News Hardwick set to lift Tigers out of hole

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Jan 7, 2010
AFL Club
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''I KNOW what is around the corner - I just don't know where the corner is. But the onus is on us to perform and we must control the bandwagon,'' said Kevin Keegan, ex-England manager.

Managing England can be like coaching Richmond.

Unlike Kevin Keegan, Damien Hardwick is confident he knows where the corner is, and that his team has turned it. Like Keegan, getting the side to perform and controlling the bandwagon remains a problem.

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I appreciate the fact that Dimma has come out fighting, and Benny for that matter. It's alot better than designing some spin for the masses. The problem I have is with our list and list management - it just isn't good enough. Just one thing though Dimma, watch the use of the term: "Bandwagoner". You have followed this club for 2 years, some of us have been here for decades.
I appreciate the fact that Dimma has come out fighting, and Benny for that matter. It's alot better than designing some spin for the masses. The problem I have is with our list and list management - it just isn't good enough. Just one thing though Dimma, watch the use of the term: "Bandwagoner". You have followed this club for 2 years, some of us have been here for decades.

you might want to read the article again..... DH never mentioned that word....

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To be honest Dimma, after Plough, March, Miller, Spud, Casey, the Geish, Walls, Swooper, Leon and every other man and his dog have made similar statements over the years - these types of platitude heavy articles are wearing thin.

Less of these, more definitive action please.
I refuse to read it as I assume it's taken from the template Bruce Monteath refers to.
I know it off by heart.
Thought Grant Thomas put it best last night in a diplomatic way when he said that Dimma really lost an opportunity to make a statement after the Carlton game.
I appreciate the fact that Dimma has come out fighting, and Benny for that matter. It's alot better than designing some spin for the masses. The problem I have is with our list and list management - it just isn't good enough. Just one thing though Dimma, watch the use of the term: "Bandwagoner". You have followed this club for 2 years, some of us have been here for decades.

This could be a way to do it. Wont happen overnight, but it will happen.
I tried to start a new topic with this, but it got locked for some reason. Really dissapointing if was locked, as I dont see how this doesnt add to the debate. We are crying out for strong action, and this is being thrown in there to discuss.

Can we drop the whole side?


Thats right. The season is a write off, and it won't hurt in the long term to show some cahunas! So lets use the remainder of the season in an effective manner.

Drop the whole side (with the only limitation being the number of players who we can bring in...ala playing for Coburg).
The message needs to be sent that the RFC will not tolerate poor performances by any individual.

So, Dimma and the coaching staff should call Newman and the other leaders in and say that the whole side is being dropped, starting this weekend.
We have, say 7 weeks left of the season, and that is enough time to really see who wants to be playing for the club.

So, those players who perform within the required standards will be recalled the following week, and so on, and so on, until we see what the side looks like at the end of the year. I would expect players like Cotchin, Rance, Foley etc would be back in the following week. There would be a number of players that may struggle to ever get back in.

If, as RFC keeps saying, we need to be focussed on the long term, and not the short term, then I would think this sends EXACTLY the right message.
We will get smashed in every AFL game until the season ends....but are we really that concerned with results at the moment?

And god help anyone who played last weekend in Cairns who has not managed to get back into the senior side by Rd 24.
That is the most rediculous post I have seen posted on this board, and boy have there been some doozies. It is unfathomable to do such a thing, because this is a whole football team we are talking about. You can't do it and that is final.:thumbsdown:
Dont agree we have turned the corner as a club if we are at this stage.

Damien Hardwick said:
Over the last three or four weeks we have lost some games we should have won. We were up at three-quarter time on the weekend and against Essendon, but unfortunately when you don't win those games that you should, momentum goes against you.

Decent sides come out firing after a loss and become more dangerous. Even Essendon came out and beat Geelong after a horror month where it had no momentum.

That a loss makes it harder to win next week is for me a side that is still needs to turn the corner.
Hardwick made one promise-To at worst be competitive.

This has not happened.
Instead we have been treated to embarrassing displays of insipid and lazy performances.

Yes the list is pox but I have not seen anything COMBATIVE coming from the coaching panel on match day.

DH and co are not only coaching a poor list but they are being OUTCOACHED.

IMO The standard of coaching has been as poor as the players efforts

Take the blame fellas- u are getting ur asses smashed.

I really would love to hear some acknowledgement regarding the poor coaching,poor game plan,team selection (plays his faves) and inabilty to counter-act the public reamings to at least a 30-point loss.

Talk to me............
This could be a way to do it. Wont happen overnight, but it will happen.
I tried to start a new topic with this, but it got locked for some reason. Really dissapointing if was locked, as I dont see how this doesnt add to the debate. We are crying out for strong action, and this is being thrown in there to discuss.

Can we drop the whole side?


Thats right. The season is a write off, and it won't hurt in the long term to show some cahunas! So lets use the remainder of the season in an effective manner.

Drop the whole side (with the only limitation being the number of players who we can bring in...ala playing for Coburg).
The message needs to be sent that the RFC will not tolerate poor performances by any individual.

So, Dimma and the coaching staff should call Newman and the other leaders in and say that the whole side is being dropped, starting this weekend.
We have, say 7 weeks left of the season, and that is enough time to really see who wants to be playing for the club.

So, those players who perform within the required standards will be recalled the following week, and so on, and so on, until we see what the side looks like at the end of the year. I would expect players like Cotchin, Rance, Foley etc would be back in the following week. There would be a number of players that may struggle to ever get back in.

If, as RFC keeps saying, we need to be focussed on the long term, and not the short term, then I would think this sends EXACTLY the right message.
We will get smashed in every AFL game until the season ends....but are we really that concerned with results at the moment?

And god help anyone who played last weekend in Cairns who has not managed to get back into the senior side by Rd 24.
I think it is obvious why it got locked.
Hardwick made one promise-To at worst be competitive.

This has not happened.
Instead we have been treated to embarrassing displays of insipid and lazy performances.

Yes the list is pox but I have not seen anything COMBATIVE coming from the coaching panel on match day.

DH and co are not only coaching a poor list but they are being OUTCOACHED.

IMO The standard of coaching has been as poor as the players efforts

Take the blame fellas- u are getting ur asses smashed.

I really would love to hear some acknowledgement regarding the poor coaching,poor game plan,team selection (plays his faves) and inabilty to counter-act the public reamings to at least a 30-point loss.

Talk to me............

The coaching/game plan on Saturday was disgusting... I'm with you, the coaching hasn't been that all crash hot of late!
This could be a way to do it. Wont happen overnight, but it will happen.
I tried to start a new topic with this, but it got locked for some reason. Really dissapointing if was locked, as I dont see how this doesnt add to the debate. We are crying out for strong action, and this is being thrown in there to discuss.

Can we drop the whole side?


Thats right. The season is a write off, and it won't hurt in the long term to show some cahunas! So lets use the remainder of the season in an effective manner
Drop the whole side (with the only limitation being the number of players who we can bring in...ala playing for Coburg).
The message needs to be sent that the RFC will not tolerate poor performances by any individual.

So, Dimma and the coaching staff should call Newman and the other leaders in and say that the whole side is being dropped, starting this weekend.
We have, say 7 weeks left of the season, and that is enough time to really see who wants to be playing for the club.

So, those players who perform within the required standards will be recalled the following week, and so on, and so on, until we see what the side looks like at the end of the year. I would expect players like Cotchin, Rance, Foley etc would be back in the following week. There would be a number of players that may struggle to ever get back in.

If, as RFC keeps saying, we need to be focussed on the long term, and not the short term, then I would think this sends EXACTLY the right message.
We will get smashed in every AFL game until the season ends....but are we really that concerned with results at the moment?

And god help anyone who played last weekend in Cairns who has not managed to get back into the senior side by Rd 24.

My God man have you been drinking on this Tuesday afternoon?

I know you're angry but that would be
(a)The best way to lose this week by 400 points.
(b)a surefire way to lose 10,000 members
(c)An excellent way to have the AFL impose sanctions on us and finish us off for bringing the game into disrepute.

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Hardwick made one promise-To at worst be competitive.

This has not happened.
Instead we have been treated to embarrassing displays of insipid and lazy performances.

Yes the list is pox but I have not seen anything COMBATIVE coming from the coaching panel on match day.

DH and co are not only coaching a poor list but they are being OUTCOACHED.

IMO The standard of coaching has been as poor as the players efforts

Take the blame fellas- u are getting ur asses smashed.

I really would love to hear some acknowledgement regarding the poor coaching,poor game plan,team selection (plays his faves) and inabilty to counter-act the public reamings to at least a 30-point loss.

Talk to me............

I'm not sure about you Katherine ... well , i know you played footy as a young bloke so you would have the same grounding as i would have , but i learmed some very basic fundamentals about the game as a kid growing up in Melbournes East . I know its 30 years later and the game has changed Blah Blah blah ... but to win games of footy some basic fundamentals remain the same ..

The Port Adelaide game , preperation was Shithouse . You go out of Melbournes winter into Darwin with its 90 % humidity you need to acclimatise , simple . They had 48 hours on us . The year previous we won our first game of the year against them in the driving rain becuase we played "WET WEATHER FOOTBALL" broke the league record for tackles that day . Put our bodies in harder and more often and came out with a win . One handball and long kick . "yards" ... that night in Darwin we ran out there like a cocky pack of show ponies and tried to play a champagne prissy brand of footy and forgot the fact that due to the amount of "dew" on the grass the game for all intents and purposes was a wet weather game ... We just thought we'd turn up and win and forgot about the work ethic , And not at any stage that night Did Hardwick adjust the game plan at all to suit the conditions

All adds up to ???? ..... Shithouse coaching and preparation .

Its about this stage where its patently obvious our rucks are going nowhere and we are getting smashed in the guts . Sydneys dominance of the centre clearences and midfield was worrying but at least the effort was still there . But we were still beaten worse than the score board told

So the following week against the Blues what does Hardwick do to combat arguably the best centre clearence set up in the league .....? .... "Nothing" ... It was that f...kin embarrasing watching Watching Warnock and Kruezer just tap the ball unopposed wherever they wanted to , to whoever they wanted to but what made it worse was Tuck was running around at Coburg whilst this went on . On such a huge occasion ... one would think you would at least try and be competetive . Bringing Tuck in may have at least seen us negate and slow up their dominance in that regard but no ... and Warnock only hits the ball to one of 2 areas so one would think that you would prepare our midfielders for this but no ... every centre bounce was like groundhog day . Sickening . And as they pressurised the f..k out of us because they knew where we were going to run the ball up the corridor every time would think you would make some move .. any move the change it up but no . And the way Carlton skirted around the flanks and the wings unimpeded as well all threw our hands in air in the "corridors" waiting for the next bloke to chase because there was no "LEADERSHIP , SPINE OR INTESTINAL FORTITUDE displayed by our playing group

All adds up to ? ... Shithouse coaching again .

Essendon ... all any of us wanted was an effort ... some sort of effort . We got it for 2 and a half quarters . But the way we packed it in and went home , just as sickening as the Carlton game . I watched a fair bit of Hardwick during his playing days and i always admired the way he went about it , but what is becoming increasingly apparent at this stage is that our playing group is displaying none of the steel , resolve and hardness that Hardwick did as a player ... Why is this ???? ... are we becoming too wrapped up in playing "Gen Y" football where the statisticians tell you "X + Y = Z" and if it dosn't then it dosn't really matter because we earn 400K a year plus and we own beachside property and we are only 22 years old ????? ... My suspicians are starting to grow;)

This has been the Richmond way for 25 yeard plus ... What is Hardwick doing to change this ????????

Then last weeks humiliating debacle . Kick 6 . 8 blazing away playing selfish football . I remember my coach in the under 12's on windy days telling us not to blaze away and think the wind will do it all for us . You need to be smart and work and use the ball ... the game should have been done and dusted at quarter time had we been smart about it and played the conditions properly ... And when you are against the wind ... my coaches would say "you have to work three times as hard , keep it wide , slow it down and bottle it up" ... Should todays game be any different ????when you are trying to win a game to have at least a modicum of cred ???? That second quarter was up there for shyteness with anything else we had dished up the the preceding month.

Poor coaching again .

I know Hardwick has this "mantra" of playing blokes in the positions for the future but the fact is no two games of the football are the same and one thing that is never going to change in football is the fact that at times in a game the ball is not not going to bounce your way and a lot hinges hinges on how a coach can react to this to stem the flow or change it up and in the last 4-5 weeks i have seen "bugger all" in this dept . .... bugger all except Hardwicks refusal to deviate one iota from his preconcieved ideas on coaching before he had even sat in the box at all as the chief ...

Time will tell whether Dimma has been on the money with the way he has handled things but in the short term the last month has been diabolical ... The brand of footy we played in Cairns and Darwin was stubbornly wrong and totally innappropriate and in both games we were beaten before the bounce ... throw in the refusal to bend on Shane Tuck and at least try and stem the flow in guts has me shaking my head in dismay and hoping like f..k that this is not just another monumental train wreck ploughing up Swan st. ...
. The year previous we won our first game of the year against them in the driving rain becuase we played "WET WEATHER FOOTBALL" broke the league record for tackles that day . Put our bodies in harder and more often and came out with a win . One handball and long kick . "

No surprises who starred in the monsoon against Port last year. I wont mention his name again though...
I'm not sure about you Katherine ... well , i know you played footy as a young bloke so you would have the same grounding as i would have , but i learmed some very basic fundamentals about the game as a kid growing up in Melbournes East . I know its 30 years later and the game has changed Blah Blah blah ... but to win games of footy some basic fundamentals remain the same ..

The Port Adelaide game , preperation was Shithouse . You go out of Melbournes winter into Darwin with its 90 % humidity you need to acclimatise , simple . They had 48 hours on us . The year previous we won our first game of the year against them in the driving rain becuase we played "WET WEATHER FOOTBALL" broke the league record for tackles that day . Put our bodies in harder and more often and came out with a win . One handball and long kick . "yards" ... that night in Darwin we ran out there like a cocky pack of show ponies and tried to play a champagne prissy brand of footy and forgot the fact that due to the amount of "dew" on the grass the game for all intents and purposes was a wet weather game ... We just thought we'd turn up and win and forgot about the work ethic , And not at any stage that night Did Hardwick adjust the game plan at all to suit the conditions

All adds up to ???? ..... Shithouse coaching and preparation .

Its about this stage where its patently obvious our rucks are going nowhere and we are getting smashed in the guts . Sydneys dominance of the centre clearences and midfield was worrying but at least the effort was still there . But we were still beaten worse than the score board told

So the following week against the Blues what does Hardwick do to combat arguably the best centre clearence set up in the league .....? .... "Nothing" ... It was that f...kin embarrasing watching Watching Warnock and Kruezer just tap the ball unopposed wherever they wanted to , to whoever they wanted to but what made it worse was Tuck was running around at Coburg whilst this went on . On such a huge occasion ... one would think you would at least try and be competetive . Bringing Tuck in may have at least seen us negate and slow up their dominance in that regard but no ... and Warnock only hits the ball to one of 2 areas so one would think that you would prepare our midfielders for this but no ... every centre bounce was like groundhog day . Sickening . And as they pressurised the f..k out of us because they knew where we were going to run the ball up the corridor every time would think you would make some move .. any move the change it up but no . And the way Carlton skirted around the flanks and the wings unimpeded as well all threw our hands in air in the "corridors" waiting for the next bloke to chase because there was no "LEADERSHIP , SPINE OR INTESTINAL FORTITUDE displayed by our playing group

All adds up to ? ... Shithouse coaching again .

Essendon ... all any of us wanted was an effort ... some sort of effort . We got it for 2 and a half quarters . But the way we packed it in and went home , just as sickening as the Carlton game . I watched a fair bit of Hardwick during his playing days and i always admired the way he went about it , but what is becoming increasingly apparent at this stage is that our playing group is displaying none of the steel , resolve and hardness that Hardwick did as a player ... Why is this ???? ... are we becoming too wrapped up in playing "Gen Y" football where the statisticians tell you "X + Y = Z" and if it dosn't then it dosn't really matter because we earn 400K a year plus and we own beachside property and we are only 22 years old ????? ... My suspicians are starting to grow;)

This has been the Richmond way for 25 yeard plus ... What is Hardwick doing to change this ????????

Then last weeks humiliating debacle . Kick 6 . 8 blazing away playing selfish football . I remember my coach in the under 12's on windy days telling us not to blaze away and think the wind will do it all for us . You need to be smart and work and use the ball ... the game should have been done and dusted at quarter time had we been smart about it and played the conditions properly ... And when you are against the wind ... my coaches would say "you have to work three times as hard , keep it wide , slow it down and bottle it up" ... Should todays game be any different ????when you are trying to win a game to have at least a modicum of cred ???? That second quarter was up there for shyteness with anything else we had dished up the the preceding month.

Poor coaching again .

I know Hardwick has this "mantra" of playing blokes in the positions for the future but the fact is no two games of the football are the same and one thing that is never going to change in football is the fact that at times in a game the ball is not not going to bounce your way and a lot hinges hinges on how a coach can react to this to stem the flow or change it up and in the last 4-5 weeks i have seen "bugger all" in this dept . .... bugger all except Hardwicks refusal to deviate one iota from his preconcieved ideas on coaching before he had even sat in the box at all as the chief ...

Time will tell whether Dimma has been on the money with the way he has handled things but in the short term the last month has been diabolical ... The brand of footy we played in Cairns and Darwin was stubbornly wrong and totally innappropriate and in both games we were beaten before the bounce ... throw in the refusal to bend on Shane Tuck and at least try and stem the flow in guts has me shaking my head in dismay and hoping like f..k that this is not just another monumental train wreck ploughing up Swan st. ...

I have only just come across this post...

I don't want to come off as some sort of a fan boy... quoting a whole post and just sticking a couple of :thumbsu: :thumbsu: thingo's under it but the words above perfectly explain why my bubble not only burst, but has been totally annihilated over the past 6 weeks.

So :thumbsu: & "this" & ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^... I guess...
Hardwick-not a good coach.
Has been able to deflect his(their) deficiencies and responsibility onto his "weak list"
Wont be able to improve as a coach with a shit list,so..........
it just comes down to bad coaching
Fair post Iddy, been saying similar for a while now, many things Hardwick has done just doesn't sit right with how I was brought up to think about football. I've allowed for the possibility he's right and I'm wrong, but it's got beyond ridiculous this year the longer it's gone on.

I've been reflecting back with the game coming up this week, this is the side we last beat Geelong with (at Kardinia), I watched it yesterday:

B: Meyer Hall P. Bowden
HB: Kellaway J. Bowden Newman
C: Polo Coughlan Hyde
HF: Pettifer Simmonds Deledio
F: Krakouer Richardson Tambling
Foll: Knobel Tuck Johnson
Int: Foley Raines Tivendale Pattison

Interestingly, that game was at an almost identical stage of Wallace's tenure - 2nd year in, we were supposed to be competing for finals with this side and had 5 wins from 9 games.

You could make a strong case for Hardwick not wanting 14 of those players on our current list if he could have them, maybe as many as 17.

There's a lot to be said for doing the best you can with what you're given to work with.

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News Hardwick set to lift Tigers out of hole

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