Individual Player Reviews

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The Shev

Club Legend
Aug 10, 2003
Other Teams
This could be an interesting thread if we can collate our own previous player reviews from past years and see where they're at now. I was able to find my 2003 review but I don't think I did one in 2004, so I will post my comments that I made for each player and see how they have fared since then.

Steven Armstrong

2003: An extremely talented midfielder who will hopefully become a vital part of our team next year.
2005: Unfortunately, has not taken the next step and secured a spot in the team. Has a bit of talent but just can't put it together to have an impact in the game. Trade bait or on his last chance at Melbourne.

Daniel Bell

2003: Rated very highly, as a midfielder who has it all. Hopefully he can explode on to the scene next year.
2005: Hasn't grabbed a permanent spot in the team either but has suffered lots of injuries. Has lots of courage and a great work ethic. Could become a good defender. Must work hard in 2006 to earn a spot.

Clint Bizzell

2003: Very underrated, but we love him. Courageous and determined middle-sized defender who is absolutely vital to our club.
2005: No doubt he is past his best now, after 2 and a half awesome years. Has to battle with niggling injuries and no longer has a garuanteed spot in the team. Still has a lot to offer us with his experience down back.

Nathan Brown

2003: Handy half back flanker who gets plenty of the ball, but disposal, decisions and size all go against him. Not vital to our team and must improve to retain his spot at the club.
2005: Must admit I didn't rate him until last year. An important member of the team, runs hard and goes in hard for a bloke of his size, but his disposal and decision-making can be a big let down at times.

Cameron Bruce

2003: Exceptional footballer, can play a variety of positions, has great skills and can kick a goal. A good leader and still fairly young.
2005: We know he has talent but must turn it on before it's too late. I will put 2005 down to injury and hope that he returns in 2006 as a rejuvinated player, capable of becoming a star leader.

Nathan Carroll

2003: Didn't look the good early on as a key defender, but a couple of good, tough performances later in the season may have changed some minds. As some people have said, similar to Danny Hughes.
2005: Over the years he's gone from promising to a huge dud and now a decent player again. Hopefully the late-2005 performances will give him a big confidence booster and he can become a solid member of our backline.

Ryan Ferguson

2003: Young tall defender, who impressed at times. Needs to develop further but could be a very good player.
2005: Courageous. Some of the things we've seen from him this year have been brilliant. The type of player you want on your last line of defence. Needs to bulk up more, but hopefully the experience will help him take the next step in 2006.

Simon Godfrey

2003: Wins the hard ball, can tag players and gets a few possessions, but his disposal lets him down big time. Underrated by some, but not premiership material.
2005: What you see is what you get. A hard-working, tough midfielder who adds some depth to our side but is simply a back-up player. Getting on in age and will have to be resigned to Sandringham from now on, unless we get some bad injuries.

Brad Green

2003: A classy medium sized forward on his day, but soft and inconsistant. Needs to prove himself next year, possibly in the midfield or up forward again.
2005: I don't believe he is soft, but he is too inconsistant for a player of his quality. Has played mainly on a wing lately, but we know he can go forward. A lot expected from one of our leaders. 2006 is the year he must prove himself.

Chris Heffernan

2003: So much skill, I think he will do great next year. Not the hardest, but very classy and smart.
2005: Has failed to live up to expectation in his three seasons and does not have a bright future. Has not made the most of his opportunities on the field. Struggles to regularly find the ball and does not have a clear role in the side. May not be with us next season.

Ben Holland

2003: Our new recruit, a solid and experienced centre-half back, who will add strength to our team.
2005: Has played mainly up forward since his arrival. Is handy as a tall, who can occasionally take a mark and kick a goal, it is the ruck work and one percenters in the forward line which keep him in the side. Gives his all but definately lacks skill.

Cameron Hunter

2003: Very lightly built, but has some skill and will need plenty of time to develop. Could be handy in the future.
2005: Has not played a senior game for two years now and doesn't look like doing so. Has not established himself at Sandringham as yet. Maybe get delisted.

Mark Jamar

2003: Young ruckmen who is solidly built and looks to have a great future. Can't wait to see him play more often.
2005: Still hasn't secured a permanent spot in the side, even as a back-up ruckman, but has played sparingly. Has performed well at Sandringham but needs to shine for Melbourne when he gets his chance. 2006 could be make or break for the big youngster.

Travis Johnstone

2003: We all know he has talent, but must consistantly show it. Must step up next year after a shocking 2003. Could be a star.
2005: Finally delivered after years of promise. Our best midfielder and showed what a quality player he is. Isn't superstar material but certainly very good. Must back it up next year and not fade out again like he has done in the past.

James McDonald

2003: Had a great year. Similar to Godfrey, not as tough but better skills. Should have a future with us.
2005: Was a valuable member last year, but didn't perform at the same standards this year. Still important to our midfield, as he tackled well, committed his body and won the hard ball, but you get the feeling he might not be at his best anymore.

Brad Miller

2003: I really like this guy. Has a strong presence and could be a great centre half forward for years to come.
2005: Now plays centre half forward but is still very much developing his trade still. Not confident in his kicking and has a lot to work on. But his aggression and presenting on the lead is great. Is an important player for us.

David Neitz

2003: Champion. Most important player to the Melbourne Football Club.
2005: Unfortunately he is passed his best and may only have one more year left, depending on injuries. His presence is still important to the team and even in a terrible year, he managed 40 goals.

Alistair Nicholson

2003: Slow, average skills, not agile but is tough, experienced and was our leading spoiler. I don't rate him highly and I think he must prove himself at full back next year.
2005: Does the job for us every now and then and is our biggest and most experienced key defender. So he is important to have around. And although he did improve his game in 2005, he isn't a big part of the future.

Guy Rigoni

2003: An ageing midfielder who found himself between the seniors and reserves. Maybe one more year left in him.
2005: Sort of rejuvinated himself a bit in 2005 and may have one more year left in the tank. Is a straight forward midfielder with grunt and experience, who is useful as an emergency.

Jared Rivers

2003: Haven't seen much, but isn't rated all too highly.
2005: Exploded on to the scene last year at centre half back, winning the NAB and promising so much. Struggled to repeat that in 2005 but is a classy player who is very important for our future.

Russell Robertson

2003: Best and fairest and had a much better and consistant year. Is a good player for the club as the fans love him anf he adds excitement.
2005: Had his best year ever, kicking 73 goals and being our main focal point for most of the season. Although 2003 was a good year winning the B&F, he is now twice the player he was then. He is a genuine match winner, reliable shot for goal, far more consistant and a fine team player. The fans love him and has earned the respect of the football community.

Nick Smith

2003: Future key forward with a set of great hands. Has a long future at the club and hopefully will develop into a star.
2005: Unfortunately has not developed as yet and has not played a game since 2003. He has potential but it is useless unless he starts showing in, first at Sandringham and then at Melbourne. 2006 could be his last chance.

Daniel Ward

2003: Tough half back flanker, but needs to prove himself in 2004, as we have plenty of them fighting for a spot.
2005: Has almost dropped off the scene since 2003, regulalrly getting suspended or injured and unable to string some consistant games together. 2006 could also be his last chance to prove his value to the side.

Paul Wheatley

2003: Not much game time this year. Decisions and skills can be bad, but has potential as a medium sized defender. Must prove himself.
2005: Improved in 2004 and had a good year in 2005, in a set position on the half back flank. Can run and take a mark, has a booming right foot and takes our kick outs, but is still prone to skill errors and bad decisions. Keeps improving though which is good to see.

Matthew Whelan:

2003: Tough half back flanker, but needs to prove himself in 2004, as we have plenty of them fighting for a spot.
2005: Back then I rated him the same as Ward and Walsh (hence the same comments above) but we now know his true potential. Started the year in a blaze of glory, when he wasn't injured, but form dropped of a bit after that. He is gutsy, a terrific tackler, quick and skillful and generally mans up well. If he can play an entire season injury-free, he may even be AA worthy.

Jeff White:

2003: Talented ruckmen who is agile, but injury prone, soft and must prove himself or he could be traded. Maybe he could play more in the forward line.
2005: I have always been quite harsh on him, and this year was the same. At times it looked like he didn't try hard and never had much of an impact around the ground. Other times he was sensational, see Round 21. We must remember he rucked virtually solo for the entire season, and the new circle did nothing to help his game. May be past his best and needs a back-up ruckman now.

Luke Williams

2003: See Walsh. Much better year though then the other W's.
2005: Has always been a back flanker/wing type of player but certainly hasn't impressed at his time in Melbourne. Adds nothing when he plays, which is seldom, and may be delisted this year. No future I wouldn't suspect.

Adem Yze

2003: A great player who had an off year. Very skillful and dangerous going forward.
2005: Despite a solid return of 40 goals up forward, he had another very inconsistant season, much like 2003 and 2004. The best is gone, but he must still continue to find a way of helping the team. Disappointing to see such a talented player drop form like he has, considering he isn't even that old.
Respect each and every one of those appraisals.

Informative, unbiased and stated after a 48 hour break.

Probably what we all needed to do before rushing off to print diartribe.

But must admit, I had sacked Yze, Bruce and Green on Saturday.

Now that we have all calmed down, and probably copped more s..t, than we deserved, lets look at the playing list realistically.

We are not a bad side. The players, nor does our coach, who in my opinion has done more for this great club than the likes of Barassi, Northey (who really is not one of our own), Balme (similar), Jones, etc., deserve the ridicule that some posters have been stating.

I don't pretend to know the answer.

All I want is people to be honest in their postings.
I don't have that, but I do have this, an old post from 2001. I was only 18 then, and boy, have things changed.

I aint sure if anyone has noticed, but at it has stated that Farmer is very close to re-signing to a new TWO year contract with Melbourne.

Now, I think this is great, altho two years is not what Jeff wanted cos he wanted three to become a life member....but, oh well! I could care less!! I am just hopin like hell that he god damn stays with us!!!


Notice a few things:

1 - I was sucked in by Wiz. The b*stard.

2 - I actually used stupid words like "altho", "u" and "cos". Mind you, I had only been posting for a month!

3 - I was GAY enough to sign my name after every post, like people didn't know who it was in the first place.

Thank f*ck I got over that crappy posting stage early!

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Demon in Hell said:
Your a good Cowboy.


from DIH

I've actually been sifting through my old threads from 2001 and they REEK of gayness. I'm not embarrassed by them as I can laugh at how stupid I sound, but bugger me am I glad I somehow, someway got over posting like I did.

I was so positive and stupidly optimistic that it actually makes you sick. :thumbsu:
Time to hit the hay Cowboy.

Looks as though it's been a couple of late nights recently.

Sleep well till Thursday...........then stay up and watch the Aussies rip the Poms a new one.

Two all will do me.

Nothing else to savoiur but the Ashes.
Players Out Since 2004

Troy Broadbridge: Nothing much has to be said here. RIP Troy.

Darren Jolly: A young ruckman who never got an opportunity under Daniher, but was traded for a first round pick and has been terrific at Sydney. A win for both clubs.

Chris Lamb: Full back who showed such promise in 2002 when given an opportunity, but went down hill ever since then, possibly because he wasn't given an opportunity by Daniher. Delisted at the end of last year.

Scott Thompson: Just what our team needs, unfortunately there was nothing we could do as he wanted to leave. A tough, inside midfielder who can kick goals, he showed his talent at Adelaide this season.

Peter Vardy: A freakish small forward who we traded from Adelaide. Suffered too many injuries and called it quits at the end of last year. Was exciting to watch but just couldn't get on the park regularly enough.

Peter Walsh: A good servant of the club, he plained mainly off the half back line but couldn't sustain good enough form in his last couple of years at the club. Requested a move back home and was promptly traded to Port Adelaide, where has has rejuvinated his career.
Players In Since 2004

Matthew Bate: The 2004 Morrish Medallist, he can play forward or back. Has impressed at Sandringham this year and was an outside chance to debut, but will have to wait next year for his chance. Structurally, he is important for our future and we need him to develop into a good, solid player.

Aaron Davey: The revelation of 2004, he was plucked from the rookie list and secured a spot in the team instantly. The good thing is he was able to back up his first year with an even better second year. His pace is exciting, but it's his defensive work which makes him important. A real gem.

Lynden Dunn: Drafted early in last years draft, he is a young key forward with good traits about him. Can take a mark and is quite athletic. Along with Bate, he is important for our future. Hopefully 2006 will be the year he establishes himself in the seniors at Sandringham and after that he can start thinking about playing for Melbourne.

Ben Holland: Traded from Richmond for a second round pick, he has been handy as a third tall up forward. While his deficiencies are clear, he gives a lot to the team. However, he might find himself fall behind a couple of young talls if they are able to take the next step.

Chris Johnson: Take as a father/son pick in 2003, he had to wait until this year before making his debut. Showed a bit of promise, with his pace and enthusiam quite impressive, but will have to work hard next year to earn a spot in the side. Could be a talented half back/wing.

Paul Johnson: Traded from West Coast where he didn't have a good start to his career, he has come back home for a fresh beginning. At 200cm and +100kg, this youngster has the size, but also has good athleticism. Played only a few games but won the VFL Best & Fairest, which will hopefully help him take the next step in 2006.

Brock McLean: A top pick in the 2003 draft, McLean has shown he has the talent to play senior footy already. He is tough, committed, smart, uses the ball well and seems like a leader. While he isn't explosive, he is the type of player that every engine room needs. Only injuries prevented him from playing a full season. Will be a club champion.

Brent Moloney: Came to Melbourne after the loss of Thompson, he showed excellent signs in his first full season. The leader of our midfield at 21, Moloney gets the ball, crashes through packs and kicks the ball long and direct. So exciting to watch, he too should become a star for the footy club.

Michael Newton: An athletic forward who was drafted last year, he has been developing at Sandringham reserves and seniors. Have not seen him play before, and as yet there have been no glowing reports. But he is young and will take time to develop.

Phil Read: Picked up at the end of 2003 as a free player, he adds grunt and experience to our midfield. Although he can sometimes lose his cool, and his disposal is thereabouts, Read gives the Melbourne side that bit of mongrel which has been lacking for so long. Can't see him becoming an important member of the side, but is still handy.

Colin Sylvia: Has now spent two years at the club after being our first pick in the 2003 draft. Has shown signs of his talent but injury has generally prevented him from showing it regularly thus far. If he gets a full season under his belt, he could show the world what he is made of. Can't wait for him to develop as he is our brightest hope for the future.

Brendan Van Schaik: A young ruckman on our rookie list.

Matthew Warnock: A young tall defender on our rookie list.
Yup, this makes for good reading and mostly seems correct.

I think Nick Smith is the exception. He had glandular fever in 2004 and missed most of this season with a knee injury so there is still an opportunity to develop this player. I think we really need to stick with him and axe the fringe players.

Spot on with Brad Miller too and ferguson. Wonder why it took so long for ND to play him. He and Carrol made up a very strong Sandringham defensive unit.

Can't wait to see how Chris Johnson, Bate, McLean,, Sylvie and Dunn progress. All are top 10 draft standard so I think we have recruited well. Just need to take the opportunity to be a little courageous and axe a few and really set a plan for the next few years. I don't think we will see a premiership for 2 years. But i could be wrong as I thought the crows were going to be a bottom side.
dee_molisher said:
Yup, this makes for good reading and mostly seems correct.

I think Nick Smith is the exception. He had glandular fever in 2004 and missed most of this season with a knee injury so there is still an opportunity to develop this player. I think we really need to stick with him and axe the fringe players.

Spot on with Brad Miller too and ferguson. Wonder why it took so long for ND to play him. He and Carrol made up a very strong Sandringham defensive unit.

Can't wait to see how Chris Johnson, Bate, McLean,, Sylvie and Dunn progress. All are top 10 draft standard so I think we have recruited well. Just need to take the opportunity to be a little courageous and axe a few and really set a plan for the next few years. I don't think we will see a premiership for 2 years. But i could be wrong as I thought the crows were going to be a bottom side.

Agree with the bit about Smith. He deserves another year to get himself right for a full season of footy. I really think he has some potential.
Of the players who were at the club at 2003, the most disappointing thing to come out of your review is that many of the players have either gone backwards or have failed to develop much further.

This surely must be a coaching thing - it seems we are recruiting players with a fair bit of potential, but are not developing nearly as much as they should.

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melbournemartin said:
atleast Bruce showed us his best this year and if he can show it consistantly next year, watch out, this guy could be a star

Absolutely, how anyone can even suggest we should trade him is beyond me.
Proved early that at his best is a top shelf goal kicking midfielder. The problem is he relies heavily on his endurence, something injuries reduced.
I know he started off amazingly, but after his injury his form never got back to the heights it originally was. Which is why I said I will put 2005 down to injuries, and hope to see a fit and firing Bruce next season.
This is exactly my argument regarding AA selection.

Akermanis, Jonathan Brown, Chapman & Bruce were super until injury hampered their season. Would they have got in if they had have missed their games early and played all their games late?
tdubfleet said:
Absolutely, how anyone can even suggest we should trade him is beyond me.
Proved early that at his best is a top shelf goal kicking midfielder. The problem is he relies heavily on his endurence, something injuries reduced.

Smpletons or Armchair critics? Not sure but this guy Bruce is all class and if he can put it all together, could lead us to the premiership. We need players with the X factor. Most clubs that have won the premiership have always had a player with the Xfactor who have stood up and done something in the grandfinal.
dee_molisher said:
Smpletons or Armchair critics? Not sure but this guy Bruce is all class and if he can put it all together, could lead us to the premiership. We need players with the X factor. Most clubs that have won the premiership have always had a player with the Xfactor who have stood up and done something in the grandfinal.

He has been criticised due to his absence in big games when he is needed to stand up (QB this year excluded). He could be the superstar in the midfield we sorely need but he has to get a bit of determination and guts into him.

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Individual Player Reviews

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