Independent report into Hobart's proposed new stadium has found the costs of the project have been significantly underestimated

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Oct 8, 2004
AFL Club
Port Adelaide
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But if they don't build that stadium I reckon call the whole thing off. Like Adelaide, it will only work if a world-class stadium within waking distance of the city.
They are still going ahead.

When was the last time a major government building project was close to budget?

Do they look to make savings on the design though? Wooden roof may not be the cheapest option.

If it's built, makes them more viable to get more Test matches.
It's not so much that there will be cost blow-outs, but that the figures used overestimated the value of the land they would sell and didn't include some major costs. Cost blow-outs will happen after it starts.

The Tassie government have fudged the figures to get the green light and said bugger the consequences. Disgraceful.

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Tassie is in desperate need of an entertainment hub in order to get some semblance of relevance on even a national scale. Stage 1 should be the oval stadium, stage 2 a multi-purpose basketball stadium

Even with a stadium, it won't happen - it's WAY too expensive to bring equipment across the Bass Straight.

It would be cheaper for major acts to pay airfares to fly Tasmanian's to a Melbourne gig than to move their equipment down for what could only be a one-off show.
For $1 billion, you’d think they could have a better design.

Didn’t Albanese give $600 million for Papua New Guinea’s NRL team, yet will only give Tasmania $200 million?

That’s because PNG is a defense ploy against china.

They didn’t give it 600m just because of sports sake lol
Why does this thing have to have a roof?

Last I checked, AFL was a winter sport that could be played in wet weather.
It doesn't need a roof. The league put that as a condition specifically to make it harder on tassie. The league doesn't want 19 teams
It doesn't need a roof. The league put that as a condition specifically to make it harder on tassie.
Wrong. It was the Tasmanian Government via the Taskforce in 2019 who approached the AFL and said: "if we spend approx $300m on a new CBD-based roofed stadium, will you give us our own team?"

The AFL's response: "Yes. And we'll also give you $15m to help build it. And about $350m to setup the club."
These sort of things always blow out and once they're built, no one gives two shits.

From concept to build there's going to be inflation. with a major project that isn't a few grand, it's a few million dollars.

Alan Barnett in WA was a bit of a knob but at least he said '**** this in fighting about the site of the new stadium, we're doing one here' and we got Optus. people forget the new WA stadium was bickered about for about 15 years. everyone had an opinion and in the end we got a good venue.

Also the amount of money governments spend on shit.... you're paying for someone's meal or work flight right now.

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Independent report into Hobart's proposed new stadium has found the costs of the project have been significantly underestimated

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