Absolute rubbish. This type of line is continually trotted out to an uneducated public and frankly uneducated horse "lovers" within the industry itself.tbf a high % of people who work in the racing industry are animal lovers and treat the horses extremely well. The problem is like with life in general those good stories are not glamorous to report about in the media, the negative stories are.
Similar to the age care industry
On an overall level horse racing is no more cruel than domesticating animals and keeping them as pets. In majority of the cases the animals are treated as well as humans and in a small percentage of cases they are treated badly. Kind of sums up life in general tbh
Nothing can ever escape the reality of the industry involving purposely breeding "Nervous Energy" animals. The entire racing concept regarding horses is based on it. Not seeking to breed fine temperament, calm animals, but to breed high strung, nervous energy, flight response animals which makes them FAST.
The people within the industry think this is FINE. They grow up around such animals most of their lives and believe the behaviour and nervous, high strung, spook characteristics are "Magnificent" specimens sporned from love. The industry is literally full of people claiming to be the exceptional horse "lover" that simply in reality are anything but and are not true animal lovers at all.
These same people then assign animals to trainers who spend years utilising "pressure" to make the animal ADRENALISE. You know, like you might do when faced with a whip and frightened into running around just a little longer, just a little more on that track, in that yard, through the sand. Build those muscles, adrenalise and then run, run like the wind, even until you break, all based on a level of FEAR and FLIGHT response.
The same groups then map out programs involving moving the horse up and down through levels once it's full ability is known to enhance the returns possible. This includes deliberate running in certain track positions so as not to allow the best performance, deliberate changing of preparations, feed supplements and drug intake to achieve results enabling a horse to appear genuinely out of it's current class. The horse goes down a class and then the game changes to building up properly for a number of success that enables larger wages with more certainty that only the trainers, owners and staff really know, hence the well known and hugely important ever present "INSIDE KNOWLEDGE". This is the industry reality behind the tiny Group 1 percentage of racing that the public, media and uneducated have in their minds when thinking about the subject.
It's a straight out scumbag industry, period and half the so called "good" people who genuinely believe in their minds they are, are actually cruelty perpetrators without even knowing it.
Now let's breed another nervous energy, high strung horse we can pump for 5 years "isn't it amazing" and then wonder why so many simply cannot be successfully placed after their careers, whilst having another 15-20 years of "non income" earning life started by the racing industry. The people claiming love in this game are in reality uneducated, ill equipped and oblivious, or straight out liars!!
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