How many drinks do you have per week?

How many drinks do you have per week?

  • I don't drink at all

    Votes: 25 28.1%
  • 1-3

    Votes: 17 19.1%
  • 4-6

    Votes: 6 6.7%
  • 7-9

    Votes: 10 11.2%
  • 10-14

    Votes: 14 15.7%
  • 15+

    Votes: 17 19.1%

  • Total voters

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Huge binge drinker when younger with a huge dose of fomo. It was all tied in with local sport. I never drank at home. Primarily drank Thursdays to Sundays.

TF I eventually grew out of it. I'm lucky if I have 6 stubbles over the course of a year now. I don't miss it and I, never think about it.

For the younger people here, if you ever have kids and they play sport, as they get older, maintain an interest and don't see it as a chore or the chance for some quiet time for yourself, get them into a well run, sober club.
Huge binge drinker when younger with a huge dose of fomo. It was all tied in with local sport. I never drank at home. Primarily drank Thursdays to Sundays.

TF I eventually grew out of it. I'm lucky if I have 6 stubbles over the course of a year now. I don't miss it and I, never think about it.

For the younger people here, if you ever have kids and they play sport, as they get older, maintain an interest and don't see it as a chore or the chance for some quiet time for yourself, get them into a well run, sober club.

I think the culture of sporting clubs has changed a lot now, and I think drinking culture has changed a lot - due in part to the price issue that's been discussed here. The kids aren't catching with mates for 12 beers every night during summer any more, and I don't think sporting clubs are locking people in til they can't walk any more.
I think the culture of sporting clubs has changed a lot now, and I think drinking culture has changed a lot - due in part to the price issue that's been discussed here. The kids aren't catching with mates for 12 beers every night during summer any more, and I don't think sporting clubs are locking people in til they can't walk any more.

With regards to the price, I've got a mate that owns a couple of pubs in Geelong and I asked him about this. With the advent of tap and go, he said they just keep tapping until they've spent $300 to $400 and have a heart attack when they sober up and check their accounts. He said they back up again the next week though.

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I know drinks are expensive but wtf are you drinking that costs 3-400?

In 3rd world dollars(or AUD) this would cost you around $225 per glass, retail. Throw it in a bar/restaurant and well, $300 to $400 is reasonable, per glass.

It's the only wine Ive ever had that made my ear tear up.... it was that ****ing good.
they would spend that over the night, not for one drink
I'm aware it wasn't for one drink

you have 10 drinks thats 30-40 a drink

have 20 drinks its 15-20 a drink

like they've gotta be drinking a lot to hit those numbers

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ive never been a big drinker,and then didnt drink for many years. but i remember going out with mates and they'd easily drop $50 (this was when spirits were say $5, so 10 drinks), id have 1 and be the driver and they'd all give me $5 each (4 of them) - so i made $20, spent $5 ona drink and say $5 on petrol.
then once a year id go on an overseas holiday for a week
I'm aware it wasn't for one drink

you have 10 drinks thats 30-40 a drink

have 20 drinks its 15-20 a drink

like they've gotta be drinking a lot to hit those numbers
Depends what they're drinking and where.

Cocktails/some spirits are north of $15-$20 in the city bars etc.

Certainly could get plastered for much cheaper.
Depends what they're drinking and where.

Cocktails/some spirits are north of $15-$20 in the city bars etc.

Certainly could get plastered for much cheaper.
City bars a pint would set you back $15 a pint of craft could be closer to $20.

Cocktails would be closer to $30-$40 a drink in good bars.

If you do a big day/night session. 10 beers and 3 or 4 cocktails plus a few shots.

10 x 15 = $150
3 x 25 = $75
3 x 15 = $45

$270 right there, thats pre food or bets or whatever dumb shit you decide on the bender.
10 x Espresso martinis in a city rooftop bar you'd hit that.
What would a Jack Daniels & coke go for at the same place? Young fellahs on the tear have always been able to disappear about 20 of those over a night.

Anyway - reminded me I overheard a couple of Irish tradies on the tram last week. One was saying he was having a quiet weekend as he was out drinking all last weekend. Reckoned he burnt $700-800!
Come a long way since Adelaide in the mid '90's when if me or my mates cleared "the ton" at Joplins, it usually meant we'd seen the sun come up!

I once cleared $300 for my meal and drinks at Jacques Reymond when that places existed. Don't think I've ever got near those numbers just on booze though. Would had to have been "booze+" for me to get there or above
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I'm aware it wasn't for one drink

you have 10 drinks thats 30-40 a drink

have 20 drinks its 15-20 a drink

like they've gotta be drinking a lot to hit those numbers

He said at the end of the night when they're pissed they'll spend $40 - $80 on a cocktail for a girl to try and impress.

They'be be better off going to a knock shop for a quickie then going home.
pretty close to zero. had 1-2 drinks for a week about a month ago for celebratory purposes but since nothing. i glug the white wine from the fridge into the risotto if that counts.
my peak would have been maybe 10-ish pints once a week about 10 years ago.
I had a few yesterdee. I think my liver will be OK if I only have a few this year when Hawks win

I see Frumpy has been suspended again? Have to be careful not to get TKO-ed on points Procrastinator style?