Opinion Heretier Lumumba

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Hate is a strong word. Personally I dislike him although it's obvious he has deep issues to sort out.
Go back to Collingwood and let everything go.
Or STFU and stop going on about being a victim.

When he released the Buckley tapes/recordings I lost any respect I had for him.
Childish attention seeking.

NB is the least racist bloke you would ever meet. Played much of his football early on with Aboriginals in the NT.
What really really annoys me is that all you :non haters but dislikers" lol did not even read the article, He did not go to the media, the Murdoch media came to him fully knowing that people would shit on him by putting in comments like "he didnt want to meet with Browne".
Its just closeted racism as far as i am concerned. You guys NEED to come out and say that he has mental issues and attention seeking. I am sure your years of reading internet threads and dodgy media qualify you in commenting on these issues.

The one memory i have of HL is walking behind him one day early in his Collingwood career and he was putting coins in expired meters for no reason other than to help the people who were going to get parking tickets by himself not knowing people were watching him. I personally feel his issues are that he cannot express himself properly and it comes out in muddled words which is a problem i have as well.
What really really annoys me is that all you :non haters but dislikers" lol did not even read the article, He did not go to the media, the Murdoch media came to him fully knowing that people would s**t on him by putting in comments like "he didnt want to meet with Browne".
Its just closeted racism as far as i am concerned. You guys NEED to come out and say that he has mental issues and attention seeking. I am sure your years of reading internet threads and dodgy media qualify you in commenting on these issues.

The one memory i have of HL is walking behind him one day early in his Collingwood career and he was putting coins in expired meters for no reason other than to help the people who were going to get parking tickets by himself not knowing people were watching him. I personally feel his issues are that he cannot express himself properly and it comes out in muddled words which is a problem i have as well.
The problem with saying that you don't like someone who is coloured is that as soon as you do, the reason for disliking or hating them is said to be racist. My feelings for Lumumba have absolutely nothing to do with his racial background, other than when he clambers aboard all the indigenous issues and makes them about him despite not being indigenous. I used to love Lumumba in the early days - thought he was a breath of fresh air, even went along with the meeting the Dalai Lama business and the thinking chair.

He first lost me with his stance on the Seedsman haircut. The rest is history.

You suggest that we should be understanding of him as a person with mental health and attention seeking issues. The media as you highlighted highly respect everything Heritier has to say on indigenous and other issues. There is no suggestion anywhere that he is battling mental demons, other than some of the nonsense he has himself spouted about witnessing murders and being sexually abused when he was not.

So this may be the 89th post in which I try to find a new and different way of saying I dislike him as a person.
Hate is a strong word. Personally I dislike him although it's obvious he has deep issues to sort out.
Go back to Collingwood and let everything go.
Or STFU and stop going on about being a victim.

When he released the Buckley tapes/recordings I lost any respect I had for him.
Childish attention seeking.

NB is the least racist bloke you would ever meet. Played much of his football early on with Aboriginals in the NT.

FJ, the thing is, when people are bullied, they do stuff like releasing those recordings because they were denied a voice or recognition for so long. It's a normal response that all of us would have -- you too. I'm serious, we would ALL react the same way if we were bullied at work. When I work with people who have experienced this, they ALL talk about revenge, they ALL talk about being furious. And one thing I have to say is: that's normal. Everyone -- even Fat Jesus -- would think the same.

The person I lost respect for was Bux when he said to H that he threw Eddie "under the bus." That was a dick move by Bucks. But as in all these cases, the thing is, we don't have to be black and white. I respect Bucks for coming out and saying he didn't really act appropriately and he'd be different now. Good for him. Heretier may have issues, but he also was brave in speaking his mind. None of us is perfect. We need compassion all round.
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The one memory i have of HL is walking behind him one day early in his Collingwood career and he was putting coins in expired meters for no reason other than to help the people who were going to get parking tickets by himself not knowing people were watching him. I personally feel his issues are that he cannot express himself properly and it comes out in muddled words which is a problem i have as well.
So you're saying that HL is the reason why I can never find a park? He's out there enabling pricks to hold the parks for eY longer than they're meant to. The ****er
I was once a huge HL fan and would defend him as best I could.
Actions speak volumes and his actions over the past few years have been more of an attention seeking troublemaker, not of a person wanting to find solutions for past events.
Credit to the club for the changes they have made over the past couple of years.
I am proud of our club and I would rather HL just F@#% right off and just disappear and not be heard from again.

We are going ok, so if you cannot move forward, move away.
Far away!!
The problem with saying that you don't like someone who is coloured is that as soon as you do, the reason for disliking or hating them is said to be racist. My feelings for Lumumba have absolutely nothing to do with his racial background, other than when he clambers aboard all the indigenous issues and makes them about him despite not being indigenous. I used to love Lumumba in the early days - thought he was a breath of fresh air, even went along with the meeting the Dalai Lama business and the thinking chair.

He first lost me with his stance on the Seedsman haircut. The rest is history.

You suggest that we should be understanding of him as a person with mental health and attention seeking issues. The media as you highlighted highly respect everything Heritier has to say on indigenous and other issues. There is no suggestion anywhere that he is battling mental demons, other than some of the nonsense he has himself spouted about witnessing murders and being sexually abused when he was not.

So this may be the 89th post in which I try to find a new and different way of saying I dislike him as a person.

Now this is an interesting point, GG. It IS super hard to criticise someone who is a POC nowadays, and it's really hard to criticise, say, women too in a workplace. It's super hard and I think you've pointed it out and that's totally fair.

The Seedsman haircut thing doesn't seem big enough to dislike someone for me. And with due respect, I wonder is that really such a big issue that you wouldn't like someone for? I don't see anything H did which I would dislike him for.

Who in football would I genuinely dislike? Rather than pantomime dislike (Voss, Cotchin, the entire Blues team)? I'm not sure exactly. Are there other candidates?
Now this is an interesting point, GG. It IS super hard to criticise someone who is a POC nowadays, and it's really hard to criticise, say, women too in a workplace. It's super hard and I think you've pointed it out and that's totally fair.

The Seedsman haircut thing doesn't seem big enough to dislike someone for me. And with due respect, I wonder is that really such a big issue that you wouldn't like someone for? I don't see anything H did which I would dislike him for.

Who in football would I genuinely dislike? Rather than pantomime dislike (Voss, Cotchin, the entire Blues team)? I'm not sure exactly. Are there other candidates?
The Seedsman issue alone didn't cause me to dislike him but it was the beginning of a change of heart on the man. What this issue did was reveal an ultra sensitive element to Lumumba over woke sort of issues that became regular occurrences with him after this initial fallout with Bucks and probably many of the playing group. Then there was that dreadful 'I am the prince' speech which was probably not the best note on which to exit the club. Let's be honest, there has never been more than a few individuals who have come out in Lumumba's defence. I would suggest he was in the end not well liked by the playing group.

I would actually agree with what you or someone else said that Bucks should not have made the comment about throwing Ed under the bus. It's obvious that out of everyone at Collingwood, Bucks is the one person that Lumumba thoroughly dislikes. Buckley probably needed to take a back seat role given the nature of their relationship.
I was once a huge HL fan and would defend him as best I could.
Actions speak volumes and his actions over the past few years have been more of an attention seeking troublemaker, not of a person wanting to find solutions for past events.
Credit to the club for the changes they have made over the past couple of years.
I am proud of our club and I would rather HL just F@#% right off and just disappear and not be heard from again.

We are going ok, so if you cannot move forward, move away.
Far away!!
Club is moving forward really impressively. Supporters whose attitude is hug and reconcile immediately or **** off - not so forward or impressively.
The problem with saying that you don't like someone who is coloured is that as soon as you do, the reason for disliking or hating them is said to be racist. My feelings for Lumumba have absolutely nothing to do with his racial background, other than when he clambers aboard all the indigenous issues and makes them about him despite not being indigenous. I used to love Lumumba in the early days - thought he was a breath of fresh air, even went along with the meeting the Dalai Lama business and the thinking chair.

He first lost me with his stance on the Seedsman haircut. The rest is history.

You suggest that we should be understanding of him as a person with mental health and attention seeking issues. The media as you highlighted highly respect everything Heritier has to say on indigenous and other issues. There is no suggestion anywhere that he is battling mental demons, other than some of the nonsense he has himself spouted about witnessing murders and being sexually abused when he was not.

So this may be the 89th post in which I try to find a new and different way of saying I dislike him as a person.

Whether the bolded happened or not is not the point. The point is your reasoning is based on nothing but speculation but posting about it over and over is what trolls do. So yes i am calling you a troll.
The Seedsman issue alone didn't cause me to dislike him but it was the beginning of a change of heart on the man. What this issue did was reveal an ultra sensitive element to Lumumba over woke sort of issues that became regular occurrences with him after this initial fallout with Bucks and probably many of the playing group. Then there was that dreadful 'I am the prince' speech which was probably not the best note on which to exit the club. Let's be honest, there has never been more than a few individuals who have come out in Lumumba's defence. I would suggest he was in the end not well liked by the playing group.

I would actually agree with what you or someone else said that Bucks should not have made the comment about throwing Ed under the bus. It's obvious that out of everyone at Collingwood, Bucks is the one person that Lumumba thoroughly dislikes. Buckley probably needed to take a back seat role given the nature of their relationship.

And they used to be really good friends -- at the start. Sad that, really.

I mean I agree that H ALSO needs or needed to work on his own issues. He was clumsy and (frankly) kinds self-destructive in the ways he went about things. Naive actually is the word I'd use. But not mean or nasty I don't think. Just vulnerable and naive and overreactive and didn't do enough to get a sense of the landscape of possibility in the world. I would have advised him really differently. I mean, there's a reason why PR firms exist for celebrities, not just for spin (i.e. lying) but also just to reign celebrities in from behaviour that might be perfectly fine for you and me. But not for someone in the public eye.
The Seedsman issue alone didn't cause me to dislike him but it was the beginning of a change of heart on the man. What this issue did was reveal an ultra sensitive element to Lumumba over woke sort of issues that became regular occurrences with him after this initial fallout with Bucks and probably many of the playing group. Then there was that dreadful 'I am the prince' speech which was probably not the best note on which to exit the club. Let's be honest, there has never been more than a few individuals who have come out in Lumumba's defence. I would suggest he was in the end not well liked by the playing group.

I would actually agree with what you or someone else said that Bucks should not have made the comment about throwing Ed under the bus. It's obvious that out of everyone at Collingwood, Bucks is the one person that Lumumba thoroughly dislikes. Buckley probably needed to take a back seat role given the nature of their relationship.

He felt betrayed, lost the plot and then went into vendetta mode. A couple of positive signs that he could beginning to move on.

And he was betrayed. The club had encouraged him to be outspoken, but when push came to shove, their encouragement was all bs.

He was pretty careful in his statement about the Eddie king Kong **** up to only criticise the statement and not Eddie, and what he said was spot on. But Eddie wasn't man enough to own his **** up and apologize unreservedly. He instead went into his usual I'm a great bloke don't worry about the comment schtick. And then Bucks gave HL a whack for doing the same stuff that he'd encouraged him to do.

None of them should be proud of the way this went down.

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And I abhor HL. He is an opportunist who makes himself a leader of an indigenous cause of which he is not even a part. He rears his head every time an indigenous issue arises and tries to piggyback it to gain media attention. The Age and the ABC give him the exposure each time he seeks it. Sorry, but I am one of those you hate noidea.
Belated, but I don't hate you TGG. Far from it and I hope you know that. I have an opinion, frequently wrong. I do object to others opinions, that never extends to their self.
I must stop having a beer after work. I swear, before i left today to mow dads lawns etc... 8 hour job. There was so much rubbish, i think instigated by our resident trouble maker and attention seeker. Wow all gone.

Mmm, me thinks i need to mow more lawns, i mow lawns, silliness gone

I reckons still got a good chance tomorrow of winning
Now this is an interesting point, GG. It IS super hard to criticise someone who is a POC nowadays, and it's really hard to criticise, say, women too in a workplace. It's super hard and I think you've pointed it out and that's totally fair.

The Seedsman haircut thing doesn't seem big enough to dislike someone for me. And with due respect, I wonder is that really such a big issue that you wouldn't like someone for? I don't see anything H did which I would dislike him for.

Who in football would I genuinely dislike? Rather than pantomime dislike (Voss, Cotchin, the entire Blues team)? I'm not sure exactly. Are there other candidates?
I ****en hate Geelong
In H's defence he had a shitty life early on. Not sure of the full details but I think it was his old man.
Talk of guns pulled on him, suicide and much crap.
He has a lot going on inside his head.

He also had a pretty shit experience at Collingwood - you know the old President cracked the shits at him after going on 360 and speaking the truth about how the “King Kong” comments made him feel as a a black man.

All his comments were perfectly reasonable and had McGuire not such thin skin he would have actually used what Lumumba said on 360 as an opportunity to reflect and grow. Instead, as McGuire is renown for in journalistic circles - he harboured a grudge and played the victim which then lead to Lumumba being punted from the Club with the coach saying he’d thrown the president under the bus.

Let’s not forget Buckley and co derailed Lumumbas career, removed him from leadership group and shipped him off to Melbourne all in retaliation to the 360 episode and their loyalty to McGuire.

How Buckley has a job in the media is beyond me, considering how much he dismissed H’s story after his documentary in 2017 - and then in 2020/21 back tracked completely and apologised.

The fact Eddie and Nathan continued to spin bullshit until the BLM movement in 2020 hit its peak is astounding. The fact Lumumba has all the receipts (recordings) to prove his truth - yet Collingwood supporters on here still unleash on Lumumba is astounding.

It’s astounding how stupid some people on here are. The whole carrying on about “woke” and that “Lumumba didn’t do it in the right way” wreaks of everything Lumumba keeps complaining about - re: systemic racism.

Our former President, after the winmar and macadam incident, said words to the effect of “we don’t mind aboriginals so long as they act like white folk”… And that’s exactly what all the people I hear complaining about the “way Lumumba goes about it” are saying.

In what way was Lumumba meant to behave after having McGuire and Buckley publicly dismiss his truthful allegations and mock his mental health in public?

What’s the right way he should have gone about it exactly? What would it have taken for all you “woke” haters out there to sit back and go “well done Lumumba - that’s how you make a complaint about an ex employer that treated you like dog shit”.

I’d love to here how any of you people complaining about “the way Lumumba goes about it” would handle the exact same situation - an ex employer character assassinating you, an ex coach lying about private conversations you’ve had (which you have recordings of) and commenting about your mental health and backgrounding media organisations to write negative shit about you etc etc.

None of you anti Lumumba idiots have the stones and courage to do what Lumumba did and stand up for himself, his character, family and his race against the biggest football club in the country.

I also don’t recall Lumumba ever saying he wanted reconciliation, certainly not unless it was on his terms - which is fair enough. He did say he just wanted his truth to be acknowledged. Things like his nickname being Chimp, and causal racism and misogyny at the club - all things that happened by the way. Like Seedsman being called a lesbian etc.

His main point the whole time was that culture at footy clubs is appalling, unprofessional and needs to improve. He’s never been wrong about that.

It was the club, McGuire and Buckley that flat out denied all of Lumumba’s complaints. Turns out all his allegations were true. Whoops, I guess the truth is a little to hard for anti wokes to deal with so they just retreat into slagging off Lumumba 24/7 and miss the whole point.

If your employer has rail roaded you and forced you to leave for doing nothing but speaking the truth - why the hell would you ever want to “reconcile” with that arseh*le employer? Especially when there still remains one board member (Holegate) from that era?

Not only that, but Lumumba withdrew from the “reconciliation” aspect of the do better report as he wasn’t happy with the club, Browne and lawyers dictating how the process would go - which again if you’ve been ****ed over by the Club in the past is completely understandable.

So all you “anti wokes” carrying on about forgive and forget and reconciliation and that - Lumumba doesn’t give two shits about that if the intention of said reconciliation is not on his terms or not to his standards and only really in the clubs best interests. Again, what’s wrong with this? It’s a perfectly reasonable position. If you don’t like a proposed process you vocalise your criticism and then say “well guys, I don’t agree with your process so I’m not interested in your process… I don’t owe you anything. I’m out”.

Clearly, Lumumba wanted to expose Buckley, Maguire and the rest of Collingwood’s incompetent administrative arm and get some sort of public recognition that he was telling the truth in 2017, that what he said in his documentary was accurate and that he wasn’t a liar.

The club and its key leaders were publicly calling him a liar and undermined his character. In return he fought back and basically brought every arseh*le that undermined him to account.

For that, I have nothing but praise for lumumba. If someone or an organisation ****s you over, you fight back. My love of Collingwood doesn’t blind me to the fact that the humans running the club at the time did a poor job of it. And my love of Collingwood premiership players certainly out weighs that of non premiership players and incompetent presidents, board members and CEO’s etc.

Lumumba basically forced the Collingwood football club to take a long overdue bloody good look at it self and purge itself of a bunch of backslapping McGuire puppets and brought an end to the most mediocre decade of coaching in my lifetime. Thank you for that Lumumba.

More importantly, Lumumba brought our poor dealings with race into the spotlight and forced us to finally view it objectively and make real changes to improve it.

Had Buckley, the football department and the board handled the Goodes King Kong issue appropriately (by demanding McGuires resignation) none of this bad blood with Lumumba is likely to have happened in the first place.

Poor governance, decision making and hubris right thru Collingwood’s hierarchy was to blame for what happened to Lumumba and the poor relationship that continues.

I’m glad Lumumba continued to speak his truth. I’m glad players like Davis and Krakeour - and whites like Dawes, MacAffer and McNamara backed them up. Not only did Lumumba courage to stand up for himself allow decades of idiocy get brought out into the light, it allowed players like Davis to finally speak their truth.

Sadly, the fact Lumumba went to an event about Winmar and McAdam and made it clear he only wanted celebrate Winmar and McAdam and not have any focus on himself or his own issues with Collingwood - can somehow be twisted into a negative by Neanderthal supporters on here just shows how far some morons still have to come on this issue.

I mean seriously, even if you are anti woke or whatever - had Lumumba not stood up for himself we’d probably still have McGuire as President and Buckley as coach. We’d have been stuck with those bozos forever.

The fact we now have a functional administration and great coach in McRae is reason enough to thank Lumumba for his vendetta against the individuals running the club in 2014, let alone all Lumumba’s done to drag the Club kicking and screaming to face racism head on.

Sent from my iPhone using BigFooty.com
Well this certainly was a trip down memory lane, (for better or worse).
Everybody has had a fair go with their opinion, so we might call it a day.
This post from Heater3923 seems to be as good a post as any to end on, (imo).

DinoSoar Gone Critical Jen2310 Maggie5
Of course he turns up after we win and a particular player wins the norm smith…..claiming credit no doubt
Well obviously without Lumumba we wouldn't have won the flag.
I'd go as far to say that our club wouldn't even exist anymore without him.
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