Health and Life Goals Thread

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I haven't had an alcoholic drink of any description for over 10 years and I feel great. I had taken a school group to Beijing in 2006 and they had home stay, so I spent two weeks being feted every night of the week. It was two weeks of amazing banquets and heavy drinking! When I got back to Australia, I said to my partner that I was going to stop drinking for a while and it just snowballed. It was strange initially in social settings, but now I just don't ever feel like a drink. I think I am healthier for it.
I haven't had an alcoholic drink of any description for over 10 years and I feel great. I had taken a school group to Beijing in 2006 and they had home stay, so I spent two weeks being feted every night of the week. It was two weeks of amazing banquets and heavy drinking! When I got back to Australia, I said to my partner that I was going to stop drinking for a while and it just snowballed. It was strange initially in social settings, but now I just don't ever feel like a drink. I think I am healthier for it.
I gave up alcohol on the day Diana died in 1997, just a coincidence, my body gradually lost all tolerance for it over a number of years and I decided it wasn't worth it. I didn't have another drop until 2005 the night before my son left for basic army training at Kapooka, had a stubbie with him and it tasted like shit. Didn't have another until 2013 when I went on a holiday to Tasmania and had a glass of wine or beer with a few meals down there. I had a pot with my son at a pub in Adelaide when we went down for our game v Port earlier this year.

Next one I have will be a last Saturday in September coming up soon when the Lions next lift the cup.
After seeing lives ruined by alcohol abuse I just avoid it. Still can't feel comfortable around anyone who's clearly intoxicated.

On the subject, nearly 2 weeks without soft drinks. Ugggggh....

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After seeing lives ruined by alcohol abuse I just avoid it. Still can't feel comfortable around anyone who's clearly intoxicated.

On the subject, nearly 2 weeks without soft drinks. Ugggggh....
:) I don't drink soft drink either, last one I had was a ginger beer christmas day. Water and Milkshakes for me. I've never in my life drank tea or coffee as well.

It's quite eye opening being around intoxicated people while you are sober, we owned a pub for a few years in the early 1990s and that was my 1st real extended experience of it. Most drunks think they are funny/clever/entertaining but that is purely their and some of their fellow drunks impaired perception, very rarely is it reality. No judgment from me though, I used to drink reasonably heavily in my youth and gee I was very funny.:think:;)
23 days in a row I have attended gym! Yay me!

Admittedly some of those days have been 10 minutes on the elliptical machine but the vast majority go like this:

-5 minutes elliptical machine warm up

-10 reps chest press (20 kgs)
-10 squats (UGH)
-10 reps chest press
-10 squats
-10 reps lat machine (25 kgs)
-10 reps leg press (30 kgs)
-10 reps lat machine
-10 reps leg press

Do that 3 times before finishing again with 5 minutes elliptical machine again. Afterwards I treat myself to an hours walk along the Brisbane River.

I've been having Friday - Sunday as cheat days with regards to my diet, however it's affecting my sleep so that's going to have to be fixed.
Anyone heard of a bloke named Wim Hof?

I hadn't heard of him until yesterday when it was mentioned on SEN that Jeremy McGovern used his breathing techniques as part of his recovery to get him up for the grand final.

I googled him to see who he was and was enthralled with his story, I've since spent a lot of time yesterday and today researching him, fascinating individual, he is all about health and well-being via environmental conditioning and breathing techniques.
Anyone heard of a bloke named Wim Hof?

I hadn't heard of him until yesterday when it was mentioned on SEN that Jeremy McGovern used his breathing techniques as part of his recovery to get him up for the grand final.

I googled him to see who he was and was enthralled with his story, I've since spent a lot of time yesterday and today researching him, fascinating individual, he is all about health and well-being via environmental conditioning and breathing techniques.
Breathing exercises are the bane of my existence, but I couldn't get by without them. Unfortunately I'm not comfortable without a million thoughts running through my head, so turning my brain down in order to do exercises drives me insane.
Breathing exercises are the bane of my existence, but I couldn't get by without them. Unfortunately I'm not comfortable without a million thoughts running through my head, so turning my brain down in order to do exercises drives me insane.
I actually watched one of the wim hoff breathing videos. It went for about 15 minutes and basically consisted of a deeping breathing exercise. Anyhow, after 7 or so minutes of deep breathing he tells you to exhale and hold your breath. Was surprised how long I (and the rest of his audience) didn't feel the need to breathe. The body is an intriguing machine that we don't realise how much we can control.
I actually watched one of the wim hoff breathing videos. It went for about 15 minutes and basically consisted of a deeping breathing exercise. Anyhow, after 7 or so minutes of deep breathing he tells you to exhale and hold your breath. Was surprised how long I (and the rest of his audience) didn't feel the need to breathe. The body is an intriguing machine that we don't realise how much we can control.
Grateful for that tonight- sensory nightmare in the form of speaker feedback at dance class. Breathing exercises are important then, got my heart rate down from 140 back to 80.
I actually watched one of the wim hoff breathing videos. It went for about 15 minutes and basically consisted of a deeping breathing exercise. Anyhow, after 7 or so minutes of deep breathing he tells you to exhale and hold your breath. Was surprised how long I (and the rest of his audience) didn't feel the need to breathe. The body is an intriguing machine that we don't realise how much we can control.
Yep, I tried that holding your breath test, 35 seconds was my pre Wim Hof method holding breath time. I did his technique and set a stop watch and was amazed when I finished that I'd held my breath for 3 minutes and 6 seconds, I could have went on a bit longer but they tell you when you feel a strong urge to breathe to stop.
Thinking of either adding the rowing machine to my workout or using it to replace the elliptical machine. Also going to have a look around the gym tomorrow for more machines to work on my upper-body strength - my upper-body strength currently sucks. I can walk 30kms with no worries but 10 pushups or the monkey bars? Forget it!

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Over 9 months without soft drink, and into my fourth day without a cigarette.

Every time I want a smoke I think of Mum or my new boyfriend, and if the cravings get really bad I subject myself to a Nicorette spray - UGH!
Over 9 months without soft drink, and into my fourth day without a cigarette.

Every time I want a smoke I think of Mum or my new boyfriend, and if the cravings get really bad I subject myself to a Nicorette spray - UGH!
Well done kezz, keep at it, it'll be well worth it in the long run.

I've never smoked, used to drink a fair bit of soft drink a few years ago, now I'll have it very rarely, one soft drink this year so far... a ginger beer at the pub on Sunday before the Demons demolition. Soft drinks are so bad for you. I stick to water and love a milkshake every now and then.
Tomorrow will be one full week since my last cigarette. Not gonna lie, I miss smoking. I did buy a vape thingy but it's crap and I'm never going to use it. Just gonna quit and move on.
Gee, there are some health seekers on this thread.

Make sure you look carefully at your parent, uncles, aunties and Grand parents death certificates.

In most conditions, family history out weighs the rest put together.

I plan to go one better than Don Bradman and live to 93, but I have an ambition, not a good ambition.

I hope to beaten to death, by two irate husbands, at the age of 105
Jonathan Coleman, radio and television presenter, dies aged 65.
Prostate cancer strikes again :( . Don't neglect having your PCA level tested if you're over 45 or even earlier.
This lockdown is starting to give me the shits, gee I hope it doesn't get extended again, I really miss >

1- Seeing my grandchildren, children and rest of the family.

2- Going to the studio for Yoga and Pilates classes + the socializing before and after class.

3- Walking in the open air and sunshine maskless, the rules re this are a bit ambiguous IMO, I have read it says you don't have to wear one if by yourself and then another that says you must have it on unless engaging in "vigorous" exercise. I hate masks at anytime but wear them when instructed to, to me they are dehumanising, not being able to see facial expressions, smiles, social cues is off putting.

4- Sit down meals at a restaurant/cafe.

5- Going to watch junior sport.

6- Maybe not being able to watch the Lions live later this season if it gets extended will be sad.

You start to get a little bored after days of Netflix, puzzle books, reading and dare I say it Big Footy.
This lockdown is starting to give me the shits, gee I hope it doesn't get extended again, I really miss >

1- Seeing my grandchildren, children and rest of the family.

2- Going to the studio for Yoga and Pilates classes + the socializing before and after class.

3- Walking in the open air and sunshine maskless, the rules re this are a bit ambiguous IMO, I have read it says you don't have to wear one if by yourself and then another that says you must have it on unless engaging in "vigorous" exercise. I hate masks at anytime but wear them when instructed to, to me they are dehumanising, not being able to see facial expressions, smiles, social cues is off putting.

4- Sit down meals at a restaurant/cafe.

5- Going to watch junior sport.

6- Maybe not being able to watch the Lions live later this season if it gets extended will be sad.

You start to get a little bored after days of Netflix, puzzle books, reading and dare I say it Big Footy.
Heard today that if things haven’t settled within 2 weeks that they will enforce a full lockdown, no work at all.
Other than the absolute essentials.
No Construction, no clothes shops, no nothing.
Heard today that if things haven’t settled within 2 weeks that they will enforce a full lockdown, no work at all.
Other than the absolute essentials.
No Construction, no clothes shops, no nothing.
That's sad to hear, I don't watch MSM news/current affairs at all... haven't for years, even before Covid started, full of clickbait, exaggeration and fear mongering IMO, my Covid updates come from my son, brother etc via text messages and I read some Covid threads on Big Footy.

Ah well not much we can do about it.

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