- Moderator
- #451
I keep hearing or reading the word Heritage Jumper, when in fact the Prison Stripes were not Adopted until 1902, before that Port wore Nine different variations of Jumpers (Light Blue and White, White and Blue, Pink, Magenta, and Magenta and Blue) in fact the Original Jumper worn from 1870 - 1876 were light blue an white hoops or white and blue (which unless I do not know what the word Heritage means), they should be wearing either of those versions in Showdons or Hertiage round, call it whatever you like. Then in 1902 they adopted Black and White (because they couldn't get dye for their previous Jumpers), but that was not the end of it, from 1902 until present day they have worn Twenty Four versions of Black and White, interesting they wore Collingwood Jumpers in the 1951 SANFL Season, donated to them by Collingwood.
Heritage - Heritage is a person's unique, inherited sense of family identity: the values, traditions, culture, and artifacts handed down by previous generations
You are thinking of the word Inaugural.