Yes you have chosen not to answers questions Little headkicker, you have avoided them at every turn and gone on the attack. Again classic defense of Hird/News Ltd and Co. Another question. Whose credit card was used by Dank to pay for peptides? Was it yours? We'd love to know the answers to those questions.Little said he was appalled by Harcourt’s reference to cancer.
“If there is a serious health risk that he knows about that he hasn’t passed on to us, that is worse than irresponsible,” Little said.
“I’ve now done 10 presentations to parents ... and none of those have dealt directly with the cancer possibility ... and I feel, and I have made this very clear to the AFL, that my credibility with the parents is being drawn into question. Have I been avoiding it? Have I chosen not to mention it?”
Wouldn't it be nice if the wizened Little headkicker answered that question instead of just asking it.