Strength Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym III

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Jun 27, 2013
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If I had my own proper gym, I think I would only need a solid 45mins to do a great workout.

That means no need to waste time wiping sh*t down or putting away weights or worrying if someone is sitting on their arse surfing the net on the machine/weights I need to use next.

I would also definitely do supersetting, like on arm and back days, I would do calves without having to worry if the machine is being used.

My workouts go for a 1.5hrs, mind you I would say 45 minutes is rest.
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You have those days, were you dont feel like going, but when you go and youre at the gym, youre glad you went.

Im still at the stage where I dont want to go. Crappy sleep and feel hung over.

No I didnt drink alcohol last night or this morning lol.
I can categorically say that there will be many people that wont return to the gym after the lockdown if it goes for months.

Once motivation and hunger is gone, obesity and diabetes will set in eventually.
18 months ago, before covid hit we sat at around 880 members..
We are currently sitting at around 460, amd it's industry wide.
18 months ago, before covid hit we sat at around 880 members..
We are currently sitting at around 460, amd it's industry wide.
This whole pandemic will last for a few years IMO.

I think you will get a generation of people in a certain age bracket that would have trained that will simply give up altogether.

Those numbers you stated are sad and depressing.
This whole pandemic will last for a few years IMO.

I think you will get a generation of people in a certain age bracket that would have trained that will simply give up altogether.

Those numbers you stated are sad and depressing.
A few may be training at home but
Wanted to do inverted rows today on the Smith Machine, except some f**kwit was using it for Bench Press.

To be fair, there is nothing wrong with that unless of course he has zero technique and doesnt know what he is doing and wasting his time and mine. 10kg plates on each side (which is fine) but zero range of motion so obviously even too heavy for him. He would have been better off using 5kg dumbbells and pushing out 20reps.

I know and accept everyone has to start from somewhere and that level may be low, very low, but when someone does gym f**kery on equipment I intend to use, Im not happy. lol. :D :huh:

I try and think of the positive that I exhausted my back from the workout and maybe he saved me from an overkill workout for PULL Day.:think:
Wanted to do inverted rows today on the Smith Machine, except some f**kwit was using it for Bench Press.

To be fair, there is nothing wrong with that unless of course he has zero technique and doesnt know what he is doing and wasting his time and mine. 10kg plates on each side (which is fine) but zero range of motion so obviously even too heavy for him. He would have been better off using 5kg dumbbells and pushing out 20reps.

I know and accept everyone has to start from somewhere and that level may be low, very low, but when someone does gym f**kery on equipment I intend to use, Im not happy. lol. :D :huh:

I try and think of the positive that I exhausted my back from the workout and maybe he saved me from an overkill workout for PULL Day.:think:
Does your gym have a squat rack or rig?

Could've grabbed a barbell, chucked it on the j hooks or safeties and do your rows that way, I do it at home that way on my squat rack, works ok
Does your gym have a squat rack or rig?

Could've grabbed a barbell, chucked it on the j hooks or safeties and do your rows that way, I do it at home that way on my squat rack, works ok
Thanks for that. :thumbsu:

Yes it does and I know I could have done it in another area of the gym which is way on the other side, but I wanted to finish on time today.

As I said, the guy probably saved me from exhausting my back on PULL day.

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Thanks for that. :thumbsu:

Yes it does and I know I could have done it in another area of the gym which is way on the other side, but I wanted to finish on time today.

As I said, the guy probably saved me from exhausting my back on PULL day.
When will be your next day you train back?

Since my deadlifts got back up to 3 figures I've swapped around my rest breaks between leg day and back day to help the lower and mid back out, deadlifts really helping out traps and lats atm, DOMS most weeks there

Used to have 4 days rest between back and legs and 3 days between legs and back

Now I moved chest a day forward to straight after back day and do legs 2 days after chest, so mainly running with

If I'm not too busy and can handle it
Mon: back
Tues: chest
Wed: cardio/mobility
Thur: legs
Fri: cardio/mobility
Sat: shoulders/arms/upper body pump

Then if I'm busy I'll shift my splits back 1 day and start on a Sunday

Has helped bigtime over winter and hasn't been too much strain on my shoulders too going straight into chest after back, but you do feel it after 2 big days to start the week, Wednesday a recovery day mainly atm.
When will be your next day you train back?

Next PULL day is for Wednesday.

I took Friday off (normal day off), but Saturday off was unexpected. I was too mentally exhausted to go, on reflection it was the right call, even though today I also didnt sleep well the night before I had an easy day on Saturday so it was a bit easier to get through the workout.

Thanks to you, Monday is Legs Day. Normally I would have just done PUSH day and began a new cycle.

That may also explain why my legs are not as advanced compared to my upper body. :$
Next PULL day is for Wednesday.

I took Friday off (normal day off), but Saturday off was unexpected. I was too mentally exhausted to go, on reflection it was the right call, even though today I also didnt sleep well the night before I had an easy day on Saturday so it was a bit easier to get through the workout.

Thanks to you, Monday is Legs Day. Normally I would have just done PUSH day and began a new cycle.

That may also explain why my legs are not as advanced compared to my upper body. :$
So I assume you do 2 upper a week and 1 legs a week?
Yes two cycles per week.

Usually with the second cycle, I try and enjoy it a lot more.
That's pretty hardcore 2 full push pull legs cycles a week, do you mix up the exercises/volume from early in week to late in week?

Last time I did similar was back when I was 16-17 leading into summer holidays and through the summer until footy preseason got the better of me in like late February, also only had to go to school like 2-3 days a week in November, so had plenty of time in the gym before Xmas. But yeah it was Mon Tues Thurs Fri upper lower upper lower, went in mid morning most days, boy cricket training was hard Tuesday and Thursday nights, felt the morning weights put me off bowling bigtime, wasn't too bad with footy/cardio though.

But yeah, my program was pretty basic, just followed my days 1 and 2 on days 3 and 4, took a while to power through it, eventually dropped to a standard Mon Wed Fri split, chest tris, shoulders legs, back bis
That's pretty hardcore 2 full push pull legs cycles a week, do you mix up the exercises/volume from early in week to late in week?

Last time I did similar was back when I was 16-17 leading into summer holidays and through the summer until footy preseason got the better of me in like late February, also only had to go to school like 2-3 days a week in November, so had plenty of time in the gym before Xmas. But yeah it was Mon Tues Thurs Fri upper lower upper lower, went in mid morning most days, boy cricket training was hard Tuesday and Thursday nights, felt the morning weights put me off bowling bigtime, wasn't too bad with footy/cardio though.

But yeah, my program was pretty basic, just followed my days 1 and 2 on days 3 and 4, took a while to power through it, eventually dropped to a standard Mon Wed Fri split, chest tris, shoulders legs, back bis

Its hardcore for me, tbh someone like yourself who is trained properly could do it comfortably. Mind you I also do take long rest periods between sets which makes a massive difference in getting rep ranges up.

Your program sounds like a professional athlete lol. Thats a good thing by the way.

When I go back to mixed martial arts, I intend to taper my program down, which in reality is what it probably should ideally be.

I know where I want to be at, in terms of physique and strength. Im probably 3-4 months off from finishing then tapering and maintaining.
Its hardcore for me, tbh someone like yourself who is trained properly could do it comfortably.
Reckon my lower back would struggle eventually with it, would need a heap of isolation machines/movements with back and legs

I reckon if I were to do it, I'd go something like

Mon pull (heavy compounds mainly, pulldowns, rows etc)
Tues push (chest oriented, with a bit of shoulders and tris at the end)
Weds legs (squat and deadlift here)
Thurs pull (bicep heavy here I'd say, hit mainly isolation back movements, like rear delts, cable lat pullovers etc, probably need to do a bit of mobility to warm-up)
Fri push (shoulder and tricep oriented, maybe do some incline presses to hit ant delts too)
Saturday legs (probably hit the leg curls and leg extensions here, maybe some core work would be good here too)
Sunday off
Mind you I also do take long rest periods between sets which makes a massive difference in getting rep ranges up.

Your program sounds like a professional athlete lol. Thats a good thing by the way.

When I go back to mixed martial arts, I intend to taper my program down, which in reality is what it probably should ideally be.

I know where I want to be at, in terms of physique and strength. Im probably 3-4 months off from finishing then tapering and maintaining.
Nice man, hopefully 2022 goes well for you then with that plan. My program has bits and pieces from my physio in regards to strengthening my problem areas which I mainly implement on leg day, but largely it's what feels right for me knowing my body over the years, along with taking the odd hint from certain body-builders/powerlifters etc, nothing professional about it, lol.

I think I've always preferred to go hard over summer then go into maintenance through winter, however with my injuries that hasn't been the case and I just go hard when I feel my body can cope with it, or if I'm not doing anything demanding with work/studies so take the opportunity then too, which summer has regularly provided time for. I had a hip flexor over Xmas though, took me 2 months to be pain free from it, come March after a few weeks building up I went hard for a month long block which felt good initially as I was craving getting back into it as 2020 was largely a good year for me physically and not doing much for 2 months felt like a big setback that needed eradicating quick, however that was a bad idea and come end of April and through May I was in a rut, however I got myself out of it in June through persistence a bit of tinkering and training smart and have progressed since. Basically forced myself to have 3x30-40 minute sessions with a few walks around the neighbourhood on off days, didn't care what I did, just get the work in. Normally built my session around 1 heavy compound (tbar rows/bench/deadlift) mixed in with 3-4 isolations/medium volume exercises that I supersetted and that was enough to get me back on track, then I progressed to 4 days a week for a shoulders/arms day. My workouts normally hit 45-70 minutes since and have maintained it since.

Had a deload week this week, only went hard on back and triceps this week due to getting my high pulley, but they were 2 areas I probably could ramp it up with, did bodyweight legs and only 2 medium chest exercises when I was blasting the triceps etc. Will hit it hard for 3-4 weeks again then have another deload, seems to be working so far.

Might hit the biceps hard tomorrow, plenty of close grip pulldowns and rows I think before some barbell curls
Jeez its depressing seeing newbie gym season not spark a wave of complaints in this thread.

Stay strong my swole bros and sisters.
Not so much a complaint, but rather a concern.

I was in the gym the other day, there was this huge 'roider doing his workout, big deal I guess, plenty of guys on the gear. However with this particular guy, there appears one or two screws definitely loose and he genuinely looks like he is about to go into a fit of rage.

I know its coming, I also know my limitations, Im getting out of his way. :$

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Strength Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym III

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