Gym & Misc Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym II

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What if someone wants to use the weight plates for something other than bench press? (hard to believe, I know:rolleyes:)

People who don't put the weights away piss me off.

Not sure how it's hard to believe? Oh I see you're trying to be witty, nice work! There are separate weight plates, bars and trees for each different station (bench, squat rack, shoulder press) and they are full of plates a lot of the time so transferring plates between them would be counter-productive. It must be just my gym, because I've been going there for 2 years now and the unspoken rule seems to be 'each person has to set up their own weight before their set', not 'leave the bar the same way you found it'. I think it has a lot to do with the majority of the people who use the gym (it has a fairly small membership base) doing similar weights on the most of the barbell free weight equipment, so it just makes things convenient for all involved.

In the end I dunno why I'm bitching about lifting some plates, afterall I'm there to get fit, lol
Haha, exactly :). Have a read of, it might explain your irritation ;).

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Not sure how it's hard to believe? Oh I see you're trying to be witty, nice work! There are separate weight plates, bars and trees for each different station (bench, squat rack, shoulder press) and they are full of plates a lot of the time so transferring plates between them would be counter-productive. It must be just my gym, because I've been going there for 2 years now and the unspoken rule seems to be 'each person has to set up their own weight before their set', not 'leave the bar the same way you found it'. I think it has a lot to do with the majority of the people who use the gym (it has a fairly small membership base) doing similar weights on the most of the barbell free weight equipment, so it just makes things convenient for all involved.

Haha, exactly :). Have a read of, it might explain your irritation ;).

Read the page, I might exhibit some charactaristics strongly, but others do not have the slightest problem with.
I was working with 45kg db's on the flat bench for the last month or so in the 3-5 rep range, thought today i'd attempt 50's, I got them up for one but it killed the rest of my workout which was very annoying, defs not trying them again for a while.

Do you have 47's? I find DB bench is a really tricky one to progress on due to the large jumps.

What i normally do is aim for 3 sets 5 reps, but keep trying to get 6/6/6 for my work sets.

When i can get 6/6/6, i move up 2.5kg and then try and get 4/4/4. If i get less than 4 on the first or second sets i'll drop the weight down again for final 1 or 2.

I found that 6 reps of the lower weight was approximate to 4 reps of the higher weight. So tried to progress with extra reps before moving up the weight.

Would be great if there were smaller increments (1.2kg), but doing the above method has worked for me getting up from 40s to the 50s.


Just worked it out.. 5x50kg is the equivalent of 8.5 reps of 45kg or 6.5 reps of 47.5kg. If you don't have 47's i'd try and work yourself up to the 8-9 rep range of 45's before moving up to 50's.
I guess what I was trying to say is that people are free to do what they like in the gym. even if it is pointless. And all of this is because personal trainers, books, magazines and television feed lies to gym goers. Why do we live in the 21st century and yet scientific evidence in relation to health and fitness is completely ignored.

1. Women who lift heavy weights get big and bulky
Fact - testosterone levels in women aren't high enough to bulk up, secondly, most olympic weightlifters can squat 2-2.5 times bodyweight, clearly maintaining body size.

2. If you want to burn more fat you have to work out at lower intensity.
Fact - You burn more fat at higher intensity, but as a result require more carbohydrates to maintain energy levels; before, during and after the workout. In other words you burn more carbohydrates than fat, however when you perform low intensity exercise you burn more fat than you do carbohydrates, but the total fat lost is less.
[Advanced Sports Nutrition, Dan Benardot, PhD]

This is why you go to gyms, and women spend hours on the treadmills, bikes, and guys are in the weights area. This is because personal trainers don't tell people the truth, They teach guys one way, and girls the other.

I don't get what is so bad about woman putting muscle on their booty anyway. As the great sage Sir-mix-alot once remarked: "I like big buts and I cannot lie"

You can be sure some of the more famous chicks such as Beyonce, Jo Lo and Kardashian are squatting weight.

Any girl that asks me what is best way to lose fat I tell them forget all cardio shit except maybe to warm up a bit, squat weight for reps and your metabolism will go through the roof.
I don't get what is so bad about woman putting muscle on their booty anyway. As the great sage Sir-mix-alot once remarked: "I like big buts and I cannot lie"

You can be sure some of the more famous chicks such as Beyonce, Jo Lo and Kardashian are squatting weight.

Any girl that asks me what is best way to lose fat I tell them forget all cardio shit except maybe to warm up a bit, squat weight for reps and your metabolism will go through the roof.

Check out Jessica Gallagher, she's a weightlifter absolutely georgeous.
Here are some more fine examples of sexy women, who lift heavy weights, but hardly look bulked up, except maybe the figure girl, but still sexy.

Oh and here is a video compilation of gym idiots

1. The idiot kid squatting more than he can handle loses his head., probably why you don't squat on the smith machine. (The sad part is the weight is **** all.
2. the guy zercher squatting fail.
3. Matter a fact every squat fail in this video.

Cant get vid to work???
Here are some more fine examples of sexy women, who lift heavy weights, but hardly look bulked up, except maybe the figure girl, but still sexy.


This one is a fantastic example. She is obviously strong with good bmi but you would hardly call her too "big".

good on her.
if she went to my gym i would not leave without asking her out. Totally my type.

I train at home so haven't much experience with commercial gyms, but the few times I have been in them that one looks atypical. Packed out with douche's on jogging machines watching a tv, meanwhile tiny weights area populated with the only person in the gym who actually knows what they're doing.
Do you have 47's? I find DB bench is a really tricky one to progress on due to the large jumps.

What i normally do is aim for 3 sets 5 reps, but keep trying to get 6/6/6 for my work sets.

When i can get 6/6/6, i move up 2.5kg and then try and get 4/4/4. If i get less than 4 on the first or second sets i'll drop the weight down again for final 1 or 2.

I found that 6 reps of the lower weight was approximate to 4 reps of the higher weight. So tried to progress with extra reps before moving up the weight.

Would be great if there were smaller increments (1.2kg), but doing the above method has worked for me getting up from 40s to the 50s.


Just worked it out.. 5x50kg is the equivalent of 8.5 reps of 45kg or 6.5 reps of 47.5kg. If you don't have 47's i'd try and work yourself up to the 8-9 rep range of 45's before moving up to 50's.

Yeah, no 47.5's unfortunately, hence the big jump in weight. I was just feeling good on the day, so thought why not, it's the only time I've ever attempted them.

Will get back down to the 45's for another month and see how I go from there.. I'm keeping the rep range low when I get to the 45's, looking more for the explosive power than the slow grinding reps.
Yeah, no 47.5's unfortunately, hence the big jump in weight. I was just feeling good on the day, so thought why not, it's the only time I've ever attempted them.

Will get back down to the 45's for another month and see how I go from there.. I'm keeping the rep range low when I get to the 45's, looking more for the explosive power than the slow grinding reps.

Understand what you mean by wanting to keep in the low rep ranges, but i really do think you'll need to go up into the 6-8 rep range to try and gain enough strength to move up. It's not ideal, but i just cant see any other way around it.

It should only be temporary though - think of it just as a transition phase where you can go back to you low rep once it's done. Congrats on the attempt though, starting to get into some serious weight.

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Yep we all believe you do both.
Not upset, just find it lulzworthy some random guy on the internetz would lie about that.

Awesome detective work Sherlock. Congratulations you just made yourself look like the biggest stalker/psycho on the board. Do you have too much spare time or are you a serial killer?

There have been times when I've worked out at the gym and at home in the same period, hell I still work out at home occasionally now.
Awesome detective work Sherlock. Congratulations you just made yourself look like the biggest stalker/psycho on the board. Do you have too much spare time or are you a serial killer?

There have been times when I've worked out at the gym and at home in the same period, hell I still work out at home occasionally now.
Both, in my spare time I like to be a serial killer.
No, just no. Always put your weights back. Put things back where you found them is something taught to toddlers.

Yep absolutely. Maybe, maybe you could get away with leaving 2 20s on the bar but it's still a jerk move. Strip the bar, put your weights away properly.

Another thing that bothers me is when people will do a set with for example 10 on each side, and then they'll go and put two more 10s on the bar instead of replacing with 20s. During peak times it can be a real bastard to find the plates you need because people have left them on machines or in the corner or are using them unnecessarily.

Beyond that, the ol shrugs/curls in the squat rack is the only thing that bothers me that much.
Understand what you mean by wanting to keep in the low rep ranges, but i really do think you'll need to go up into the 6-8 rep range to try and gain enough strength to move up. It's not ideal, but i just cant see any other way around it.

It should only be temporary though - think of it just as a transition phase where you can go back to you low rep once it's done. Congrats on the attempt though, starting to get into some serious weight.

Cheers mate, I'll give it a go.
A couple of kids have just started coming to the gym in the last couple of months. One wears skinny jeans EVERY TIME. Who wears skinny jeans to the gym? Doesn't exactly irritate me as such, just leaves me a very confused individual.

I want to ask him why.
This bloke at my old gym used to take 6 or so DBs and just stand in the squat rack, doing curls, shoulder raises etc.
And sometimes he didn't bother to put them back.
usually when doing a superset some1 hanging around ...wanting to cut in or use the u let the person in...they do 1 set...totally f up your routine rythem and ..walk away.....

when there is 1 hot chick training....and she goes home.....

once another gym member took my water bottle....totally messed up my workout....sorta like in pumping iron when they stole mike katz t shirt....mentally i was gone...hahah
Yesdy I was pumpin the dukes...then went to put the dumbells back...and this guy is walking so slow in front of me..i was patient..

Then he looks around for 10 seconds at the dumbells while he can see me waitin behind him with 17.5kg dumbells (not super heavy, but enough to wanna put em down)

Then he finally chooses the weight righ next to the only two free spots left...and instead of grabbing them and moving away he starts curling right there...ffs mate why curl in front of the dumbell rack when someone is behind u

I had to reach next to him and rudely put my dummies back..he was oblivious the whole time..
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