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gPhonque said:
Anybody using or thinking of using Gmail may want to read this first:

I certainly won't be getting a Gmail account, and I won't be replying to anybody who has one either.

Happy reading!
The thing about these whinge-fests is that it ignore the fact that while all of their arguments are potentially valid, they could just as easily be applied to any online email provider.

Bottom line is, if you have super-sensitivbe information, you should never use online systems to store it.

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Jim Boy said:
The thing about these whinge-fests is that it ignore the fact that while all of their arguments are potentially valid, they could just as easily be applied to any online email provider.

That may be true, I wouldn't call it a whinge fest, as much as I've read, google always gets great press. I'm sus with this 1 GB thing and won't be signing up to it.
Pred said:
feher (or anyone else), if you have any more I would like one please.

i don't have any at the moment, i have to give my mate yet another one, cos he deleted the email :mad: i have gave him like 2 of them, don't know what happen to the other, i presume he failed to read his email in time as i believe they expire about a week to sign up.
I don't why you'd be sus about the 1GB? Anyway volume isn't that important to me. What I do like about Gmail is that essntially it loads everything on to your pc, bar the actual messages themselves, and runs the entire thing through javascript, resulting in a faster system. Only problem is the buggers have compiled the javascript, so I can't rip it off:(
Jim Boy said:
I don't why you'd be sus about the 1GB?
You know that saying about something being to good to be true. I bet there is a hidden catch in there.

Only problem is the buggers have compiled the javascript, so I can't rip it off:(
You could do a Bill Gates and buy google. There shares won't be worth more than $80us forever.
Jim Boy said:
Bottom line is, if you have super-sensitivbe information, you should never use online systems to store it.

Oh come on......people working all over the world rely on online systems (and/or email) as being an intergal part of work. Does this mean they will asked to not send any email to or from a Gmail account for fear of having work-related material scanned by an outside party?

Perhaps you missed this part: (taken from an open letter to Google from THIRTY ONE Civil Liberties Organizations around the world)

First, Google has proposed scanning the text of all incoming emails for ad placement. The scanning of confidential email violates the implicit trust of an email service provider. Further, the unlimited period for data retention poses unnecessary risks of misuse.

If that doesn't bother you, then Gmail away!

(but don't expect a reply from me!)
When all is said and done and Im dead and worm food, I couldn't give a stuff about whatever I sent in emails etc etc... If the minions want to harbour over my online persona that's there entertainment.

I'll never do anything online that will get me put in prison.. BUT..

Wont be too long in the future when someone will be running for a position of great power.. Say the Prime Ministerialship, and his opponents will bring up websites he/she veiwed when they were back in their teens or emails they sent etc etc.

If I wanted to be a future leader in some miserable consumer future I'd be worried, but seeing as I just wanna get drunk and put my hands up women's skirts.. I dont think I have to worry to much..:)

oh and back on Gmail, about two months ago I put my name down on some gogglised list and never heard a thing back.
gPhonque said:
First, Google has proposed scanning the text of all incoming emails for ad placement. The scanning of confidential email violates the implicit trust of an email service provider. Further, the unlimited period for data retention poses unnecessary risks of misuse.
If you're silly enough to believe that Hotmail or Yahoo or any any other provider can't do excatly the same with their mail systems, then you're deluding yourself. Just because you can't access something yourself anymore doesn't mean others can't. And just because an email providers say they won't access your emails, it doesn't mean they won't.

When it comes to choosing an online email provider, it's a matter of who do you trust the most, as they all have the ability to abuse the trust you have shown in them to the same degree. Anyway, this sort of info barely matters. The mere act of sending an email means that anybody with the right access to routers can read everything you mail.
Tell me something if Hotmail dont have the ability to read and go through your mail, how is junk mail around? It searches through your email for "Key" words, which obviously means that they can read the rest too.

Whilst on the subject what about phone conversations? Do you think that they are safe?

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feher said:
i have 5 of them, 1 i will keep in reserve for a mate who hasn't yet taken it, so 4 are up for grabs if you want one, just post here, first 4 people to post here that wants it will get one!, the only condition i have is, that i will PM you then you must send me a valid email addy via PM then i will invite you.

so if you want one, just post something like 'give me a gmail invite'

If i get more invites i will post them up for grabs most likely.

The reason i am doing this is, cos i don't have anyone else to give these away too, i have already given away a number of them to mates, but i am out of mates :(

I have 5 invites to give away.
I need first name and surname (false or true) and a valid email address to send it to you. The first 5 wins. Email me at
Jim Boy said:
And just because an email providers say they won't access your emails, it doesn't mean they won't.

What a silly attitude that is!

Besides, if an email provider says that it won't access peoples emails (let alone scan the text and save data for an indefinite amount of time!) and then does anyway, then that would be a serious abuse of customer privacy. Whether it's done by an individual or the company itself.

There is no difference between Google scanning the text of emails and storing the data for their own purposes, and Australia Post opening peoples letters, making photocopies of them, and then storing them away for their own purposes. And yet I'm quite sure people would never approve of that.

But hey, if you want to use Gmail and condone such practices, then who am I to stop you?
gPhonque what about the Government tapping into phone conversations? It happens all the time, does that mean by using the phone I am condoning it?

Ps. Billy I emailed you about an account.
Borgsta said:
gPhonque what about the Government tapping into phone conversations? It happens all the time, does that mean by using the phone I am condoning it?

You asked this before and I ignored it for a reason, but since you insist...

For a start, where did you get your information that governments tapping everyone's phone lines "happens all the time"? (perhaps the same place that told you spam mail comes directly from Hotmail scanning the text of peoples emails...??)

Secondly, listening to private phone conversations is totally illegal unless you happen to be law enforcement/national security and you also have an extremely good reason to.

And thirdly, for the government/phone companies to even compare to what Google are doing, they would need to listen to and record every single phone call made every day, store the data away for their own purposes (for an indefinite period of time), and also have the right to distribute this information to pretty much whoever they like. (not to mention bombard you with advertising based on the subject of your phone calls)

I guess now that you're going to tell me you would approve of this behaviour as well?

Give me a break.

Your comparison is laughable. (which is why I ignored it the first time)

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GMail invites available

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