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Jun 17, 2001
my young bro just turned 12 n has recently died his hair black, began the tuning of the RAMMSTEIN and gets all this spiky n black band tees from the city. he's turnin into a goth now, not just in his look and attitude [because that isnt a goth] but in his personality. you should see his room to phrooo u can barely see in there and its daylight. there is red cellophane down the walls too hoohoo. hes still my bro tho n i love him. hes just turned a lill weird is all.

are any of you goth, have goth siblings or friends? i find them to be interesting people especially with their ideology and was they view the world.

I was a Goth, before there were Goths. :D

When I was 15, used to put magic silver white in my hair, which made it go dark purple/black for a couple of weeks, always wore black clothes, well pretty much still do, plus my bedroom was painted black, with red cellophane over the light.

Just another form of rebellion against society & it's standards, most do grow out of it eventually. :D

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Originally posted by mantis

Just another form of rebellion against society & it's standards,

You'd be surprised. My best friend is a gothic as well as her boyfriend and his mates. They're all great people and I love hanging out with them, and the parties are fantastic. These people are the way they are because they want to be ... they're 18 going on 19 and love the music (namely Opeth, i think that's it and Rammstein) along with the jewellery. Let em be that way, they're still top people, well the ones I'm mates with.
Oh and uh, my bedroom walls are a darkish blue ;). Actually I've befriended this guy Dave who is pretty gothic ... but he likes rammstein AND Lee Kernaghan :p.
Hate to sound old, but damn near all the kiddies you see wndering the streets all gothed up these days are pale little imitators compared to the real deal of the 80's before they all died of herion overdoses... Cradle of Filth my arse.
But then again more goth than thou arguments have been going on for years.
Originally posted by Mog
Hate to sound old, but damn near all the kiddies you see wndering the streets all gothed up these days are pale little imitators compared to the real deal of the 80's before they all died of herion overdoses... Cradle of Filth my arse.
But then again more goth than thou arguments have been going on for years.

That is true. I don't know about other states but in Melbourne the 'Goth' scene is nowhere near what it used to be. I thought the 'in' thing these days was the whole rap scene, not deciding to be a goth, that was so 10 years ago :p

The whole Gothic scene was always a little too pretentious to me. I used to go to a few goth clubs but I never really liked the crowd. The only good thing that I took from that was the clothes. The music (well the majority of it) is shyt and the attitudes sucked. The 'don't smile or you're face will crack' phrase was invented for this group I have no doubt.
I go on the goth bulletin board and have a few "gothish" clothes mainly for when we go to the metal clubs to see bands. Like mentioned above most things could be considered goth now. I've got a bit of stuff but nothing to the extreme few belts, stockings, boots, a few tops and jewellery (love goth jewellery). I like a few pieces but don't think i'd go the full outfit (although there are some damn tempting things i wanna buy on ebay) As for dying the hair black arrrgh don't think i could go through with that :eek: Some of the girls who do it you can tell are just plain ugly and don't know which way to go but there are others who are so beautiful and the black hair and clothes really suit them. It always amazed me when working in the city just how many goths could actually get away with wearing their clothes for work. Because it's black they could get away with being a goth corporate!
Originally posted by Mog
Hate to sound old, but damn near all the kiddies you see wndering the streets all gothed up these days are pale little imitators compared to the real deal of the 80's before they all died of herion overdoses... Cradle of Filth my arse.
But then again more goth than thou arguments have been going on for years.
But didn't you notice back in the 80s that only nerds who wanted to rebel turned to Goth? All the misfits who couldn't fit in anywhere else and needed an outlet turned to goth. We had a number of goths at my school and they were all nerds.
I was goth growing up. When I was working in Moscow last year a friend was a goth and took me to a few goth meetups. It was cool. Even though I don't do all black these days I am still a goth at heart. :cool:

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Originally posted by Richmondfan#1
How did I know you would post in this thread? ;)
I have quiet a few friends that are goth, I don't hang around with them so much now. Most of my friends who were goth, did smoke weed, but they didn't pop pills and use needles.....But having said that, I still no quiet a few who don't do any of it. Either way they are still really nice people once you get to know them, most of them are more loyal to you then a 'normal' person would be.....
It's still surprises me, that people are still frightened at goths. My brother's not a goth, but he has a beard and wears a metal shirt and jeans. The amount of people that stare at him, like he's some sort of devil worshiper - is still high.

I like goths, although I don't consider myself one of them. Most are good, intelligent people - but i'm over the corpse paint on the face!:D If you have the chance - go to a local metal gig, support and meet the locals.

I'm more scared of the masses of HoMiE G's, that refuse to believe that they are not from the ghetto.
My brother is a goth, although he wouldn' t call himself that, he just thinks he's a vampire.

He has long dyed black hair. In his bedroom he had a couple of coffins, bats and dolls heads everywhere. These also doubled as props for his dark heavy metal band that he is a lead singer of.

He also had false fangs made, which he wears all of the time.

He got married about 2 years ago to a girl who is also a goth but not so weird. So now his life is a little bit more normal. Not sure if he still has the coffins.

His wedding was weird, they got married in this old church and exchanged celtic rings. He was kind of dressed like drakula but she wore a white dress and only had her hair done to look like the drakula era.

They also had some weird dragon kind of thing on their wedding cake.

My relatives were scared to be there.
Originally posted by Minkus_Swan
It's still surprises me, that people are still frightened at goths.
News to me. Who was ever scared of a bunch of mixed-up dork teenagers who painted their face white? They are simply dorks who have lost their way.

Ever met a goth who could fight? The answer is probably no because these are the kids who got their arses kicked at lunchtime everyday during school.
Originally posted by de_LICA_ish18
My brother is a goth, although he wouldn' t call himself that, he just thinks he's a vampire.

Went out with this crazy bitch for a short while who swore she was a vampire, even though she didn't have that goth image. I cut myself shaving once and she wanted to lick the blood off. ****ed her off pretty quick after.

Can't convince these freaks that Anne Rice writes FICTION.
Originally posted by bunsen burner
News to me. Who was ever scared of a bunch of mixed-up dork teenagers who painted their face white? They are simply dorks who have lost their way.

Ever met a goth who could fight? The answer is probably no because these are the kids who got their arses kicked at lunchtime everyday during school.

That may have been the case back in your day, but it isn't now. So stop raving on like you know about it all.

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