Autopsy Hahahahahahahah

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Clarkson chatting and laughing with Buddy, all class.

Classy from
Buddy also. Easy to be classy when you win.

Buddy deserves none of the hate he gets from this board. He is brilliant. Will go down as a top 10 player of all time. And a pivotal part of two of our premierships.
I love this team so much, chills at how awesome this group of kids are and of course Clarko and team.

I hope that everyone who doubted how well our young backs could play took note tonight, probably one of Buddys worst games against us.

These kids our our future. I would also hate to see Doc and Schoey not re-sign, especially if as many have pointed out we would get nothing for them due to FA, re-sign them now!

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Eat a ******* dick $hitney.

Big Boy McEvoy. Take a ******* bow. I'm not even joking when I say that is the greatest single ruck performance by a Hawthorn player I think I've ever seen. (Could just be riding up on cloud 9 right now :D)
Paul Salmon says hi. But yeh, awesome game by Big Boy tonight.

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Classy from
Buddy also. Easy to be classy when you win.

Buddy deserves none of the hate he gets from this board. He is brilliant. Will go down as a top 10 player of all time. And a pivotal part of two of our premierships.
Always loved the way Budwah goes about his business. He doesn't apologise and he doesn't complain, he just does his thing.
What a game. Grinding out the results.

Sicily and McEvoy brilliant. Loved Howe's game too. If Langers could kick we'd be talking about him like we did Brad Sewell back in the day. Valuable in the team for his hardness, but man he's frustrating just thinking what he could be.

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Reason why Clarko and the Footy Dept are miles ahead of everyone. Other clubs clambering for top 10 picks with no idea or structure, Hawthorn - gets the best available and coach them.

This team will go far and we have just mentally broken that mob....again!

Wonderful performance and hate pick out individuals but for me Howe, McEvoy and Sicily were awesome!!
GREAT GAME. Had to go and have a breather from the matchday thread that last quarter.

Sorry to all the boys who miss me from the gameday threads shouting "HOLDING THE BALL" allcaps. I've been really busy and overseas.
Now back with new and improved Avatar!

Much like the Hawks:

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