Haileybury College Scholarships

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Aug 5, 2005
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I am the Captain of Sport at Haileybury College (and no I’m not on a sporting scholarship). Occasionally I scroll through the “School Football” forum and quite often I see Haileybury’s name being unfairly tarnished as a direct consequence of the scholarships we hand out.

To begin with, I’d like to convey the universal benefits of introducing scholarships. Scholarships in the private school system serve as a means of giving disadvantaged students, who contain exceptional qualities in a particular area, an opportunity to attend an elite school. The private school gains an “outstanding” pupil, and the “outstanding” pupil gets to go to a private school. Everyone wins. Whilst, this is a sports forum, it should be noted that scholarships are not tied down to sporting ones alone. Academic, Music and Drama scholarships are commonly handed out in all APS schools.

To contextualise the argument, in recent years Haileybury has given out a number of sporting scholarships in an effort to raise the profile of sport within the school. Sport has the potential to unite an institution and raise school spirit. Other school pupils on this forum have lamented over Haileybury’s dominance in the school football during the last three years. Yet, one only has to look back to 2002 when we finished 10th. In fact, in the ten years spanning from 1994-2003 we achieved a top four position just once. Let’s face it, enough was enough. A proud school like Haileybury had to do what it felt necessary to achieve the best results possible. Just like all other APS schools will hand out Academic, Drama and Music scholarships to lift those respective fields, Haileybury did so with Sport.

Some have attempted to argue that Haileybury has no school spirit as a result of our “chequebook” sporting teams. However, such a contention cannot be substantiated. I’ve been at the school for the past nine years. Presently, school moral is at its peak due to a direct correlation with the success our sporting teams enjoy.

Now every APS school has money. What each school decides to do with that money is their prerogative. If Haileybury believes it requires 15 general excellence scholarships to elevate its standard of football, it buys 15 players. If Scotch requires an abundance of boating sheds and equipment to ensure victory at the Head of the River, then it forks out the cash too. Conversely, if Scotch believes it only needs 2 footballing scholarships to be successful, it buys just 2 players.

One might argue that Scotch is more moral than Haileybury for it is less excessive with its handing out of scholarships. If you think scholarships are bad, you may equate Scotch as the lesser of two evils. However, this still makes Scotch evil. Ultimately, it is the PRINCIPLE of handing out scholarships, not the excessiveness, which matters. Let me put it in a way that all you fellas may understand more easily:
If your girlfriend cheats on you once or ten times, irrespective of how many times she cheats, you’re still going to be hurt. This is due to the principle of cheating. Haileybury may give out more scholarships than your school. But the fact remains that every APS school gives out scholarships, full stop. This makes us all evil, if you’re one to believe scholarships are a negative thing.

So before you start pointing the finger at Haileybury, look at what you own institution does in regards to Sporting, Music, Drama and most importantly Academic scholarships. Ultimately, if you want to condemn Haileybury for doing what it thinks is the best way to achieve the best results, then that’s fine. It’s your opinion, and you’re entitled to it. But then go and condemn each and every one of your own schools too. Go and tell your mates on academic scholarships to piss off out of your school, because they don’t pay full fees.
So much to pick holes in, so little time.

Your peception that all schools are on equal footing financially is farsical. Haileybury receives eight times more federal funding than St Kevins, Carey and Xavier combined. This information is readily available from the ATO website under parliament publications.

Your statements are all opinion. Yours and your administrators.
Well the APS has an opinion too. On Friday, delegates from all APS schools except Haileybury met to discuss a very concerning issue.

Why is the Vic Metro Under 15 coach now employeed by Haileybury?
Following the press in the papers last year after your schools disgraceful raids on Mentone Grammar and St Bedes it is clear that your administrators are searching for another way to 'screen' for potential recruits. Unfortunately this move will spell the end of your association with school sport.

Two years ago, Haileybury was asked politely to curb their 'overuse' of sporting scholarships. Not Drama, not music, not academic, but sporting. You have not. When the Principals meet in April, the message will not be as polite.

I admire the courage of your conviction. You are on a sinking ship though mate. I urge you to take off the blinkers that have been issued to you by your puppet masters and take a look around.
as for Scotch being the lesser of two evils, we hand out minimum sports scolarships to maybe 2 students who are severely disadvantaged and giving these boys scholarships not only helps themselves but theyre entire communitys, once these boys are finished at Scotch they head back to their communitys and become leaders. Also the evil is not the principle of handing out scolarships rather it is handing out excessive scolarships, doing this is not doing Hailebury any good for one day getting a decent sports team (which hasn't been bought) because any parent of a child who is good at sport sees what Hailebury is doing and does not want to send their child there

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Made the debating team did we?

And thanks for "putting it in a way that we might understand more easily"
I was so confused until you gave me the girlfriend senario.:rolleyes:

BTW I'm an old boy from the days we won APS premierships with maybe 1 or 2 scholarships.
Haileybury have destroyed APS sport. Haileybury have taken so called " disadvantaged kids program" to the extreme. you must feel pretty bad to actually pay to got to such a second rate private school. As sport captain why didnt they snap you up with a nice scholarship?? also where is all this money coming from to pay for all these players? If the system wasnt changed last year for football, you wouldnt have even won, because scotch only lost one match. and you lost 2. How would it have felt to have payed all that money and not even get an outright premiership.
Your school should be ashamed with itself and perhaps join the Ags where it belongs among other second rate private schools.
Haileybury is a joke. it is the principal of giving out way to many. no one cares if you give out one maybe two and in some exeptions three but neva 20 or more thats just delusional. the fact that you still call yourselves the bloods is also the most crap anyone can call them selves. i just think that if haileybury cut the payments to maybe below 100 from 500 it would improve its well deserved slander that they are getting but they will be always non as that school that stuffed APS for a few years till they were kicked out.
In regards to Davo#5’s comments:
You have misquoted me in saying I had a perception that all schools were on an equal footing financially. I merely made the comment that “every APS school has money”. I stand by such a statement. Haileybury may get 8 times the funding of St Kevins, Carey and Xavier combined (if your claims are correct – I was unable to find the website you suggested). Yet, it hardly receives as much in donations from ex-pupils like Melbourne Grammar and Scotch College do.
Irregardless of such trivialities, my point was that private schools all choose to do different things with the money they have. A teacher now at Haileybury, who was at Carey last year, made the comment that Carey seems to focus more on spending their money towards sporting facilities. In contrast, Haileybury appears to use their money for scholarships. I’m not saying one is right or wrong. But, it’s both the schools’ prerogatives to do what it likes with their cash. Haileybury is enjoying immediate success from its venture, whilst, Carey’s plans seem more long term.
Your claim that my “statements are all opinion”, reads as if you believe yours are fact. Well on more than one occasion your opinion has been incorrect in regards to negative comments made about Haileybury. Your claim that Haileybury stole its School motto from Brighton Grammar is grossly inaccurate. Haileybury and Brighton do not even have the same School motto. In contrast, Xavier and Haileybury both share the “Sursum Corda”. Yet, to suggest that Haileybury stole that from Xavier would also be incorrect. The “Sursum Corda” belongs to no one. It is simply the opening dialogue to the Preface of the Eucharistic Prayer in the liturgies of the Christian Church, dating back to the third century.
You also suggest that it’s “bloody annoying” what Haileybury has done, “but that can’t last at the rate families are pulling their kids out of there”. In all truth, Haileybury in present times has its biggest numbers on record. With over 3000 students and hundreds of staff it is the biggest school in the APS. Moreover, if our Principal’s sources are accurate, it is also the biggest school in Australia.
I’m unaware of what you are suggesting by declaring we only had “30” people turn up to our first pre-season footy training session. There are approximately 30 people in the 1st XVIII squad. How many did you want to turn up?
Finally, I was astounded to read your comments stating “you grow up all your life with this rivalry because your old man played them…and then this mob (Haileybury) come along and screw it all up”. It appears to me that the issue of Haileybury scholarships is insignificant to your real concern that Haileybury is taking what you rightfully see as yours. If Haileybury had 15 scholarship players, yet, were unsuccessful, you wouldn’t care one iota. Just because our School is the dominant force in the APS for once, you appear distressed as it’s occurring during your generation. Unfortunately for you - time’s change, schools change and success changes. Your dad’s era is gone.
I am sorry if this post appears personally attacking, because it is in no way intended - I’m not that kind of person. However, before you misquote me, perhaps it would be wise to look at your own falsified arguments about Haileybury in the future.
In regards to Steveo, SydneyDon and Footy010:
You have all suggested in one way or another that the issue of this argument is in the “excessiveness” of handing out scholarships.
Steveo claimed that Scotch has “maybe 2 students” on scholarship and that Scotch turn these pupils into “leaders”. Are you suggesting that Haileybury is unable to turn their scholarship players into community leaders as well? Travis Jackson, Andrew Haining and Ben Healey are the Captains of the Cricket, Hockey and Basketball Firsts. They are all on general excellence (sporting) scholarships. Yet, they are also all Prefects. These are just three students off the top of my head. There are many more examples I could provide.
SydneyDon you seem to justify the “one or two scholarships” your team had in winning the APS Premiership. Whilst, Footy010 you believe “no one cares if you give out one maybe two” scholarships. Both your arguments seem to suggest that the principle of the matter lies in the “excessive” nature of handing out scholarships. One or two is ok, but 20 is bad.
Yet, here’s why you’re both wrong. With your theories, where do your draw the line? You both believe in one or two scholarships. However, you’re both very adamant in your views against Haileybury’s 15 or so. Well what about four scholarships? Is that fine? Eight? What are your stances on eight? Everyone’s opinion will vary. If you say it is the excessiveness of handing out scholarships that is the problem - well how do you define “excessiveness”? Haileybury’s excessiveness will most likely be different to Xavier’s. Scotch might have a different opinion to Carey.
Your theory simply cannot work. Presently, there is no universal, concrete answer to what is right and what is wrong with the number of scholarships to be handed out. That is why the principle of this issue is “scholarships” full stop. It is black and white. You are either for them or against them. Forget how many are given. If you think scholarships are bad, then every APS school has something to answer to, not just Haileybury.
Jase, you are clearly a good bloke.
But, misguided.

Let me put this in a way that you can comprehend.
Haileybury have produced 'unbeatable' sides using scholarships.
They have done so through unscrupulous means.
Over the past 5-6 years they have openly approached kids from other private schools and tried to lure them out to Keysborough. How can this possibly be defended as fair and honorable. It would be one thing for HC to head up to Wogga Wogga (Carey) and have a chat to someone or to fly to Broome (Xavier) or go to the Tiwi Islands (Scotch). You guys jump in your cortina and head down the street and its poor.

Here is a link you need to read.
Your principal states that this kind of behavior doesn't happen anymore. Well then, please answer my original question. Why is your school being investigated for their appointment of the Vic Metro Under 15 coach. The AFL are seriously embarassed since it has been brought to their attention. School delegates at every football school in Melbourne (public or private) were contacted by this bloke on Friday. Heads of APS schools were horrified when they realised where the coach was working.

What do you say to this Jase, I'd really like to know?

How will your morale high students and parents feel when the AFL strips the position of this bloke. How will your school feel when it is booted out of all APS sport and has to beg Peninsula schools for a game?

In response to comments made by HC sports captain...

Here are the resources you've been looking for.

"Federal education minister Brendan Nelson thinks it's not a problem that his government has increased public funding of wealthy private schools like Haileybury College, Ivanhoe Grammar and Presbyterian Ladies College, by up to 278% over the past four years. " http://www.greenleft.org.au/2004/572/32933

"it is a misuse of Federal Government funding if it is being used only for individual students, and particularly when it's being used to cherry-pick students from the government schools where they're performing very well,"

The school name is followed by the fees, its location and the percentage increase in federal funding 2001-2004.

Brighton Grammar School $15,822 Brighton 132%
Camberwell Grammar School $14,200 Canterbury 62%
Carey Baptist Grammar School $14,619 Kew 115%
Caulfield Grammar School $14,208 East St Kilda & Wheelers Hill 148%
Eltham College $13,188 Research 172%
Fintona Girls' School $13,500 Balwyn 103%
Firbank Grammar School $14,874 Brighton 127%
Geelong Grammar School 'Corio' $16,760 Corio 158%
Geelong Grammar School 'Glamorgan' $13,560 Toorak 42%
Haileybury College $15,852 Keysborough 325%
Ivanhoe Grammar School $13,221 Ivanhoe 233%
Kilvington Baptist Girls' Grammar $12,740 Ormon 130%
Korowa Anglican Girls' School $14,598 Glen Iris 50%
Lauriston Girls' School $15,891 Armadale 100%
Melbourne Girls' Grammar $14,508 South Yarra 160%
Melbourne Grammar School $13,840 South Yarra 117%
Melbourne Grammar School - Grimwade $12,280 Caulfield 86%
Mentone Girls' Grammar $15,000 Mentone 241%
Mentone Grammar School $13,736 Mentone 202%
Methodist Ladies' College $15,660 Kew 62%
Presbyterian Ladies' College $15,996 Burwood 191%
Ruyton Girls School $14,520 Kew 42%
Scotch College $14,814 Hawthorn 91%
St Catherine's School $15,984 Toorak 52%
St Leonard's College $13,973 Brighton East 178%
St Michael's Grammar School $15,700 St Kilda 105%
The Geelong College $13,744 Newtown 251%
The Peninsula School $13,068 Mount Eliza 281%
Toorak College $13,945 Mount Eliza 231%
Trinity Grammar School $12,980 Kew 144%
Wesley College $14,706 Prahran 139%
Woodleigh School $9,956 Sth Frankston 281%
South Australia
Scotch College $13,700 Torrens Park 154%
St Peter's College $12,760 St Peters 191%
St Kevin's College 13,175 Kooyong 92%
Xavier College $14,324 Kew 87%

Gee, I wonder where all that liquid cash is coming from?
Did everyone notice how many of the other APS schools went down.
Wait till Labour gets in buddy.... Everyone vote Labour - then we will see the end of scholarships at Haileybury in a flash!!!

By the way dude - easy to find....
You'll have to improve your skills if you want to study Law at Melbourne.
And I hope you do, looking forward to more intellectual debates.
Can someone please post a voting thread.

Me v Jase (Haileybury Sports Captain and allround good guy)

on this topic.

I would really like to see who agrees with the rambling charm and wit of big Jase or the reasoned, supported statements of yours truly?
PS - do you not think it would have been polite to check if anyone else had that motto in the 60s???

Seriously, Xavier were in the APS since the 1800s and you come along and have the same motto. Wannabes.:eek:
Your argument about HC having school spirit is flawed by the fact that schools like Scotch, Xavier and Melbourne Grammar can afford to purchase sporting facilities like rowing sheds and equipment because of donations made by old boys who still have school spirit. Where is HC's donations? it simply relies on the government to hand out funds for second rate private schools. HC is in such a 'ghetto' area that the land costs $5.50 an acre, thats why you can afford all these chequebook players. Why would you pay full fees to go to such a second rate school? why not just go to the local high school?

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Ghetto! very amusing...:D

I think I'm gonna go and spend $36.90 and purchase grounds for a new school. Damn, if the governments shelling out billions for every kid I enrol - I'll be in the Bahama by the time the World Cup starts! :thumbsu:
"Presently, there is no universal, concrete answer to what is right and what is wrong with the number of scholarships to be handed out."

Agreement made by ALL principals in September 2005 was that 10% in any one squad constituted a breech of APS regulations. Further, these 'general excellence' scholarships should be directed towards students who would not have otherwise received private education.

Ask your sports director for a copy of these notes.
Unless of course they have been shredded!

Hmmm, not sure if Menton Grammar and St Bede's are private are they?
What surprises me is that you can't have it both ways. In the 2006 cricket season Haileybury were bagged for scholarship players. In the 2006 football season Haileybury was bagged for scholarship players. Yet at leat half of the cricket team played first 18 football. Now what were they recruited for football or cricket?
Doesnt matter what they were recruited for they are still emplyed by the school, which is a joke. and it wasnt half it was 3 people so get your facts right u checkbook
Davo, shame on you – play fair! A barrage of 6 posts full of flaws creates an excessive amount of rebuttal for me to write on a Public Holiday. You of all people should respect “Labor” Day.
To begin with, you must’ve surely known I would have picked you up on your initial comments that “Haileybury have produced ‘unbeatable’ sides using scholarships”. In the football alone, where we supposedly recruit the most, the side in the past 3 years is yet to have an undefeated season. We are definitely beatable – and last year showed that!
I cannot comment on your claim that Haileybury is being “investigated” for appointing the “Vic Metro Under 15 coach” until I converse with my school sources. Such a statement is foreign to me and I will have to get back to you on this one. However, it would be useful if you could provide evidence of this, as opposed to speculating rumours.
Now respond to my underlying statements – that the principle lies in scholarships themselves not the excessiveness, which would paint all APS schools with the same brush!
Thank you for providing me with the abundance of articles to scroll through. It is interesting to note that Michael Bachelard is behind many of them. The same Michael Bachelard that my sources tell me attended Scotch College. Of course there wouldn’t be any personal bias entered into his columns now would there? Bias in the media – NO, never! What is very amusing is that by providing me with all these articles you have helped me strengthen my argument.

- “Associated Public Schools principals agreed last year not to directly approach each others' sports stars. But they have since had legal advice that the ban is legally unenforceable because it amounts to a restraint of trade.”
- “Legally there is nothing wrong with an aggressive attitude to attracting students.”

So, the agreement is non-binding. Let me get this straight. If it doesn’t hold water in a court of law, then, I guess the agreement doesn’t have to be followed! Thus, Haileybury, in the eyes of a keen LAW student like yourself, is doing nothing wrong.
You then provided me with a very long list of “school names, followed by the fees, its location and percentage increase in federal funding 2001-2004”. Here’s the one’s I think we’re particularly interested in:

Wesley College $14,706 Prahran 139%
The Geelong College $13,744 Newtown 251%
Melbourne Grammar School $13,840 South Yarra 117%
Geelong Grammar School 'Corio' $16,760 Corio 258%
Haileybury College $15,852 Keysborough 325%
St Kevin's College 13,175 Kooyong 92%
Xavier College $14,324 Kew 87%
Scotch College $14,814 Hawthorn 91%
Carey Baptist Grammar School $14,619 Kew 115%
Caulfield Grammar School $14,208 East St Kilda & Wheelers Hill 148%
Brighton Grammar School $15,822 Brighton 132%

This is all fantastic except for one small problem Davo. Your statistics are not current. 2001-2004, where’s the facts for 2007? Moreover, after actually analysing the site with these figures on it, I saw that you CONVENIANTLY forgot to mention one small, yet, VITAL piece of data. The above statistics are for “Year 6 only”. Hmmm, I guess such figures may have been relevant for all those Year 6 students between 2001 and 2004. Yet, talk about unreliable figures for Senior School students of 2007. Give me a break Davo. You should know better than to hide evidence in an attempt to bolster your argument. Wouldn’t such behaviour be legal malpractice in a court of law? Perhaps I’m confusing lawyers with people that are supposed to carry some sort of integrity. Maybe that isn't exactly the best thing to say considering I intend to get into the profession. lol
Let’s say your figures were current and reliable Davo – which they are most certainly not (RE: my previous post)! All they could ever prove is that Haileybury gets more funding than other private schools in the APS. However, the funding they receive compares fairly evenly to other private schools like Trinity Grammar, Woodleigh School and Toorak College. Moreover, there is a reason Haileybury receives such funding.

“Under the federal government's socioeconomic status model, schools are allocated funds according to where their students live…Consequently, a very rich school that enrols large numbers of students from suburbs lower on the socioeconomic scale can gather millions of dollars.”

Haileybury has an extremely large catchment area (most likely the biggest of any School in Victoria). We have approximately 15 school busses everyday dropping students off in all parts of Melbourne, and beyond. Not every student that goes to Haileybury is rich. This is what makes the school fantastic. It breeds a culture of people who do not necessarily live in the best areas. Rather, it contains many hardworking parents who are prepared to sacrifice in order to send their kids to a great private School. That is why we get the funding over the rich boys at Scotch for example, whose families are mainly concentrated in wealthier areas closer to the City.

Now you may claim we use this funding for the wrong reasons in buying scholarships. However, you couldn’t be further from the truth. In the past year, Haileybury has undergone many structural changes to better our academic program. In excess of 10 million dollars has been spent on buildings such as a new Lecture Hall etc, at the Senior School. Our “ghetto” as you call it, more closely resembles a University with the facilities we possess, thanks, in part, to the funding we deservedly receive.

Your argument that “ALL principals in September 2005” agreed that “10% (of scholarships) in any one squad constituted a breech of APS regulations” is a fascinating one. It is interesting because such an agreement is obviously very loosely followed. Take St Kevins at last year’s APS Athletics. From what I heard they had approximately half their team bought. I’m pretty sure 50% is greater than 10%. Do you agree Davo? Also, such an agreement is easily avoidable. Under the rules, all Haileybury would have to do is increase its Football Squad to 150 to guarantee its 15 scholarship players. Not a bad loophole, if you ask me, considering there appears to be no cap on the amount of players in a squad.

On a final note, after all the flaws I pointed out in your previous arguments, the one you persist with is the “School Motto”. Your claim that “Xavier were in the APS since the 1800s” is “farcical” considering the APS commenced in 1900. Furthermore, Haileybury was started in 1892. It’s original motto was “Altera Terra” (in another land) to singnify the establishment of the new Haileybury in Australia from the parent school in England. Page 21 of the School Diary dictates that “it was decided in 1954 to couple the Motto of Haileybury, England, ‘Sursum Corda’ (‘Lift up your hearts’) to the original ‘Altera Terra’”. This was done because it was viewed that the initial motto “lacked an obvious moral or spiritual significance”. The motto is appropriate to Haileybury because our official school hymn is “Lift up your hearts”. The Sursum Corda has direct links to Haileybury, England, which is older than Xavier. So I strongly doubt it would have been necessary to be “polite” and “check if anyone else had that motto”.
Jase, come on. I give you an assignment and you stuff it up.

Lets first allay fears that my figures are in fact 'unreliable'. Your suggestion that the federal funding amounts were for Year 6 is bogus.
Only St Peter's has their Year 6 amount listed, all other schools represent average senior costing from Yr 10-12. The fact that these represent figures from 2001-2004 is significant because this was when Haileybury commenced their unscrupulous barrage of scholarships.

Several times, you have found 'loop-holes' in aspects of the expectations that the Principals have agreed upon in recent years. This is perhaps the most disappointing aspect of the whole affair. Your administrators have tried to dupe the rest of the APS at every turn. This was a competition built out of trust and honor. To say that your actions are not 'legally' inappropriate is completely defunct. A membership in the APS is a privaledge. One that can be taken away if there is a unanimous vote by the other schools to do so. Jase, are you aware that this vote is close? I hope for your sake that your school is not sent into exile. You are a worthy adversary and HC need more people like you if they are going to survive its darkest days in the not too distant future.
I've done three things this morning.
#1 Forwarded a reference to my lecturer who is also on admissions (though I'm sure you won't need my help).
#2 Located the 'evidence' you required to support the allegation that HC is screening new talent via U15 Vic Metro. You have no idea the favor I owe now to get that information emailed through.
#3 Neglect my articles, making this my last post.

Here is the email sent out to several schools and clubs last Friday.

Dear Head of Sport/Coach

We ask for your support in Nominating a number of your students to trial
for the U15 Victorian Metropolitan Schoolboys Football Team.
Many students are unaware of the trials and National Football Carnival
to take place in Sydney this July.
To NOMINATE for the trails held at Melbourne Grammar Sports ground
during the second week in the 1st Term Holidays, students need to go to
the VSSSA web site and go to 'Interstate Competition' to Register
Attached is a more detailed cover letter, students should be born in
1992 or after (Year 9 or 10).
If you could make 4 or 5 of your better footballers aware of the trials
and how to Nominate for the Schoolboys Team that would be much

***** *******
Vic. Metro. U15 Schoolboys Team.

Haileybury College and Haileybury Girls College Melbourne, Australia
"Castlefield" at 120 South Road, Brighton East, 3187. Phone: 9598 0588
"Edrington" at 138 High Street, Berwick, 3806. Phone: 8768 2300
"Newlands" at 855-891 Springvale Road, Keysborough, 3173. Phone: 9213
Senior School at 855-891 Springvale Road, Keysborough, 3173. Phone: 9213
Central Administration at 855-891 Springvale Road, Keysborough, 3173.
Phone: 9213 2222
Web at

Best of luck with your retort.:cool:

Some very well constructed comments DAVO :thumbsu: , well what is your reply Jase? You appear to be an intelligent guy who has been brain-washed by your school to believe that schloarships are acceptable in the extreme of purchasing premiership winning teams, dont you feel any remorse, dont you feel ashamed that your school is stealing from the honest hard working taxpayer, for schoolboy glory? Do your players even care if they win or lose or is it just a platform for their careers potentially in AFL?
Well when labour wins this year at the election, your school will go back to what it was 5 years ago.....full of degenerate emo's with sub 60 ENTER scores
Davo, love your work.
You won me over with your knowledge of Xavier footy but now this!
You made your point without having to write a synopsis.
While Jase seems like a good bloke and is only sticking up for his school,
the fact that Hailebury poaches other schools students and has coaches in high places in terms of representitive sport, seems very unethical and almost cheating the system. I can safely say I would be embarassed if my school was involved in such a program.
Jase, in regards to your "Yet, it hardly receives as much in donations from ex-pupils like Melbourne Grammar and Scotch College do. " comment a few posts earlier, this is yet another great example of School spirit from boys who enjoyed their time at their respective school so gave something back.

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Haileybury College Scholarships

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