself
every single muslim hitman bases his/her hatred on the stealing of Arab land by Isreal
in the forties. Now the Isrealis could also have been given some mining rights and they could have had there small share of our big fat mining state.Hey that would be sharing with your neighbour wouldn't it. They could have practiced their religion because we don't persecute different religions .Well we didn't before did we . But now we are starting to hate our little refugee visiters that are visiting our shores for far too long now. We are becomming bastards like the rest of the world. What a mess. Of course middle east oil was always going to be an issue,but at least we wouldn't have had Arab/ Isreali issues to poison the bloody gluttony for oil . But we do now don't we.

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Politics ghettos

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