Current Home invasion murder of Dr Michael Yung in Adelaide

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So a respectable couple and DNA evidence is a mistake?! A likely story...

Innocent until proven guilty of course.
But if/when proven guilty, I'd hope the punishment fully reflects the crime, and any 'extenuating' circumstances and care of dependants be damned!

I'm a progressive, still opposed to capital punishment.
But this sh1t has to stop. Deprivation of anything bar basics for term of incarceration.

I'm happy to discuss rehabilitation for non-violent crimes. Not in cases like these.

The family/community/society has lost a good man with many more years ahead of him. 😡

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we don't know the details. would both have needed to be in the house and contribute in some way to be murder/manslaughter, which may not have been the case. doesn't mean she isn't a piece of shit though. the way instead of protesting, the love of his life runs away pushing their princess in the pram after he gets smacked down tells its own story. the bleating about the kid needing a mother shouldn't make a difference, may have been assisting an offender under duress for all we know.
What a surprise.

The justice system is completely broken.
I disagree....I don't think the justice system is completely broken's certainly got wobbily wheels.
There is a very young child in this picture...a child that needs it's Mother.
I would think house arrest but being able to look after the child is a reasonable judgement for the moment.
Better than a traumatic seperation for the child....and maybe some clear thinking time and change of pace for the Mother might induce/allow change for the better.
In no way do I dismiss the tragedy that has been visited on the Dr and his family in saying the above.
Farcical, she willingly participated in a crime that led to a death. Since we sadly don't have the death penalty, life without parole (with hard labour reintroduced) should be the sentence.

But as usual prosecutors do deals to get an easy win and our soft legal system (which is a national problem) lets crims off light once found guilty

As for the kid, needs to be immediately removed from the danger that her druggie , crim mother presents.

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I disagree....I don't think the justice system is completely broken's certainly got wobbily wheels.
There is a very young child in this picture...a child that needs it's Mother.
I would think house arrest but being able to look after the child is a reasonable judgement for the moment.
Better than a traumatic seperation for the child....and maybe some clear thinking time and change of pace for the Mother might induce/allow change for the better.
In no way do I dismiss the tragedy that has been visited on the Dr and his family in saying the above.

I would respectfully suggest the child is miles safer and better off with a good foster family than with that mother. No one suggesting this really cares about whats best for the child, they are putting the child at risk as a tactic to get the mother out of jail.
I would respectfully suggest the child is miles safer and better off with a good foster family than with that mother. No one suggesting this really cares about whats best for the child, they are putting the child at risk as a tactic to get the mother out of jail.

The charges of assisting an offender has to be proven yet if I think she'll probably plead guilty, with the prosecution raising no objections to bail on home detention.

It's a hard one.

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