Honoring Peaceful Muslims

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Audemars Piguet said:
Of course they are. This is the only way islamo-facists can get at the US. Hijacking, strapping bombs to their children and various other gutless acts of terrorism.

Do you think they would have the balls to actually send troops to the US?

They are spineless sub-human excrement who resort to pathetic acts of desperation born from bitterness and contempt for those who have it better off than themselves.

Can you explain to me how crashing a plane into a building is gutless but dropping bombs onto buildings isn't?

Don't tell me how one is worse than the other, I'm aware of that, just tell me how one is gutless but the other isn't.
Borgsta said:
The US are following the Geneva Convention now? When did that happen?

Leaving aside your completely ridiculous comment, these acts of terrorism are still committed by people and not by nations. Iraq didnt attack the US through 9/11 (in fact they had absolutely nothing to do with it) and they were never going to attack the US. Can we really call a war that was advised against by the UN a conventional war anyway? Not too much about this invasion is conventional and this war was over about 3 years ago. Mission Accomplished!

You really are a slow learner arnt you. Look up the definition of 'terrorism' and 'war' and you will actually find that your comments are completely ridiculous.

Unconventional warfare is the only way the muslims can get at the US.
They dont have the balls to send in troops or fight a conventional war.
The governments over there would rather harbour individuals who resort to pathetic acts of desperation born from bitterness and contempt for those who have it better off than themselves.

And this is the true reason for US condemnation here and overseas: Jealousy, bitterness and contempt. Laughable.
MSR273 said:
Amazing that we have to 'honour' Muslims for doing what most of do naturally. :rolleyes:
Muslims are peaceful, that is what the statistics say. Ask amnesty international for some figures. (I don’t expect you to. I expect you to say that they are biased hippies or something else that attempts to discredit any point of view aside from yours)

If your perception is otherwise then it is because you are ignorant enough to believe what the government wants you to believe, because while you think that there is a mysterious enemy out there, they will take your freedom and that of your children in the name of fighting terrorism. Slowly you will be enslaved by more and more taxes for the sake of fake money. As it is now you work 50% of your life for the government, expect it to grow. Expect more income tax, GST, land tax, capital gains tax and so forth while your pay shrinks relative to the cost of living, and while you cheer the very laws that are slowly enslaving you.

If you think that I am your enemy, as someone who respects your laws while believing in my own, who does not commit crime and tries to leave the best impression I can of Islam then you are misled. The reason that you are being brainwashed into hating Islam is that it is the only force left in this world still struggling against the imaginary money that enslaves people. The money system that brought down Rome and will eventually destroy the west. It is a mathematical reality that it must happen. Slowly the middle class is shrinking; slowly your rights are shrinking, slowly enough that you are oblivious to it. All the while you are looking outside, because you either do not know where to look, or are too afraid of what you might see.
Audemars Piguet said:
You really are a slow learner arnt you. Look up the definition of 'terrorism' and 'war' and you will actually find that your comments are completely ridiculous.

Unconventional warfare is the only way the muslims can get at the US.
They dont have the balls to send in troops or fight a conventional war.
The governments over there would rather harbour individuals who resort to pathetic acts of desperation born from bitterness and contempt for those who have it better off than themselves.

And this is the true reason for US condemnation here and overseas: Jealousy, bitterness and contempt. Laughable.

I know the definitions so how about explaining why they are laughable. Also answer my original question in that post. 'The US are following the Geneva Convention now? When did that happen?'

The muslims?? I thought it was Iraq? Which country is the muslims? Who is the muslims government? What troops could they send?

No condemnation coming from me, just questions as to whether this is actually still a war. Did George lie when he said it was over?
Solace said:
Muslims are peaceful, that is what the statistics say. Ask amnesty international for some figures. (I don’t expect you to. I expect you to say that they are biased hippies or something else that attempts to discredit any point of view aside from yours)

Yes of course they are, such loving peaceful people:rolleyes:

If your perception is otherwise then it is because you are ignorant enough to believe what the government wants you to believe, because while you think that there is a mysterious enemy out there, they will take your freedom and that of your children in the name of fighting terrorism. Slowly you will be enslaved by more and more taxes for the sake of fake money. As it is now you work 50% of your life for the government, expect it to grow. Expect more income tax, GST, land tax, capital gains tax and so forth while your pay shrinks relative to the cost of living, and while you cheer the very laws that are slowly enslaving you.

I see, so it is not about stealing oil, it is about stealing my money and increasing taxes. :rolleyes:

If you think that I am your enemy, as someone who respects your laws while believing in my own, who does not commit crime and tries to leave the best impression I can of Islam then you are misled. The reason that you are being brainwashed into hating Islam is that it is the only force left in this world still struggling against the imaginary money that enslaves people. The money system that brought down Rome and will eventually destroy the west. It is a mathematical reality that it must happen. Slowly the middle class is shrinking; slowly your rights are shrinking, slowly enough that you are oblivious to it. All the while you are looking outside, because you either do not know where to look, or are too afraid of what you might see.

Are you my enemy, I don't even know.
Solace said:
If your perception is otherwise then it is because you are ignorant enough to believe what the government wants you to believe, because while you think that there is a mysterious enemy out there, they will take your freedom and that of your children in the name of fighting terrorism.

So what happens if you keep coming across muslims that arent so peaceful in your everyday life?
Audemars Piguet said:
Ahhh I think you need to look up the definition of terrorism mate.

I guess you dont think acts of US-backed terrorism (for instance in Latin America) are anything to worry about.

It is gutless to take your own life in the process of murdering others (I agree) it is also gutless to murder people by dropping bombs from high above and missiles from floating metal islands hundreds of miles away.
Solace said:
Muslims are peaceful, that is what the statistics say.

Those 112 cars a day are burning themselves in France? Why does the muslim population have a massively disproportionate crime rate in both the UK and France?

The reason that you are being brainwashed into hating Islam is that it is the only force left in this world still struggling against the imaginary money that enslaves people. The money system that brought down Rome and will eventually destroy the west. It is a mathematical reality that it must happen.

Do you really expect anyone to take you seriously when you come out with this? Is it any wonder that people perceive Islam to be a backward religion when its adherents have such views?

Who is brainwashed?

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Honoring Peaceful Muslims

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