Ghost/Paranormal Haunted houses

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Ok, this isnt a haunted house story, or really a haunted story. But it was definatly a little freaky.

Last night a bunch of friends and I (me, another guy, and 3 girls... sounds similar to a cast of actors in a scary movie mabye?) went to the cas as a farewell thing to a friend (whos going away for a couple months). We finish up at the cas and for some reason someone says we should go to the DNA tower and kings park because its freaky to climb at night. We all agree so off we go to kings park.

We get there and we tell the driver when she is dreiving on a straight road turn your headlights off for a second because its freaky doing so. When she finally did me and a mate get out our iphones, one using the flashlight app and get the poilice lights up, the other with the sound of police sirens. She freaks out and it actually takes her a while to figure out theres no cops (lulz). Annyyy way, we kept joking around and talking about possible scary shit that could happen like people hiding bodys in kings park etc. And the girls kept saying if they saw somebody walking at this time of night (it was about midnight) they would really freak out and probably start crying or something. Just while we're talking about this we see a car pulled over the the side of the road and 2 guys trying to get us to pull over. the girls freaked out and we sped off.

I convinced them that they probably need help and eventually we turned around to head back to them. i asked them if they needed help and they wanted me to call this tow truck number, although it was a mobile number:confused:. they said both there phones are flat, been there for hours, none of there friends wanted to help them out and they definatly didnt want the cops called. It was all very sus so we got outta there pretty quickly. It was pretty freaky when i look back at it because it was such a cliche horror movie.

Not a ghost story either, but when i was about 14 we were at the shopping centre and i didnt want to go in so i waited for mum in the car, and we parked on the top ceiling of the car packs and its about 3pm so bright as day fyi.

anyways as i'm listening to the footy on the radio this europcar van pulls up 2 car spaces from me they both get out and i'm like yeh whatever and while they're next to their van they ask me if i want their stereo system in their van. and i'm like nah mate i dont want it, then go go 'yeh no worries' and then he just says 'your windows down abit' (it was down a crack and it was 3pm hot as hell) then they drive off.

scariest moment of my life, couldn't imagine what would happen if they went any closer to my car.

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Pretty weird how so many people remember seeing this pic, considering how many thousands of pics you probably see everyday. Maybe its some kind of haunted thing that stays with you until you die, eating away at our brains, once seen you can never escape it
Grizz, I think a few of us are eagerly awaiting the next part to your story! I've been hoping this thread would pop back up again for a few weeks now, thought I'd get the ball re-rolling.
There is a abandoned hospital near where I live, a place for the homeless to sleep and stuff. Meant to be freaky as but all the graffiti and vandalism kinda ruins it apparently because you realise just how many people have gone in.

Never been in there myself, absolutely packed with asbestos and don't want to risk anything.
Love the pics of Greenvale, brings back memories.
I remember them taping part of "Evil Angels" there.

I pretty much grew up on the grounds, my grandmother worked there for over 40 yrs and lived in one of the little houses there.
Wouldn't have surprised me if there was ghosts.
It had so many deaths, it was originally a hospital for people with TB then it became a geriatric hospital.
I don't remember much, as in ghostly stuff....I do know I was shit scared of the top floor!
the pic is down. anybody else got another copy?

my story is quite silly, but when we were kids, around christmas time, as we usually we do we all came home (my brothers and sisters that is) and shared the christmas cards we got for that day from our classes. anyways my sister took one out, and it was signed by someone called 'Zidya'. She claimed she had no idea who Zidya was, noone in her class nor school goes by that name. It was addressed to my sister and everything and the note made it sound like they knew each other. she accused one of us of playing a prank on her, we all denied it

it was a running thing in our family for quite a while (lol) who this card came from and whether it was a prank by one of us (we are 5 kids in my family, not too far apart in age, and loved pranks).

to this day (the thing happened more than 10 years ago), at least once a year without fail at any family gathering someone will ask.... cmon admit it... its been 10 years who was zidya lol

only other explanation was she was a ghost!!!!

thats my story :p

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Grizz's dad stories come first. Make me laugh before freaking me the **** out.

Only thing I've experienced personally was this. Laying in bed, all alone in the house as my family had flown to the city that night to see my brother in hospital. I don't sleep great sometimes, so was pretty aware of everything around me, but even if I wasn't, this woulda woken me up. I hear, what seemed like, a womans or babies voice yelling/crying loudly for a few seconds. It instantly snaps me in to some kind of adrenalised state. I start thinking "what's up with mum?" as it sounded really really close. I remember mum isn't home. My bumhole tightens just a little. I think it's probably just some drunk in the street, not an irregular occurrence. On this, I then get up and look out the front window, she could be in trouble. No one there at all. A little weird. I wonder if something has came in to the yard, but I think about our awesome guard dog, no way anyone would get that close to the house without the dog losing it. I eventually get back in to bed.

Still wide awake, I hear it again and hear mums door close. Not slam, just close. I think "screw this shit". I grab one of my bowie knives I collect, walk around the house and check the bedrooms. All the doors are open. I'm a little freaked right now. I walk outside shitting my pants (must state, that is half due to the fact I hate going outside at night cause of spiders. Also, I don't own a working torch) I checked the yard, there is no one there. The house on the side where it came from is unoccupied at the time. The dog piss bolts up to me from nowhere. I figure he's just being friendly. I close the outside shutters on my window and head back inside. I hear it one more time from behind, I turn around once, fist and knife raised (probably looked a bit comical in my stripy PJs) and nothing. I'm just about ready to assume the fetal position at this moment, so I bolt back inside, taking the dog with me, and curl up in bed with my heart racing. I got really drunk after work the next night and spent all of it on xbox talking to my mates to avoid sleeping.

Anyhow, family came back safe, sound has not been heard since, and to my knowledge there has never been like, murders or suicides or anything in the area. No idea what it was. I did have a younger brother that died as a baby. That's the only thing I can think of, but I'm not gain to draw that bow.
Yep, I've been to Larundel.
Went one night at about 3am with a group of mates.
And yes we were all shitting bricks. It's a pretty messed up place in there. We ended up walking through a fair few of the wards until a few of us got seperated from the rest. Anyway we were walking on the outside between a few of the buildings and someone screamed from one of the windows 'GET OUT NOW!'. No doubt it was just some homeless person, but the 3 of us shat bricks and ran for the hills.
I did the same thing one night several years back in Larundal, you know what it may have been security doing their run since the place is off limits. They actually have a security patrol that drives through, we went there more than once and on one occasion they spotted us and there was a foot chase we all got away thankfully.

Fun place if you go with your mates
In addition to going to Larundal we went to a place one night in or around Eltham, an abandoned farm in the mountains, was apparently haunted. You had to drive up a really thin road in the middle of the bush to get there.

Anyway we were all pretty scared to get out of the car but we eventually did and walked up the long dirt driveway towards the barn. It was probably not 5 or 6 seconds after we started walking that an owl screamed! LOL it sounded like it came from inside the barn and it sounded like a young child.

We figured it must've been an owl later on, although that was well after shitting bricks, bolting to the car and speeding off.

Someone later reckoned it was a school that burnt down though have no idea where that info came from since I can't find any records of schools burning down in that region.
This thread piqued my interest to see if I could find out who my ghost might be. I contacted the guy I bought the house off of and after a few minutes I finally came out with it and he goes "Oh, that'd be Joe."

It turns out the original owner had a heart attack and died in the house. Apparently John (the guy who sold it to me) said he had heard all the noises and the had stuff moved but never really thought much about it. But he said it made sense that it would be Joe as he was the only other person other John and his family and me who had ever lived here.

John and his family had this house for 15 years and never had a problem with him so we guess that Joe is quite happy where he is, wherever that is.

I asked the ghost if his name was Joe and I didn't get a response. The next night, same question, no response. The third night I got a Yes. I asked him if I could call him Joe, if that was cool. I got another yes.

Now Joe gets a hi everytime I come home from work. I just want to keep him happy.

Definately do a seance or call a medium to ask him questions.

That would be awesome to find out why he is there and if there are other ghosts?

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Ghost/Paranormal Haunted houses

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