Good riddance PRICE!!

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Originally posted by Frodo
such an offensive post can only be reflective of the personality of the writer and what he stands for.

Thank you
if that means to be

proud to care for the socially disadvantaged in our society well so be it.

Its better than being cold and evil. you are indeed a representative of the most evil and uncaring government in orstralia's history.


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Originally posted by joffa_pies4ever
Do us all a favour stay in sydney, you and all your other liberal 'right wing' dirty pieces of crap can all hang by the knackers for all we care!!
Liberal! If anything, he was left wing!
I'll miss him. He annoyed me a lot, but it was still good listening.
Steve Price was very anti-Pauline Hanson, he argued against the government's policies on the refugees, and he argued for the heroin safe injecting rooms. I'm not sure where he stood on economic policy, but on social policy, he's left of centre.

But anyway, good riddance to him. One less Richmond fan in Melbourne can only be a good thing.

Anyone in Sydney, let us know how he goes up against Alan Jones.
Re: Re: Re: Good riddance PRICE!!

Originally posted by joffa_pies4ever

hahahahahahhaa STEVE PRICE left wing


Then how come Steve BRacks was on his show every 5 minutes? What about his views on boat people? He was not a huge fan of Mr Kennett either.
More left wing I feel.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Good riddance PRICE!!

Originally posted by dees01

Then how come Steve BRacks was on his show every 5 minutes? What about his views on boat people? He was not a huge fan of Mr Kennett either.
More left wing I feel.

Not a fan of Kennett is an understatement. He described Kennett last week as the most despised person in Melbourne.
right wing is anyone who has a full set of teeth and can hold down a paid job for more than a week, isnt that right alf me old mate thucken lol lol

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would you believe it.....

Gotta admit, he adapts quickly. He's been broadcasting only one day in Sydney and he's already announced that he's going to join the Sydney Swans. This an extract from today's Age.

Price, a Richmond supporter, will join the Sydney Swans. "And I'll go and watch Sydney games, but I'll always just follow very closely Richmond; I could never give them away."

Classy. :rolleyes: By the way didn't Melbourne supporter Derryn Hinch do the same thing when he broadcast in Adelaide and supported the Crows while he was there?
Originally posted by JUBJUB
There's a rumour that Stan Zemanik will replace Price on AW's drive show.

He'll be lucky to last 6 months.
Matches the rumor that Stan is leaving `Beauty and the Beast'.
Originally posted by Shinboners
Steve Price was very anti-Pauline Hanson, he argued against the government's policies on the refugees, and he argued for the heroin safe injecting rooms. I'm not sure where he stood on economic policy, but on social policy, he's left of centre.

But anyway, good riddance to him. One less Richmond fan in Melbourne can only be a good thing.

Anyone in Sydney, let us know how he goes up against Alan Jones.

ah, i'd be glad to listen to a bit of steve price... and i'm sure many are... alan jones (if he werent gay, he'd be lusting after pauline hanson).. and his constant john howard c*cksmoking...

donno how alan jones will do at 2gb... 2ue have such a huge majority over the other AM stations... stan zemanek (former radio night time king on 2ue) did the switch for money at 2gb.. and didnt last very long...

but anyway, dont listen to AM much...
how could i pass on Merrick & Rosso on nova fm in the mornings on the drive to work... do you guys get them in Melb??

tossers too
choice bro caravan park (where holiday dreams come truuue)
kung-fu or pr0n
hello australia
tightarse tuesday
fear factor...

ahhhh... what a cack... i'm prob gonna watch them in concert in march !

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Good riddance PRICE!!

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