Home & Garden I have a confession to make...anyone else?

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Team Captain
Apr 5, 2024
AFL Club
West Coast
My confession is that I use a leaf blower to blow the dust and dirt (mainly dog hairs) out of the house through the front and back doors.
The house was so dirty today and it took so long that the petrol blower set off both smoke alarms.
I also open up all the doors in the car and do the same thing and blow the dirt out.
I used to use a vacuum cleaner until I found the leaf blower in a verge pick up recently and have never looked back.
I also have a confession to make...

I wipe before I poo so that there's less to clean up. It's a great time saver.
I also have a confession to make...

I wipe before I poo so that there's less to clean up. It's a great time saver.

Mmm crikey that is an odd one, I wasn't expecting that.
Would you also confess to not wiping your bum at all to save on toilet paper and save even more time?

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I always put used matches back in the box.
That reminds me of another thing I'll own up to - I keep flat batteries.
My thinking is you never know when someone will knock on the door and ask if they can borrow some dead AAA batteries.
That reminds me of another thing I'll own up to - I keep flat batteries.
My thinking is you never know when someone will knock on the door and ask if they can borrow some dead AAA batteries.
So you give them away... free of charge?
So you give them away... free of charge?
Go Away GIF
So you give them away... free of charge?
Yes, I'm very happy for them to take as many as they want.
Are you interested in any? I even have just about every size of the little round watch batteries - all flat of course.
Yes, I'm very happy for them to take as many as they want.
Are you interested in any? I even have just about every size of the little round watch batteries - all flat of course.
I'm now getting reminders in my car to replace my fob battery. Spooky
I'm now getting reminders in my car to replace my fob battery. Spooky
I won't suggest what you should do with the battery once you replace it. But I know what I'd do...straight into the top drawer it goes.
I don't think any of mine would be any good to you, but you can try them if you like.

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I actually take them to the recycling bins at the front of Woolworths
Oh, that's OK. I'd thought I'd ask. I didn't want to derail this thread as it's such a great question by the member who started it to see if anyone would like to confess to anything.
I wonder if Woolies would like to confess what they actually do with your dead batteries.
Just to kick things along a bit because it seems hard to eek out confessions from people, here's another one of mine (and it could have been an illegal activity i'm confessing to).
In another thread, so it must be true, I admitted to gathering up life-size cutouts of gladiators from the 90's TV series that a radio station would dot around town in a competition.
My confession is not that I stole them, but I was smitten by the kick-ass girls in that show.
But my wife was not so enamoured - and that's another confession I'm make now - I'm not actually a Mrs!!!
Whew, it's a good feeling to get it off your chest....so give it a go...genuine confessions only tho. (Not for a minute do I believe the butt wiper confession, for instance.)
I used to take the odd $1 coin out of mums purse then when we were out I’d place it somewhere to find in front of them. They’ve always called me lucky Luke but I’m just a petty thief.

**** it feels good to finally get that out.
I won a few prizes at primary school for my stories, was quite a big deal. Turns out I used to plagiarise most of them from random books I read!
I won an award for best poem written amongst a bunch of primary schools back in 3rd-4th grade. Was tickets to some celeb tennis event at Memorial Drive

I copied the poem off a mates older brother who had won it years earlier with the same teacher! Only he didn't get a prize, only a certificate so that annoyed him
many many years ago, there was a furniture place along north terrace in adelaide (past hackney road) who had 4 elvis cutouts on 20 foot poles. a mate and i one new years eve got all 4 of them which involved 2 clumsy 21 year olds with no real knowledge of how to use tools, climbing up said poles, unbolting them and running across north terrace without being seen by the fuzz

cannot remember what we ever did with them, but that business they belonged to didn't last much longer

i've been holding onto that one for many years, thank you for the opportunity to let me confess
many many years ago, there was a furniture place along north terrace in adelaide (past hackney road) who had 4 elvis cutouts on 20 foot poles. a mate and i one new years eve got all 4 of them which involved 2 clumsy 21 year olds with no real knowledge of how to use tools, climbing up said poles, unbolting them and running across north terrace without being seen by the fuzz

cannot remember what we ever did with them, but that business they belonged to didn't last much longer

i've been holding onto that one for many years, thank you for the opportunity to let me confess
Who'd have thought that company success hinged on those elvis cutouts staying in place?!
You know you're welcome to confess to more than one thing.
Here's another one from me.
I confess to keeping old worn out insoles from hiking boots.
Boring you might say, but I found out something very interesting yesterday after I washed them all.
I found that some insoles took ages more to dry than others.
So, if you're going to get your feet wet when you're hiking then take out those prone-to-staying-wet insoles before you get the boots wet or use another sort that dry more quickly.
It just goes to show if you make a confession then someone may learn something that's really very interesting.
EDIT They are my insoles that I keep not from someone else's boots, in case you're wondering

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