Good Health Checklist

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How many of these 5 items listed below can you say apply to you? An interesting exercise.

* Healthy Eating - Do you eat plenty of fruits and veges and eat less of saturated fats and sugars?

* Exercise – You do at least 30 mins of moderate Exercise of some type?

* Test your fitness – If you can walk a kilometre in less that 20 minutes or if you can walk a flight of stairs without getting puffed –if so you are in
reasonably good condition.

* Stress – Try to keep your stress levels to a minimum. Learn to manage your stress and set aside time to relax.

* Alcohol and Smoking – Limit your alcohol consumption and choose not to smoke.

Here is a template below…copy and paste it and respond away!

Healthy Eating:


Test your Fitness:


Alcohol & Smoking:


Here are my responses....

Healthy Eating:
I am reasonably very good in this area and try and eat well…but sometimes the occasional lapse occurs.

Yes, religiously I do some type of Exercise each day.

Test your Fitness:
Yes, I can walk the kilometre within the time set and never get puffed walking up stairs.

Try not to stress at all – life is too short to worry about things and also we all need some “me” time to do things we enjoy, even if it is only for a short time each day.

Alcohol & Smoking:
I don't mind a drink every now and again and I am also a smoker. This is the only area where I have failed the checklist.
Healthy eating : vegies are sh1t, and beer gives me plenty of nutrients.

Exercise : work gives me a few hours of slow-ish exercise. Okay I admit, it's a bludge. Walk home most nights though, which is 9km and takes an hour and 15 minutes.

Test your fitness : You could cut off my legs and I could walk 1 km in 20 minutes. What an effing stupid test. 7 or 8 minutes might be a more realistic benchmark.

Stress : meh

Alcohol and smoking : Non-smoker, beer as meal-replacement shakes. Working so far.
Healthy Eating:
Am quite good at this. Used to eat alot of saturated fat fried foods, now havent tounched any (bar pizza) in the last 2 years). Never been a big chocolate/lolly addict but enjoyed both kinds of potato chips and coca cola often. After changing my lifestyle in the last 2 years I now have an excellent healthy eating style and can eat icecream/cakes moderately. Still won't go back to coca cola though. :thumbsu:

Exercise: Yes I get the 30 minutes and day and more. I also do netball 2 nights a week. Still have my bad knee to contend with though but it is getting stronger the more I get fitter. have taken up doing weights the past 12 months and my body shape has changed considerably. :thumbsu:

Test your Fitness: Yes, I can walk the kilometre within the time set and never get puffed walking up stairs. :thumbsu:

Stress: I used to get stressed easily but when I starting losingweight I also thought I should change my POV on stressing and now don't stress as much any more. But I do have my odd 50/50 there

Alcohol & Smoking: I drink very rarely because I just dont have that drink attitude. I would only drink once every 3 months and at that I only have 2 drinks. I'm not worried by it. Smoking; I don't smoke but my mother does, but I try not to get in her way, and I never give into peer pressure so :thumbsu: there also :)

Overall: very good despite a rocky start.

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Healthy Eating: Yes. 2 fruit, 5 veg almost every day and hardly eat any heavily processed foods.

Exercise: Yes. Weights and sprint training 2x/week, endurance 3x/week and normally footy/cricket on the weekend (depending on season).

Test your Fitness: Yes, not much of a test really.

Stress: I do get stressed on a few occasions as I often tend to leave things to the last minute, but not as much as I used to. I do set aside time to relax, maybe too much...

Alcohol & Smoking: Have never smoked and never will. Not a big drinker, I never binge.
Healthy Eating: I probably don't get as much in the vegie department as I should, but fruit, yep. I still eat too much bad stuff. :p

Exercise: Yeah I walk everywhere and I'm on my feet all the time at work.

Test your Fitness: I could probably do the 1km walk, gonna test that this week!! I don't know how long it takes me to walk that far. Stairs, yep fine. :)

Stress: I just have small things that pop up now and then, but generally I'm pretty cheerful!!

Alcohol & Smoking: I drink every few months at best, I do get really drunk on those occasions. I do smoke as well.

Overall, I need a bit of work!! I know that, however I'm happy with where I am for now. My body has been through absolute hell with the surgery so I also have to be patient there and take care of myself. I have circulation problems and stuff too so I can't do a lot of stuff like weights etc, it really doesn't fuss me though. I can only be as well as my body will let me be. :)
Healthy eating : Eat plenty of the green & fresh stuff. Don't have salt on anything, except on fish'n'chips. But also eat a fair bit of take way food (but more likely to be curries etc than maccas or KFC).

Exercise : Very little (bad knees rules out high impact exercise such as running). Torn shoulder ligament rules out swimming (did that years ago, should get around to getting that fixed). Occasional bike rides, bit of golf and walking the kids about is about it these days.

Test your fitness : Used to be very fit. But since giving away cricket/footy (due to knees in early 90's) have gradually got unfitter and added to the spare tyre by the year.

Stress : nope

Alcohol and smoking : Smoker & drinker

Due to smoking for 20 years, should be very unfit. But still 'fit' (or should I say well?), even if not in an athletic sense. Resting heart rate is still about 60bpm (used to be 50), cholesterol & blood pressure all good. Rarely get sick, colds or flu.

Having said that, I've probably just put the mozz on myself and will have a massive heart attack next time we have a fire drill at work and have to walk down those 28 flights of stairs.
Healthy Eating: I eat plenty of vegetables and avoid saturated fats where possible. I don't like fruit though, so that lets me down. I'm also one of the pill-popping mob. I take tablets each day : a multivitamin / mineral
vitamin C
Omega 3

Which I figure get me everything I miss from food.

Exercise:I take my rotty for a walk or jog each evening. I try to do weights 2 or 3 times a week, but that's stopped mostly since my son was born. I have to try and get more organised so I can again.

Test your Fitness:I can do that.

Stress:A bit of a mixed bag. I try and avoid stress, but work doesn't always want to help me with that policy. I'm much more easy going then when I was younger about the little things though.

Alcohol & Smoking:I don't smoke and never have. My alcohol intake consists of a single glass of vodka and coke 2 to 3 nights a week. Only when out (which these days isn't much) would I have more. And even then only 2 - 3 drinks.

On the whole I would say pretty good. A few more hours in the day would always help and less stress from work, but otherwise can't complain.
Healthy Eating: Absolutely pathetic. A couple of servings of Vegies every Weeknight along with a piece of fruit a day (If I'm lucky)

Exercise: Not a problem. Do a heap of exercise aswell as the Gym

Test your Fitness: Easy.

Stress: Stress a heap of the time. Cant help it.

Alcohol & Smoking: Have never smoked, only drink alcohol twice a week.
Healthy Eating: Fairly poor diet. Way too many biscuits and rarely eat fruit. Eat whatever's put in front of me but try to avoid fatty meats etc.

Exercise: Apart from fairly gentle walking - none.

Test your Fitness: Buggered after getting out of bed in the morning then it's all downhill from there. A brisk walk would probably see me out.

Stress: Nothing left to stress over.

Alcohol & Smoking: Never been much of a drinker but smoked heavily since about 15. Paying the price now.
Healthy Eating: I try to eat good healthy food - but im too lazy - so i eat whatever...

Exercise: Go to Gym at least 3 times a week.

Test your Fitness: can walk that k in less time time. Steps are getting better

Stress: Lots and lots!

Alcohol & Smoking: I smoked from the age of 15 very heavily. I started to get short of breath about 3 years ago so i kicked the faggs! Feeling better all the time. Booze - binge drinker! love it!!
Healthy Eating:

Generally eat well. Eat plenty of vegies but probably not enough fruit. Everything else seems fine.


Get a fair bit of excercise every day.

Test your Fitness:

Can walk the K pretty easily. Stairs aren't much trouble either.


I try not to stress too much. Doing year 12 currently so the stress will probably peak in early November.

Alcohol & Smoking:

Don't smoke, but generally drink whenever I'm out on the weekend.
Healthy Eating:

Unfortunately I eat at bad times, and don't incorporate enough fruit and vegetables into my diet. I hate fish, so I don't eat that.


I try to go and have a kick once or twice a week, or play tennis with my mates. But no where near enough.

Test your Fitness:

Not good. Aerobic fitness is quite poor atm, due mainly to laziness over the past year or so.


I tend to stress sometimes, especially when uni exams are on.

Alcohol & Smoking:

Never smoked, never will. Used to cosume way too much alcohol, and now have health issues associated with this. As a result of this, I have cut down my drinking a lot.
Cassius_Clay said:
Healthy Eating: Absolutely pathetic. A couple of servings of Vegies every Weeknight along with a piece of fruit a day (If I'm lucky)

Exercise: Not a problem. Do a heap of exercise aswell as the Gym

Test your Fitness: Easy.

Stress: Stress a heap of the time. Cant help it.

Alcohol & Smoking: Have never smoked, only drink alcohol twice a week.

Only? Twice is a fair bit, and binge drinking generally causes more harm than regular drinking. I can't talk, as I was shocking when I was younger, and I am now paying the price. That is why I say this though, so hopefully others won't go through what I have to. Not being able to have much to drink (limited to about 6 in a day/night) when you are 23 is depressing!

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Healthy Eating: -Always eat healthy and in moderation (which is the key)

Exercise: I train 5-6days a week - kickboxing, cardio and weights. 30-1.5hours a day. I love it, I'm glad i changed my lifestyle to be come a fitter and more healthy girl! I wish I started earlier because I've enjoyed it that much!

Test your Fitness: - I probably need to push a little harder on the weights side - do more ab workout and bench press to go up a level - but other than that my cardio is pretty good.

Stress: - Non any more! :) I'm deal very well.

Alcohol & Smoking: I do neither!

Overall I love fitness and I love being fit :) i'm glad I changed myself when I was 19 to become the better and stronger person today!:thumbsu:
Healthy Eating:
Let myself down here a bit. Eat good dinners though cause i'm still at home but get stuck into biscuits, sweets and chocolate far more than i should. Skip breakfast (or if i have breakfast it's usually a bacon and cheese roll which i'm sure isn't good for me) far too often.

Alcohol & Smoking:
Hate smoking so i'm sweet there. I binge drink (drink once or twice a week but usually will consume over 10 schooners each time) which is worse than having 3 or 4 schooners every night.

Definetaly make up for a lot of the above with a heap of exercise. Just got back from a 12-13km run which i completed in the wet in just over an hour. not overly pleased with that time but i haven't done a long road run in about 12 months. By about the fourth time i complete this course i should have it down to about 45 minutes hopefully.

Usually do between 8 and 12 hours of exercise a week - footy training for an hour and a half, two times a week plus a two hour game on weekends. Will hit the gym 3 to 6 times (depends on time restraints and how hard footy was) a week which involves plenty of running, cycling, and just a little bit of weights. Not a big weights fan as i'm on an on-baller in footy, and a quick bowler in footy. Neither of which require excessive strength but more flexibility and fitness.

Test your Fitness:

pass those easily.


the only way i could be less stressed is if i were dead.
Healthy Eating:
Could be ALOT better. Eat crap every day like chocolate, chips.. also eat late at night, which im told is bad for ya!! Fruit is ok, but should eat more vegetables!

Def get that 30mins miniumum. Workout at the gym, do cardio and swim once a week.

Test your Fitness:
Could do that, but for some reason i do get puffed walking up stairs. Maybe coz of my asthma?? :confused:

None.. whatever happens happens. On no wait.. Geelong supporter.. i get VERY stressed out once a week.. particularly during September ;)

Alcohol & Smoking:
Never smoked in my life and never will! Drink from time to time, usually on the weekends.
Healthy Eating:
Since i have moved into a flat as opposed to Hosel living my diet has been much better as i love to cook. My weakness is a cooked English breakfast maybe once a fortnight or month

Have been doing a lot of walking and running once or twice a week but not that fit :(

Test your Fitness:
I can walk to the bar no problems lol

Collingwood stress me out but also bring me pleasure so its all good

Alcohol & Smoking:
Do not smoke - filthy habit lol

Drink - on weekends socially.

Healthy Eating: I eat 3 good meals a day and always have some fruit.

Exercise: I umpire games of footy as a goal umpire so I have to do a lot of exercises

Test your Fitness: Pretty fit but do get asthma

Stress: Only get stressed out if there are some kids kicking footys on the field during a game of footy.

Alcohol & Smoking: I don't drink alcoholic drinks or smoke

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Good Health Checklist

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