Heathcote District FL

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Exactly Sordreo. I honestly think that it was just a hard fought game contested by 2 top quality sides. Not sure who AJET is or whether he played for Colbo on the weekend but saying that a war has been started is absolutley ridiculous

Boys, in reply to sledging and cheap shots on the field, all I can say is that players from all sides are out there to win a game of footy and sometimes the pressure is on certain players more than others due to their abilitites etc. Cheap shots will be thrown, good shots and bad shots. We all now sledging occcurs because it is a way to put some players off there game. If this is done in a reasonable nature and works to your sides advantage then you would do it. But as what was stated before, any decent player would leave it on the footy field and join there team mates and opposition for a lovely froffie after the game. Its all in good spirit!

dont think many mounts blokes have been running their mouths about them on this website, just one comment about his cheap shoots- just as you have run your mouth off about three mounts blokes, the others have only said it would have been a frustrating day for him. i think everyone got as good as they gave from what i saw. do you blame a bloke for sticking up for his 17 year old brother in his third game of seniors when lock gives him one in the side of the head? and maybe check with locky and linno what comments they made that may have caused some push and shove. you may find linno even appolagised for it. and all that said it happened on the field and thats where it stayed, everyone enjoyed a drink together after it like mounts and colbo always do.

Very interesting exchange here lads, i reckon locky plays hard and tough and leaves it all on the field and is the first person to shake your hand after the game and have a frothie, he is also the master at stopping a teams momentum and sucking people in he does it every week and people keep falling for the bait. Against us last week we were coming hard and had kicked the last few goals in a row during the third qtr and were really starting to fire up and hit the footy hard, after rick smith kicked a great goal locky came in and bumped him to the ground as he was celebrating the goal which caused a "melee" for a couple of minutes effectively slowing our momentum and diverting concentration i thought it was very smart. Yeah the bloke may have been 17 but he is a player out on the field like everyone else i doubt any of us would think he should go easy on people on field due to their age if he is not up for all that senior footy will throw at him and unfortunately that includes the occasional whack then he shouldnt have been playing.

I also wouldnt get to carried away about innapropriate comments sordeo, ask shay what he said to 2 of our players last year in regards to certain family members that earnt him a swift one in the chops. Karma is funny though as he got dropped for finals didnt he??:thumbsu:

Good win by mounts thou makes it very interesting at the top of the tree and with white hills starting to make a charge.

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No one is writing Colbo off Stringy 8-1 is a great start to the year. As for Locky i managed to catch up with him after the game for a beer. He seems a good bloke. He is very intense on the ground which can look ordinary at times. No doubt a top player and one of the comps best

I think i know what u r saying ROOTA#6............
Play the game hard come off the ground and have a beer together am i correct.....
If iam correct can i go to the top of the class???????
I also wouldnt get to carried away about innapropriate comments sordeo, ask shay what he said to 2 of our players last year in regards to certain family members that earnt him a swift one in the chops. Karma is funny though as he got dropped for finals didnt he??:thumbsu:

dont really want to get into all this with ya blood hound, the points been made its fine if its left on the field- maybe thats where elmore should have left it last year, on the field and not bagged him out as they drank at the prelimin showing mts and lbu no respect for the game the following week, only to go and get beated in the granny. karma is funny!!
Very interesting exchange here lads, i reckon locky plays hard and tough and leaves it all on the field and is the first person to shake your hand after the game and have a frothie, he is also the master at stopping a teams momentum and sucking people in he does it every week and people keep falling for the bait. Against us last week we were coming hard and had kicked the last few goals in a row during the third qtr and were really starting to fire up and hit the footy hard, after rick smith kicked a great goal locky came in and bumped him to the ground as he was celebrating the goal which caused a "melee" for a couple of minutes effectively slowing our momentum and diverting concentration i thought it was very smart.

Ever since Lock was at Eaglehawk he has always, and I mean always, punched blokes from behind, used elbows, knees whatever he can. I can still remember him digging his knees into the back of a Mounts player who was already face down on the ground, and the ball had run out of bounds. He might attack the ball hard, but he is the king of cheap shots on the field.

Yeah the bloke may have been 17 but he is a player out on the field like everyone else i doubt any of us would think he should go easy on people on field due to their age if he is not up for all that senior footy will throw at him and unfortunately that includes the occasional whack then he shouldnt have been playing.

That is fair enough, but the original post was about one guy sticking up for one of the younger players on the field, which is what I would think any team would do, maybe bar Elmore, because they are individuals.

I also wouldnt get to carried away about innapropriate comments sordeo, ask shay what he said to 2 of our players last year in regards to certain family members that earnt him a swift one in the chops. Karma is funny though as he got dropped for finals didnt he??:thumbsu:

He did get dropped to the twos, only to play in another premiership, whilst all the Elmore faithful were let down again, and went home to play with their puds......

Bloody hell mate, for someone who supports such a unsuccessful team, you sure shoot your mouth off.

I just had a look. Elmore last won a HDFL senior premiership in 1985 and have only played in 2 since. They have won 2 reserves flags in the last 16 years though.

Considering the talent Mount Pleasant lost in the off-season, the way they have carried themselves this season is outstanding.
Ever since Lock was at Eaglehawk he has always, and I mean always, punched blokes from behind, used elbows, knees whatever he can. I can still remember him digging his knees into the back of a Mounts player who was already face down on the ground, and the ball had run out of bounds. He might attack the ball hard, but he is the king of cheap shots on the field.

That is fair enough, but the original post was about one guy sticking up for one of the younger players on the field, which is what I would think any team would do, maybe bar Elmore, because they are individuals.

He did get dropped to the twos, only to play in another premiership, whilst all the Elmore faithful were let down again, and went home to play with their puds......

Bloody hell mate, for someone who supports such a unsuccessful team, you sure shoot your mouth off.

I just had a look. Elmore last won a HDFL senior premiership in 1985 and have only played in 2 since. They have won 2 reserves flags in the last 16 years though.

Considering the talent Mount Pleasant lost in the off-season, the way they have carried themselves this season is outstanding.

Emu! how are ya? hows the coaching going this year at your new home?
We all know how many flags elmore has won mate so your not really breaking any news there rather just beginning to sound like a broken record.
I was simply making a point about what i thought of damien lock as a footballer and that i thought it was amusing that some mounts people were being so critical of peoples on field behaviour when they are no angels themselves. No team can boast impecible on field behaviour record from all players it just dosnt happen so why point the finger at others. I know players at elmore that arnt great on the field and if you want to talk about cheap shots how about old rob roy for mounts ive seen him give plenty as did eamon smith and as did dennis grinton. Dalton was suspended for striking for 3 weeks last year....thats just football these things happen in all teams and as i said players from mounts have been guilty of innaproriate comments and phone calls in the past. My point is People in glass houses shouldnt throw stones. Get off your high horses.
Ever since Lock was at Eaglehawk he has always, and I mean always, punched blokes from behind, used elbows, knees whatever he can. I can still remember him digging his knees into the back of a Mounts player who was already face down on the ground, and the ball had run out of bounds. He might attack the ball hard, but he is the king of cheap shots on the field.

Get a grip. Not sure if the mounts supporters have a memory but there was a big bloke recruited last year who spat , punched and kneed players and no mention that he was no good for footy. What a joke locky would not blow wind up what Dalton did in his limited stint at mounts.

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Get a grip. Not sure if the mounts supporters have a memory but there was a big bloke recruited last year who spat , punched and kneed players and no mention that he was no good for footy. What a joke locky would not blow wind up what Dalton did in his limited stint at mounts.[/quote]

couldnt have put it any better mate. how many games has lock missed through suspension at colbo? 0
either he is doing no worse than what other players are on field, or the umpires need their eyes checked. well the umpires do need their eyes checked but my point is that lock dishes out no worse than he cops.
Get a grip. Not sure if the mounts supporters have a memory but there was a big bloke recruited last year who spat , punched and kneed players and no mention that he was no good for footy. What a joke locky would not blow wind up what Dalton did in his limited stint at mounts.

couldnt have put it any better mate. how many games has lock missed through suspension at colbo? 0
either he is doing no worse than what other players are on field, or the umpires need their eyes checked. well the umpires do need their eyes checked but my point is that lock dishes out no worse than he cops.[/quote]

Righto enough of this crap. What else is going on. What can we expect from the second half of the season???
Sorrry to rustle a few feathers boys but when my mates lock and jacobs are involve ill back then to till the cows come home. as for the sledging it does stay on the field but from all reprots the moutain goats have left them selves right open! half way mark boys look out here come the hillies!
Was just wondering if the Addy was going to do a write up like they did for the LVFL, with the predicted finish, players to watch etc. Maybe if the goat reads this he might be able to tell me because the Hdfl doesnt seem to get as much coverage. Is this due to staff or unable to get info?
HDFL gets as much coverage as the LVFL my friend. And yes, there will be a HDFL wrap in friday's paper.
Ever since Lock was at Eaglehawk he has always, and I mean always, punched blokes from behind, used elbows, knees whatever he can. I can still remember him digging his knees into the back of a Mounts player who was already face down on the ground, and the ball had run out of bounds. He might attack the ball hard, but he is the king of cheap shots on the field.

Get a grip. Not sure if the mounts supporters have a memory but there was a big bloke recruited last year who spat , punched and kneed players and no mention that he was no good for footy. What a joke locky would not blow wind up what Dalton did in his limited stint at mounts.

Here we go again, more babies having a cry about mounts and Dalton!! Get over it sooky sooky lala. Think you'll find big Dalts retaliated to a lot of crap, as for Lock ive definitely seen him belt the smaller guys for no reason!
Insipid Roos fall down ladder
by Matt Nicholls

BROADFORD enters the second half of the Heathcote District Football League season outside the top-five, after White Hills handed the Kangaroos a 73-point thrashing on Saturday.
It was a dominate performance by two key forwards that set up the impressive win.
Veteran full-forward Brad McConnell kicked six goals in the first half, helping the Demons gain a 40-point lead by the main break. In the third term it was the Matt Sawyer show.
The playing coach slammed home seven majors to wrap the match up for the Hillies, their third consecutive win. Broadford coach Chris Nolan was devastated with his side’s performance.
“I don’t mind losing games of footy when you have a crack, but we embarrassed ourselves on Saturday. We have to make sure we don’t let it happen again,” he said.
Nolan believed the Roos were lucky to have about 40 per cent of the play, and said his side didn’t make the most of their opportunities.
He noted that his side would have won just two of 18 positions on the park, and broke even in three others … a vast contrast from their match against Heathcote two weeks ago.
“The most disappointing thing about Saturday was deep down I think we had blokes that weren’t mentally prepared to represent the club to their maximum. To me that goes against the grain of our proud 117-year history,” he said.
What also annoyed Nolan was Broadford’s lack of on-field discipline, commenting that the side gave away eight 50-metre penalties in the match.
One of the main culprits was gun forward John Taylor, who gave away two fifties.
“Tayls knows he was extremely undisciplined, but unlike others he at least came and apologised to me after the match,” Nolan said.
“There are still no excuses for it and it sets a terrible example for the kids, John knows he’s better than that and owes us this week.”
Saturday’s match was a tale of two teams. White Hills combined well, their forward line dominated, while Broadford put in their worst performance of the season, capped off by a forward line that just didn’t function.
John Taylor and Trent Fisher were the Roos’ only multiple goal scorers with five and three majors respectively.
However, in comparison to White Hills’ McConnell and Sawyer, who both slammed home eight goals, the Roos’ efforts seemed miniscule as their delivery forward at times was below senior standard.
Demon players Jim and Peter Angove were good all day, as was recruit ruckman Josh Griffin, who allowed Sawyer to move forward. Sawyer said despite losing Ben Burns who is moving away, the addition of Griffin and former Colbinabbin coach Bruce Hughes, who will resume playing in two weeks, would put the Demons in a better position.
“Our form has been as good as any in the last couple of weeks. We’re starting to build in confidence,” he said.
“Now the team is starting to come together, and with a couple of recruits, we’re looking at third spot and the double chance, that’s our ultimate aim.”
The Roos, without the services of Daniel Fletcher and Ray and Glen Rowbotham, were good in patches but at times struggled to convert on the scoreboard.
Midfielder John Rowe and defender Daniel Theuma were the shining lights while a few youngsters, such as Trent Fisher with three goals, showed promise.
Broadford will need to win at least one more game in the run home than White Hills, Heathcote or Mount Pleasant if they are to make the finals.
Unfortunately, with White Hills the big improves in the last month of football, and with Mount Pleasant expected to return to their best form from last year, the outlook isn’t bright for Broadford fans.
Heathcote look to have a good run home with extra home games fixtured, making every game a “must win” for Broadford.
At full strength, the Roos appear to be as good as anyone in the competition, but lack of form away from home needs to be addressed urgently.
The round two loss against North Bendigo at Atkins Street could come back to bite Broadford when it comes to the finals.
This weekend they travel to Huntly and must register a big win.
Very interesting exchange here lads, i reckon locky plays hard and tough and leaves it all on the field and is the first person to shake your hand after the game and have a frothie, he is also the master at stopping a teams momentum and sucking people in he does it every week and people keep falling for the bait. Against us last week we were coming hard and had kicked the last few goals in a row during the third qtr and were really starting to fire up and hit the footy hard, after rick smith kicked a great goal locky came in and bumped him to the ground as he was celebrating the goal which caused a "melee" for a couple of minutes effectively slowing our momentum and diverting concentration i thought it was very smart. Yeah the bloke may have been 17 but he is a player out on the field like everyone else i doubt any of us would think he should go easy on people on field due to their age if he is not up for all that senior footy will throw at him and unfortunately that includes the occasional whack then he shouldnt have been playing.

I also wouldnt get to carried away about innapropriate comments sordeo, ask shay what he said to 2 of our players last year in regards to certain family members that earnt him a swift one in the chops. Karma is funny though as he got dropped for finals didnt he??:thumbsu:

Good win by mounts thou makes it very interesting at the top of the tree and with white hills starting to make a charge.

Ha ha thought that was pretty smart now did we!! Shows how smart you are Sammy. Maybe that just reflects on yours or Elmores mentality (Billy Longford 06 granny anyone? Yeah a great thing to do by a coach, great example cant believe your the same guy who was crying about Dalton. Deadbeat:D
Ha ha thought that was pretty smart now did we!! Shows how smart you are Sammy. Maybe that just reflects on yours or Elmores mentality (Billy Longford 06 granny anyone? Yeah a great thing to do by a coach, great example cant believe your the same guy who was crying about Dalton. Deadbeat:D

Geez your a parrot, my opinions dont reflect the mentality of a whole football club genius they are my opinions about a much maligned player i dont try and speak on behalf of anyone else. At no stage did i sook about Dalton in what i last wrote either, go back and have a look and you will see the words "thats just football, these things happen" now seeing as though you seem a little slow i will reiterate that the point of my last post was people should not be so quick to condemn other clubs on field behaviour if they themselves are not perfect hence the expression "people in glass houses should throw stones" im sorry you didnt understand that im sure you just thought it was common sense that if you lived in an actual glass house you shouldnt throw stones otherwise you would break your house didnt you?? haha whos a clever boy??
I also wrote that elmore is not perfect on the field either so if you want to talk about Bill again get his number of webby and douglas and give him a call you simple simple creature.
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