MRP / Trib. Good Bloke Barrass Appeals

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I hope they lodge another appeal before they even leave AFL House. There is zero justification for letting Charlie Cameron off and upholding Barrass' suspension. It's both or none.

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Can’t wait to hear the reasoning. In the same week we’ve had a guy cleared for an off the ball hit to the head whilst the guy tackling a bloke whose head hit the ball gets his ban upheld? Make it make sense
WCE aren't a beneficiary of the most AFL funding, like GWS and Brisbane are. That's why.
I suspect they are deliberately this bad simply to generate clicks and AFL centered discourse into the week. It also gives them a free hand when it comes to managing their "showcase" players.

It's just part of the AFL strategy to dominate the news cycle and therefore the cash.

WWEAFL folks.
"Tom Barrass is a shit bloke" - the AFL, apparently
WCE aren't a beneficiary of the most AFL funding, like GWS and Brisbane are. That's why.
I don’t even think it’s much to do with that. They knew they ****ed up last week so had to backtrack and throw Tom under the bus to stop it snowballing. If he gets off then that’s two “good bloke” cases for everyone else to point to.

I’m not saying I agree with it but it was clear as day this would happen. If anything it’s much worse as they’re letting vibes and saving face dictate their decisions rather than the acts themselves. Such an amateur and corrupt league

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Imagine using a Walters reaction as evidence. First time watching footy?

And don't even get me started on the weight differential nonsense again.
That statement is full of very vague and contradictory sentences. They conceded his head hit the ball first. They conceded that he has an exemplary record (despite starting off saying he didn’t).

But then proceeded to say none of it mattered because we have decided that it deserves a week based on “potential to cause injury” and the reaction of the player ie. absolutely zero evidence.

Just a lot of filler to confuse everyone so they can’t see they’ve made it up on the spot.

We have to appeal this on principle
That statement is full of very vague and contradictory sentences. We have to appeal this on principle

The panel made up of blokes who all took too many shots to the head. They can't stay internally consistent in their reasoning from moment to moment let alone week to week or season to season.

The summary:

Walters pulled a face
Barrass big, Sonny small
Need to send a message of deterrance...after letting a slew of other blokes off because reasons.
'Now let us give the reasons why exceptional and compelling reasons do not apply.

'We do not believe exceptional and compelling reasons apply.

'Hope this clears everything up.'

- AFL Tribunal


"We can overturn a decision if a player has held their career to exemplary standards.

And whilst Tom Barrass's standards have been very good, even exemplary, they were not exemplary enough to overturn the decision."

- AFL Tribunal
Well i think the answer is clear.

For the integrity of the game and the welfare of all players moving forward smaller players are banned from playing AFL.

Unless you are 6,2 plus and weigh 90kgs we just can't guarantee your safety anymore.

Can't specify the 90kgs, that would require weighing people...

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