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    1. Real Name:jeremy scammell

      Age: 34

      Location: ballarat

      Occupation: disability sulport coordinator / worker

      Transport: vw polo

      Team: collingwood

      Other Sports: rugby league melblurne storm

      Favourite Foods: ice cream/ donuts/ pizza

      Favourite Drinks: almost anything spirits wise

      Best/Worst Radio Stations: triple M

      TV Shows I'd Never Miss:

      Best Radio/TV Jingle:

      Favourite Website:

      Yahoo/MSN Messenger Address:

      Best Holiday Spot: bali

      3 Things ALWAYS in my Shopping Trolley: pineapple slices, lebanese wraps, cheese

      Which Supermarket Chain Do You Prefer...Why? Aldi cheap and quality products

      Favourite Cartoon Character:

      Most amazing thing I've done or seen:

      Bad Habits:

      Biggest Fear/Phobia:

      Have You Any Piercings Or Tattoos? Yes

      Hobbies: keeping fit

      3 Famous People I've Met: (Outside Football...)

      Dream Job:

      Favourite Board/Video Games:

      Favourite Game Show:

      Reality Program:

      Top 5 Songs (In No Particular Order...)

      I Admire...Why?

      Finally...3 Things I'd Like To Do/Achieve Before I die...
      Bunjee jumping

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